COMMENT Milton. Ont INttn 4N98 Ttnt. -N lu (tais)8824 1-800-668-7794 ",V 8O'Z OTicqtT C,,.o Et- ( .rssrfrcd Atlîcrting 53 SSii t""* I4S.~~tu etNnn le. Oliver Publi.sher. O t S ei ie ,. .iW,,,, 4 ~~ O, H ere's titat.,r ' q.nn -oin for n. to e a n oen ']'ic decîsînn rcgarding a %ubsidî.'ed hrrusîng crîmplex vchemnently itpprîscd h% ncîghbrturîng reNidenis near the Milton lairgrounds has been rebdcrcrl Tlie housing proicct rili be but. which is not really rl surprise. libc Ontariot Municipal Botard (0MB) has, vct tri issue the list of reasrns v, hîh lcl Ior ib( conclusiotn that ihe: projeci woflh- %%ile, esen necessr %. on ihal panîicular stc The rat irnale hind the dccrKion will hl relcasetdunder separate covcr latur. I rom day onc Gorrdorn Pcich. the laisser advrtcating construction oA the site, malilained hi', position vas4 ali buI unussildahlc 'Re rtesidcni', îpprrslng Mr. Peicli, sonne 2() of ihcm led hy nov, munic- ipal Councilîtîr Walh Hunier. pruîved ihat posture premalure, but in the end Mr. Petch ard hi'. client, Sib-Jel Investments, go! what they wsanted, Thie philosîtphical orientation otf the prevailing provincial govern- ment was (in iheir %ide, after ail. which meani the projeci was fast- trackedihrouglh the 0MB. And thcrc was ihai nagging Iack of sub- sidized huing in Milton, as defincd b> provincial fiai - 25 per cent of the new huiusing stock must lie "ailodable." Now it lis tIo be hoped thai the ners homes arc as unobirusive as possible. and [he neighbours, who opposed their placement as loler- ant as possible. The deed us donc and ihe appeal routes are ihin. We are not enihralled wîîh subsidized holising as [the concept gen- eraîly is applîed ioday -the focus 4' noî on home ownershup. pro- prieiorship and prîde. Il s on staie-sdbsidized shele Thai is one oftîhe reasons su, mucli friction is cre4ted wih neigli- bours who dot own their homes. Suliidized housing should be more orienied Io eventual home ownershîp, and cotrsequenily making the Looking Back The Milton Police Deparbment celabrated RIe tirat annlreurary on December 1¶ 19M. Thé force was mode, up of) five officiers. Pohing In front of) the daperîmnt a cruiser ore <fromn loft to riglit) Conatilble Keitu Robertson, Constable Lon Plckutl, Contalble Jole McCann, Sergent Bob Moreau end Chlef ay Andrees Pages of the Past One YearAgo Fromt the Oftember 15, 1993 Isueu tenantr a genuoii n sa eiotti ii tiie enitai1Oise. * Catis for immediate adtion on rural garbuge collection But tha! does litîle to change tlie current siluation: One cao only were mci wîlh caution by iown counicîlloru. Since the hope that this developmieni is wiseiy implemenied and monitored, imposition of a $5 flai fee for asing the Milton IandiIý so as tIo ai lea& begin to assuage the concerrns so sîrongly votced by the idru of municipal ruril gurbage collection was is opponients, ils hositile neiglibours. revrved. The proees t-as to begiti wrth a report on dump- ing andu then grîntinue t-ith anotiier survey of rural resu- ficnls once [bey had a chance to use the container station A sigli of things to corne with th ne $5fec.Plc a leaylr 2mr Ai itis point nuit tixt mucli caot bc read into the decisions by the împaired drrvîng charges thirçugt RIDE spot checks itan Townt of MiltonWd Hulton Regrun to defer expansion [axes (devel- tltey did the previou.s Decertiber. [bey had also sîopped ripmnî hareri trilieleved gaîni Rckwll nteratinalfor3,131 more cars thun in 1992. To date, aeîuss the region (iprentchares)to e leiedagaisi ockell ntenatinalforduning the holiday season police had charged 17 motorists expansion of it'. Milton pliant. wuih impaireil drivrng or driving wîit oiver tite legal limit But t