,Minor a.toms rewvarded tith,two goals. ntad 4 betreen swo by a ithirlarînd of eoergy in Aaron Cowey. who made a beaitifi baekhand for the fourth malter. Bîlly Stevenson had a pe gpit ani am iways in the action. Ryao McMnade sorte pretty savý belote being shh up, turning dutica over te NM Fielding lai in the second. Assists were creditesi to Eltis. Cmtos mnd Johnny.Gleed. Tht ncxt day, againat Guelph. the teain built on their ssengths wuth mecutite, pusin and doesi defensive huaient. rakmg tht gaine a contest decided by graa end tu endi rushes which paid off in thet 40 %vin. ('entre Mike Ley aras llyang. cavering both ,.ds of tht ice, whîle Ellis madse a nice play conting front deep ins bis cnd to tuck.it under the opposing goalie's padas. Gleed aras outstanding arith bis work front. the defensive end ta carry the puck in for a couiple of rocket shots. one of wltich went ini off a rebound and the othe& qhrough the goalie*s glose. Mait Clark played supeibly arîdi vigorous hackchecks to strip tht puck from the Guelpht forarards while William 'Goba patrolird bis amp., pouncing on chance.% Io force the play in the offensive zsoneý Chnis Ilay was strong to catch t#é opposi- tion rushesrntd deflect'thent ti tij corners F'ielding had the 4hutouI. his flrst oif the year. and played well te round eut a dîtrong effort by the arhole tram. Other Zoals arere scoreS by Ellis and Siockton. ani otiter assists arere recordrd hy Ley. Gleed and Ellis. in other recent action, the Hurricanes arere back afiera five day layoff. Ilalion rÔok aarhile to find theil stride but Mike Ley ignited the fire wîîh mn cnd te end score. William Goba kept tht firearorkif alis'c ariti twe goals and an asst. Fine passing ansi control in the offensive zone mcmit the score cnsuld have been macht higiter titan tht lookigood against tough Stoney Creek 4-3 final in }lahon's favour. Defenccntm Samn. Maraius in goal atta esned hai in aog hyhphm ttaillih thé %a peri- insit Vanoerbrggcn gave sontethins extra. die ganmarit' tht Sueuvlle am empty but od tell by a 6.1 -cc. l1ie dabulve trio cf canling an assisi, and wus aiso effective in Fax u to the challenge. Vuid.. rbreggen, Nlay mai Glnd woeWa most directing thas effort into controttIm5 tht e Thtmm made its way tlffcugh a bowling of die pu and dld sa adotrble job of off- oppontenta. 'Ný moaatoSa to a4amt in Welluid, and aI. undnrg t laper sized Welland playera. l% deksc aras foedin dm foreurd limtes - - - - titroulfi the alural. - and i -ai off as tubes latep umau on uti atnte ftyu' Ellis etted dht winmamg goal. lThe seoaw clutch save in the waning minutes to ice the victory. Chris Hay and Aaron Cowey alto ade "su Làike Home Fna or The Hol 8dy 3-2 sore. The new blueline tandem of nd 'an Jehnny Glced were impressive. shapîng J-fer sh p your plays ariti sharp passes and providing a con- 19 sfle ihJy stant titreat of a rush frot deep in titrir en. 19 sfle ihJy Goba made one pay off, linishing with a deft Very best. hackltand over the goutie's shoulder w se t i Mai Clarkc nmade thîngs happen ons lus lime wse oa with Stef Citton and Billy Stevenson as the thrresome broke in'on gohti with ses cral geod attacks, folfowed by dogged harasu- ntrnt on backchecking duty. .Mats Stockton hati a goosi nigiti and camne op with an assist. Tyler Prue showtd up ta play bard and kept i up ~iI gante, s.s did Chasi Bhoaniea. Goaltendér Mai Fielding stung the opposition with a couple nf imtprobable glove saves and kept goosi posi- tion to cut off the angles. Ellis and Goba scoresi the other.goals. In Strectsville the teant contînuesi their trtdcmark fast break fint perlosi, but on titis Si ee»ntt occasion thtir opporients mtatches the wSc. lthe resuit wtt an enteflaining nsatchup with d m É& WORLE accurae playntaing and strog skating. Weal Eatts mc Clark got taro pat dit Streetsville goalie Ra st n and Goba took aetu front Ellis te roundl ot 878-4944 the scoring un the 3-2 victory. Billy Steven- son dud a- lime job of coveoing his check ail We~~~~~~~ wuhr youa4 a hamnouadeyMryY0.y We ishyoua hrmoiou an vey NrryChrstms. y tisseason's neediey of pleaiures echo beautifuly for luand yours îhroughout the year. And may this wossderful holiday seasons message of hope andgoodiLl resonate ;hroughout thse ioorilfor ail tinte. It as always as pleosure and privilege to be ôf service to you, and we are deeply ratefadfor your valssed patronage! jU Q 4. k-à- T - * ~1~ -~ I OYL L.PE làG ROYAL LEPAGÈ REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD. 388 MAIN ST. E., MILTOM ~ 8784101I q