Hamtiltn,' n getsý seven-mon ja.il term for house reak-sin A September 10 break-in a a ForhUne bouge ha&s~uledI Po ic B l te seven-month jatl aellencefoa P li e B t r Hamilton man. oicaanablk Jason Shepherd. 23, was cniced shirt, a basebî a a lc of break and enter after he pletded leather jacket. guilty in Milton provincial court 'ne second man was in his early *rcntly. 130n.. w&s lise-foo-Il1 with a Mediuts Hie stole a television, VCR and je, build and black short hair, and spoke edry wotth a total of $8.655 . Halton witls an Italian or Poflugese accent. Regional Police say. None of the The Ihird suspect was maIe, white, propetty was recovered. féve-foot- I10 wiîth dirty blond hiair. A warrant had begit issued fur lte andi wa'. wearing a waiçt-length coat. man's arrest. He was pickcd ap jn Esîdence suggested the saspect% Hamilton. -also attcmpied to pry open te patio door. suintas rânaaked An insuatlon combrany on Tre- maine Road was the rarget of thieves r..eontly. Sometime betwecn lu ar. December 4 and 7 p t. December 5, the culprits enterei lte slsop through à, garage door, Stolen were S$1,500) worth of lools and $8l0in petycasht. Aru braIte. mint A thiéf bittIe int Milton Metioria AMena titrougit a remrideor Docember 9, but dida'l gel mach. The culpril raideti a coin box mmd stole a cash register wlsich was empty, police Say. TIme thief uino attempteti to entai lte Coke machine, bul was ansuccesaful. The break-in occurreti between 1:55 and 4:30 &mt. lthe T.E.C. cash regiater is electron- ic andi beaug asdel nme P-0 Shtopoula iege~ Twu.peopîe were nabbed by a store secti(ty officer for allegeily shoplili- in& aI Zellers December 15, AM210year-oId Georgetown woman is acwcdt of steaîing $52 worth of make-up by hiding it under her coat andi leasing lte store without PaYiag, Site was chargeti wilh Ibefi unar $ 1,0(81 andi breacu of probation. IAstothcr woman, 60, of Oakvilîe alîegedly stole goods "oti $50 - a videa. waIIet. purse.and candy - bY hiding temt in ber bandbag. She faces a theft chare. kt à MURA of Mei. poat Pn.PU ek of Pepsi OR à Duunf Phu. 0R 2-Casa Baada. V ILT 11zs Au CANLANI HAWAaneNmou Aic»M ERY 10. à MWY. WB 87 __1 AI Stoney Creek Furniture, 1995 is the year of the big 'NO'. I's a paymcnt-frce year - no down paymcnt, no inîerest and no paymtents 'ii Janua-y, 1996. Superb furniture collections, for cvery mont in your home, ail on display, dan be yours now, paymcnt-frec for a whole Yeur. Don't mau tbis ineab offer! Our Nog Payeut-Pln <ads mol. gaie Ha.gg Monday go Friday 9 M go 9 Pmn; Satarday 9 8t go06 Pmn; SuadayNoo ta 3 .tlr 5e03303 / 643-4121; Out of 10011 oil 140-26W75 75 L«hi Rtd. and thteQEW S Service Rd., SIane C'àe, OfliO (bdwgfl thet FtWtla land FdIy Rd'. cuta uf!the QEW Ail wua payabe ai lime of parciaaW 25% deposit rmqureli on ou=i ordrs.