125 Animais Boarded 160 Office Helà2 50 Caree Trii 0 ae Tano - SATOPart B oudr1r Western Pif.l'euse O u I : s 2? Houe ido aria cashde. Expeienced. -i 105-875-4241. S138 Homfe Imorovement tt orDpoal o9fl tl SDECORATIVE PLASTERING. Intiro and ABTCO QOMPee ou D p ma n6to9n nt$ auhameae Boit rla en sorte. cedsing contet, viilen Mnw- caaisir svvuvo lnrsnui e Spanai moulding. colunm restaratiOn wark. Ac ou Ye*g & mlets n C Me a'Ji Coutert Buiness 5 $=paa d ulnwrit fa youE design. For CUSTOMER SERVICE BuiesAmn aitya a lasewrt rotdrywail In siabSEVO Computer & Netwourk Technician Medical Office Assistenti ABT Builing Produets Canada Limited ls an Computer.Sippont Specialisi Rceponiai 145 Gênerai Helo Wanted v itenlana Compn autwY vJ8C i til idéng Executive Secretaiy *Travel & Tounismt E OTCEOAVETIEO ur Acton Vînyl Slding Plant hoas an Pitre YourgJIin an exciting new Career' Il could happen ini as me C Itta mmm iDERIgia coeimmedîie oppoflunitv for a CuBîouii.r lilea tHM andilj all begins wih one phtone calL. crîmination becauiao airo agi x, menal eric ~upisor with lte following mr yD m aieas, rac. creed, nabinaity. anceiiey or qulfiaios [71 :aii ci agi adhavaroc*irlIy trlia neoripapor miaurvea tue nght ba malle *njy worlung in a fast paced environrnieft S»Caudy, changes aertis co exaperrnce in order processinti wuth an itte- ( Z T R M-Fbur $E T RU $grated computer sYsiant as assaimw Use -computer sillis - lord processi and à___________ toL $vRWR preadslteets B i RAMPTON CAMPUS GEORGETOWN Tired of the sarre aid 9-5? Loouîng to ecellent teleptione and interpersonai skis 339 Moais St. North, CAMPUS împrove? Local food distibutor requires 3 :blt epcleOv n al !ý'n Nrho odnS. 9Sw* v- people t0 service thte Nation area 7,lt 0pc"e av n mk *eSOt (of - VdinS. 9 nli v $Full trining, noeperwle nervsarY *enpenieiice in buîldloqmaieis indtiStry an 454-5932 8395 flincomre $650-Sloe*hly/comnIlîSf Iissal $New coald cal t hree la tour years of supervisory/managil 210 Prsona 20VhcesfrSl SOppoituritty for adulancemnent experience ASunbf ad airali? For rails coi 1178-51%, a 1N87 PLYMOUTH Caravelle LE, 4 dr. 2.5 4 cyl. Sce 90% reput sae W. are eni equai oppoflîunty employer 24-hour or"l fine for ibuiad affrnie. Htaitei mutomatic, power brairs and nlaamg. Asist. 33m.1711 Ask for Mircus Pfaefradyu eunsi ofdnet: Wantans Place i an enforgency ahils avi- Catisiar 6 519-853-3472. -ABT Building Producia Canada Umltad bill Raglan. AI oe aile conidenl. 250 Bu iss 0 nid *j' *Io Lange Mariagiflie Asaaoclatii ARE D11110 oauang you pgoblie? Niroolc FOR SALI- Etatbeid Childen'a Roile ,hrm Nome Imm.dlately Il Bridge Street Annmu cr alp . mee Frley niglul ai Boutiue. Orie Poeiel. exclant appaiiaily. * ~ ~West Montrose, Ontailo Grâce Anglia Chi. Main Sau. Mhan. ai comiplota fmrnkiy opinIon. 