S PORTS Blades edge Milton 4-3 in overtime By STEVE LeBLANC Special Io The Champion The> han Ilicir. 14-gamc unbcatcu sik~a k snapped ihis pasi weekcnd, yci even in defeai the Milton Mervhanîs rcfuscd lu walk away ernpiy liandeil. Thec urss came cuurfcsy of tlic Blades. wlio squeaked liy wril a 4r3 decfRion Sunrlay aficinion in Oaksille. llosscsr. the liurn iearn nccded ovcrime tri clim thelictioy - aud as a resaIt, tlie Merelsants skatcd arsay wif h one mure point for thieir efforts. Wit Isu previuus wins ast wccir, 3-2 and 4-0) decisions user Bramalea andt Burlîngion resper- ively, Mîlton continues mu sit mn third place in tlie Wesi Conference wmih a 22-13-7 record. "Our defensemen were airocîous amiti thse puct and our forwards amere sofi up front as amelI," said liead coach Gregg Carrigan of Sanday's loss. "Susday aftnont garies have momi besn gnd for us tbis sson, tlie gsiys amere nat quie focused for tlus one. "Wc sem 10 "ae ou many penalfes agalnst isern (Oakvile snd they were very gond os lte puck battles t oday. Tbey've beaten us four imes niow and 1 dont relisi th limof facnienm te finrit round of te playoffs,' le added. Oakvmlle's ovetime aminnier caine off dm stmck of Jay Stewart, ambo caught a picce of rime puck frons a bad clearmng atiempi by Milton goalie Dave Dolecki ansd slammed borne a low slaptitot wmith Doleckm oui of position. Tie Mecclants hld corne back ttec tsegaine ai 17:44 of the thiro on a sioby RobertGuhala. wbo lad assmsted on 'bot sccoid-pcrrod goals tu hclp lus ltton enrase an early 2-ff Oakville lead. Alto scontri for tite visiters amere Plul James and. Criy llulland whule James anmd Pnisu Kekkr nlrew single assisis. Dueckm caine in mu worr file fast Issu lien ods plus nîsertîre, afier starter Steve Besslcy*s îîncong Ilu bug gui thli btier ut lim rn t he upening fraîe. Tamo nmghms carîmer aI hiome, ihle Merchans recocnled iliemr fuuurtli struigli amis agamusi flime lirsi- placc Bramalea Blues. Thc streak iscludes a terni- runaI vmcîury ai thc Newmarkct Shossease Toumnamrent. Whmle bolrliugoff on their usuaf tglt-clierking. aggressive format. Milton amas able lu stay close lu flic Blues îhrougli te firsi mwo penod.s - crasing a pair of one-gual Ieads before movmng aliead lliemselses mn tle final 90 seconds uf play. James nioced tle poamerplay ganse wiuner. He dmd a sice job of redmrecing a beautîful Rmck MacDonald slapslioî mîrougli goalic Bob Dacostas legs. Alsô sslsting os thle play was Gubala. Turihing in arosher somnd performance btMween thie pipes amas Dolecki, wlio earned his l2th win tlis scason. ieff Haydar played big up front simd scored lits esm's first goal and assmsted ou Kekkt's second-period goal, a blueine wmnst slsot for lits fmrst of lis year. Drammng a pair of assmst; was Boias Jouecs, whilc Richard Reid had ose. Captais Steve Clarke turmed mn an impeessive two-amay effort amiith big chsecks ai boili endis. 'lunee was tomne big penalty kmllmng on boil sides tonight (Fridayi sind stime very gond posiional play. We didIt seem to play our garne untml 1 le third peid Nef are that we weren'i forechecking or driving Io the nset, said Carnigan. Mtlton's vtcio-y rie urigo last Tmsesday lut Memorial was tlsetr hIard situtouitmIls seasot and m frii for Doleckm, wbo came up big with lama doces saves iThe game sasi a, saumer rît affiliale players railed up tnciudiug Clois Hecaicy sud Jefi Dean fruin the Etn JtiniorC Sliamris.ks audSteve lRoy and [larren Haydtar of thk Haiton Huriane rmdgeis. Tley dmd a solid joli replacmug Jrnes, Huiland. James anmd Slcve Adams, whlo ail sut ui uit nag- gmng injuries. The Merchpnis liad tifle troruble scormug thie amîn