t'. perhaps a hiot of îhings toi conne. of acohrl in titeir blrond. Befre ihis decade is outl (is unlikely the tax structure wiiI bce rec- * Members of thte HalionRegional Police Association tignizable bccause il is unlikely, gurvernment in is current fashion staled [bai police station closures would jeoparige public isill bc recrîgnizable. safein flic [tialion Regroual Police Services rikard hutu Flic Rrickwcll situatioîn, rît w hichil a anadian planri utptn announced t.t as a cost-'.avimg measure, the bouts agarost an American tonc lor the same busnss sil lic repeated policc building% ruituld lie open Ioi the pubtiic ioulu bc and ise agîn a trc ice rarl lacs rri. ard tat lus tic estrieîed, 'l minimize the impact. the boiard indicatcd orî ad gi a rcte htpu h thbai Milions' statiotn nuould rcturn tri rthe use rot a cIle- preissure o) the nation',, mrtnumally rrre'.prmn'iblc dlii. v% Ill force phoîne rssemn instalteti ai the enirance. flic pu blic wotulti large-s>ciilc grîscroment retirganivatitin and taxattion rerirganizaltion hanc direct acces' Io a staff scrgeani % ithuit the building. Il ks urtlirkel. taxes rs il gît do%%e n ntle shirt terin, but ai leasI. hrîpe- lulît. the unendrog appetubes rfîthe hîriateri tati-deht mr '.ter w he 20 Yea rs Ago This coruntry is in <tir majror changes. far lie'.nnd merci'. tunnting Frme the Decemher 18, 1974 issue lax pa> ment h oliday'. lti multinational coîrpoiratioins in returo <tir * . A iaIt brlaw apprtiscd h.%iotrn cottanol ryrult hait shnîfl-îcrm insesiment, But il is pcriap'. a small sign of thîng'. 10 crme. Pud A hefty bar tab indeed LMSýMI ND É Jusi a short note as the peak of the fetýgve season appruadehe'. - OQ<L9 recent press releases direcied ut thîis net-spaper trcom a varie[y of T( WEARr govemmenu and private organizaîtons indicate qiai un Mipaired dri- i ring charge - noi a coinviction - cati shake oui [o roughly $1 0,(8)> in legal fees wi[tnu&muuch of a problem ut ai l. On top of [liai. rof course, are the phenomenal insurance premîum ~ hîkes (fnîr five yearsafier licenee reins[a[emen[) and a year's licence su'.pen6ion for a first offence. Thal's a hefty [ah for an extra drink or iwo. hunuing in turban Milton. 'Me bylaw contained a provision titat woutd prohibiltihe diseharge of lirearins in ail urban areas but not rural areas. The bytuw was expecird to' corne befonr eounicit for forma approval carly in thte net- year. - Halton Federation of Agriculture members voird against proposed land use policies titat »çre approvrd by the Ontario Fedieration of Agriculturel-d promoted by the I-aiton land use eommitîee. The policies would mean freezîng farmiand in agricaltural zonîng. * A Chiristmas vîsît by Lieutenant-Govenor Pauline MeGilbhon to ihle Halion Museum gave a royal send-off to the museum's annual yuletide ira. Mrs. McGihbon joîined Milton Mayor Anne MacArthur, Regional Chairnian Allait Mason and conservation auîhonîty chair- man ltrock Harris for a tour oif the maseum. 50 Years Ago From the Decemher 14, 1944 issue * Milion ratepayer vie keenl> rnterested in the soie tir a seisage disposai plant. A meeting yaa, arranged hi îown counicîl %or cizeis cotil have questions answered and [nd irai aIl thrs desrred regardîng te prot1sted plans. *Sundar SeLirol pîrprîs and teachers rif thrce churelies (race ý Knox Prcshyterar and Si PaulIs tnitcd -jriucd ru attending a specral pîcture sitors arrarreed foîr ilium a% a (Christmas tier! ai the Princeý Ibrare - lThe Deccniher meerng iri th, <)mrutb Vomen's tnstriutc ruas held. Rolil caîl surs ansccr k, a cashi doua- îrirn uliieh sua. bing sent tri t he I1 itnrpîl fin Sick ('itrdren îrrbrrr ('h bnaagils frrr the marig patient%. b> Steve Nease