878-507. *AbSoly i4o E.penece Rvi6u232 N.OS 2V0. E________________ FACIOPPORTUITY Ca elrliOd Fia: 249 336423 ARE VOU DEIN dbIcIkI by ecaneoeir @b.EASEUEE AUTO LEASIO 1-0-41646Na agencies or phane Cilalui dulehing? A6, Aoon Family GOmuP maileid ________________________________ Altrougir ait responses are apprecited ooIy Mod b nigh oo (Pm et SaI. Paiturs>n Cril8 Evirfoadys dolag tii tehy? Bicui a allesi *OOlyPERSON WRANTED aih et lieut 7 yun those selected for interviewis w/if be contadted 482. MO#a iduV . B e offbe l l ae eoreCAUSE Sto 10875447 E i EVANLV AAVS..Po" Uei Us. Rited 01 Sala"umk»efotfi CUE 11 O I an$360400 ual/Y. 6 8 r flana an Colir, Rilagonslîi, N.Y. Prodailai. - omagets vllela Ysar round poiioans. Hwwi boIt mndeoittalin.18.1-0-41406 mngein Pria mmoond b oard. Wile vain Cd 7 days. 1 - SALES & MAR<EM1O ADMUSTAATO Nop/lial p15.cu background05 in baitN o Ma 1 U04-61-7778. «IL 204 C04. TV SPECIAL - DATINGI Thumsdays and Friday n-um -eW . -posml Dsn Wa have an excellent opporiiatîty for an in- aii 11:30 AM on Value Plus Channei 55 (or 44 ai~BU LU incrn. **enmn SARN up ha SM5 à wiiif Wbi ne People ha di,duai ait alrang stterp19aaoit ai/li, s"lu depending on area). Diacover firnit trend ti~10<pu nulicraOvrit hall casa ya (o webrc lti ff-W.)n<ePatana wt ii n a nann why thousands oi people have Io ndaalbe Sol> audiuhi collet Io ot yurhie No an aktn epnocompunt er pe- happirneas, love and a meaninglul relatio ur~ Cofliaq.: Franehlia Dlrectof, 416-234- aipirannaneieeSnd a »# bona alto la a lsornt ployer and him excellent hilisFrnanainadadiiniaid 77o ole / stenpedelaç ha.wIo Kevanaiti Corp. 901 vai"a od orrio canmiiticaiioil skili. Our fîmes, plase cfiii 1-800-667-0117. GOVERNMENT Aassiance Programa, - Maihiion Blvd. . E.,. Unit aS . Ref 607. comnpany delvari ai IWtQ a ieOl _ _______________langeOfk - tti vitabW. Crantsanmd 4Lt for O lki"aalg. Ontario L4W 2V3. mvon inese tpdusadkmc 25 tPrt$ F r nléew or aistitg buiness. 1-800-915-361 S. MNN CREA11VE OMMtain Uliuidm for 111-Y ha etrpeat andIdvde SCRAP CARS ressnti ued or Aki. Prompt KEEP VOUA JOB, have yours ow uitoriv tilaisyk f irn ervcei l4antlane Mueat be pckp ad DelivaiT, ad isallation cf guarai-inu'nàpleci 88 aI a onous anale onvaisalan. Flan sUEa Thte pallton i ittiollM pWriçiniit amt fi- ed usid parie. Siriativilli Bush Auto ~ l~e u ie iWe.88 Great Isay (906)664-7111 lau up 01 Mdit mail progaime Wrachara,à 6978-7778. 2202. PAR liE micu nibl piioi rec for meetings. preparitiona of plansanmd26 Te es PRu TuIME mm»s mai. P@111%nza eqirta prposow office adiitrio an fft 230 Vhiles for Sale26Tedr Plisues Musng rsm m ni eri h airmepis lit Oi aciliiti reports. The succeSicul- Car, W"c S uxz Avjtmie fil rttFn "ilte muet havebo s lon e apnnn 192 CMEV Cavalier R S. Vif. P/L, P/W.,TNE ______«__________ euh Miorasa  n.