agais the uffensmvcly weak Cougars -ambo currently st smx puoints behind Smý Mîchaelîs for the final playrrff spot. Reid led ihe atLacr wrtli isu goals aimd an assist wmhite Clarke auj Mark McPhami addcd singles. Drawimsg Iwo assis(% %mis Kevin L-amb, witli single kîlpers gumng lu Clarke, Jeff McAiihur anmd David DelMoue. b Merultat notes: No official deLmsmon lias conte from îhe OHA on wlielitr [lave Aussens wmli kc allomed lu, relsin ibis season. Coach Carrigan satd furilier discussions are currently bemng iteld belween tle OHA, Aussens and the Bramalea coaching staff. He sdded liý ofty amants tke 20- ycar'old forward toi relm if lie is ready to play aimd able 10 haudie himself. Captais Steve Clarke and defenseman Jeff McAitwuh ad drem an assisa while representtng Milton ait lat Wednesday's ail-star garne in Bowrnanville. llsetr West Cliuferesce squad losg a 6-3 decision lu the Est Ail-Stars. Along amilh seetng occasional cc lie, wuit te junior club, 16-year'old Dhrren Haydar lias been sliowcasmng lits offensive talents with tlie Hurricane midgcts mis season. Las weekend kc took bouse titrer garie MVP awards aimd was the leading scerer ai a ouisainent mn Niagara Falls. He seoucl six goals sim 15 oatil points. Tie Meechaias lotu Stmmttville titis Frnday siM travel to Turons t10 balie St, Mmchal' Suisday. iJust thcm Of lmi Yout Kwoo Do CUst Rof *Ul etU Rem Phob by W.I. Dick basketball teams b rinig home gold Il ssas a doublec dose of sweef vie[îury isi pasf wcc kcud for the WA icrk Wildcafs, %hiosc girls and boyvs basketlf icarrn ucdi tirouglif hontechalrnpirinship god front flhe MJcenit-Smsii Bennett Mustang Marin heur Toumrnmnf. The WifdcaI ladce Ifcamrilled through fheir cornpeififo, faiiniiiig four sfralgri wrus. including a cciisc 17-f15 fnuinp ruser crossfowii rirai Sam Sherraif in flic Enro ute lo fhec rlampirinsfip sliir clrown. fthe Wifdr,ifs ficai Slicrràif92î arnd ,irrcrr u (CnciiriliP 2; 11ru round rohuri àiiru n d ien dt-sirtiscd Sicss.rlfrisn 4f if ru flic sciijiIuiir i eari mg fhe tcss gante fuir Xm f Dick ýas firisie nderin ntfih 4 pruMif u n four, ganie% Poinf guirri Samtaniha Kindre ý,r, erfid ou dcfcnse au.j itllffd f5 puri i r,iii ic-il (iurdiig. Naidia Iî ie ff,. McFarquar and cf.rPrrýcls rff fui dfouble, digit a, %scff 1 nirrlsrpsng flie resi of flic quad amrc Chlisi y Roherf son, i aurai ifafauirilf. Jacquie. (alherv. Carrmn Sparks Ausiin. Jesica Simnpsorn anud Tira, Jikes Ick Wikkat Ni,» wcrc afir, a perterf 4- f in Ilc horancif, aid dumperi Slécirrrit 50f 37 un fhec finafs ru fake flc goldil igli srrr in flie chimpiinslip ti vcre i rrol Blinli wîfli fi poirnts. Liarru Mcmi wîfli rne aud Mite Sincfair siihi cigli Qrmaricrbacking flic defenus ra poit guard Carn Isans, %ile Adamm l-r-dcrks and Dirug Horpkins ciiuirrulted the game aumierneaii flie boiards, pfling duwn numeirrrus rchutds, Wildcats are looking, sharp Eni girls' bail ie W.I. Dick Wikjcat girls' baskefiali iea"m ha bee una[a titrougli theceariy sia*s 6f their 1996 sason, clialking Sp thiç straight wîns for top spot in the Northi faltun standings. Wins have crnme againsi Stewattown, MelÇenzie-Srnîth snd Centennial, wilh lio6pstn Clissie Henderson and Sammy Kiqdree leadfing te way. I* hboys' action, tite Wildcalfs aest a 49- 47 bqueaker tu Centemnial last week and fcIllt second witb a 2-1 record. Themr wins have cornte againsi McuKenzic-Smith and Stewarttown. Cam lyaps lias biesn W.I. Omet's tpp male shter of late. hitting the double digit mark twice aloeady. Sam Sherratt's girls squad st second amit a 2-I showlng while tieir boys' coew art, 1-2 for lifili place. Bmokvillc's boys' and girls' teauta are bll*12.