-31kwU M appimbaaend tiIe " aijilntilO &WImuI&. causes Mmr. 1110,1)(1 TENDERgo"Ha mMTndr RESIDDITA. CLMAERS r e. MmiwaY Io ha k uins boit cuir Milthnand l àaiuagaP luta., noie Irai. A.B.S. $8.000 nartld. Cali 878- TtidhnRoayHuilaOiade Fniday Cal 876-1672. filna o40r 676-4217, - larre Sapde Syain. Thesi»@du-df mstla 150 HeIn offiONesAC e reo@W-edr no n Iliai 3 p.m. Mato 1. Sales PONIA pimesdo i ya uuih UmkIR LE, 4 doar. ilti Cope of fin Tende umeis AP- ______undorlaitour___-_e:_&Zair pouser slalgpau bralls plcalan 91485 aiti Cerbitale M573ans AM/ M cissite, 106,000 kntî. prfe rai nt Hailon Reowffl HSuf for piMi lTe Main St Ftniacla Sauvais OrOUP. condlion. naifli 51-653-06 up bellosen 9.W arn. - s.o pin. Mn* AD VER TISING Sos3 siaae Ave. Wet leu HVIJNOA EXCEL. oeitfd, coto d though Friday. Tihi loeist tenider or aftY Blihan. OnR. LOT, nantwiig rder. i70.00 lutm. $2.000. 878-467. tender ail noi eoialy bu acoper Cal 1 Fax: (905) 858-8M3 CREIT PAOLI No aude Or bla O nil if 16 7-tB Creaive enegetc rpresntaiveUIC. FBA. WCB, Bankrupt? Nie> anroiher required for weekly publication 170 - 18P akvcAbCrdt MraW tae Enfloyable and challenging opportuni- '1705 300M- COUPLE looklng lot country houai, le ty for somneone viho en oysjariety and ATTENI\E ont> caeing enuomn aalbaeupb@Wile. kî Possil dit hcw» bait working in a fruendly atmrtsphere. for hante ob&yc» Lustaitai £sda prver>.- Ca Dea le______________________ Salran comisin acilt. 1764415. SITWO lâenaongrouer> lace amarent dit Saa n omsin OUAuTV DAYCARE iveakhs for ana child 1 .lWhn587- Send resumne to: . yea or aider. 8 Yom&e ençeience. varifai ofi- .W--- ,L la 0elailtlete ~ 29)dor/auidoor aclvilli Excellnt refieroncei SAE Fo R. ent, BOX 2091 ~CPRIfiet Aîd. 8784278SAES LASR COfIc Caradiut Chamtp/art RELiABLE DAVCARE avaliabia, 14 yeara NEW &USED 3 *EDROOM TOWNHOME aviliabl@ 1,91 Main Street East eapmie n aill ro~rlnis aailesla. fil UUESAE knfmil4yi- on00 pa mti li ili Cm Milton, Oniario Of». A FAMILY BUSINESS * i sk miaelW.(0)8600 L9T4N9 175 Dome1Stic WITH FAULY VALUES NRC dean faciites lit Alot. cloie ha P@"nA 15 SiIed He~EXPERIENCEO allaItle Ciianing Lady, Cali WE - BUV . SELe - LEASE Avilslaui y - 06 $M--a No dOge plem 5_______________ 332-»9. LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED élg4s-aa7s. Pant Maintenlance oerson 210 Prsonal VEHICLES IN MILTON TNREI BEDROOU Trouehsia. lcail te rarerdw arr neranical and relrfcal InaiLe/g Ofl7-Mohiààlcf;l .$,0 ogi.lta lndanîltial enuipTet and lIdinîts Eiuivcin 18 DAINKINO aauelng you probleuaa Ai 87-27 idamm Ad l 4 iaiiosaomaiI.tt£ mydraulîcs weiding baiCe riionic cortla0d cohallai Ailoitymioia ma Tuiidey nW ig ToR4O4ui. à halom. 2 ruffalem. eleciîal etîmn ns Weillas pîrflvîe Grâce Anglican Churei, Mait Striai ai 8.30 p- n».se.$ .0i i Iy i n mannarice Laîced la/ustinaiM/larlgh 1,020-80-4862. Mamle1Mi ie.f algi All00a y l t ma o pîeelried flease MARUÈ COUNSIWNG OERVIED euiai- ds.Aiiehuit646. respnd aihi îsating salay rilictionI o idin-groemm-M u 1111111 F HALTON RECCIGLD Agla grief. eiee~Cvam il122 Pioneer Road :=lala aid àlleed (sE Wu $MI Neuu- *UlIlgOI, naro 7Mi 4 talaon la frai. SI/&Q ia.% P l Film Oa r cm us 7- Burligton Onbio L7 1 K . %ory Pin@ loreun appaietfnmt (W06) 675-36%41. f FaiayeaRsarnoe ( 7-M