Put it in writing jbefore you sel tise MW ettue, bav you Ilivec botsth in o0re u plan ta kmav wkh the d what yould like tg taire wil yetn? *kat about the "site, and dryer or the fiteand j UueOr owabuaI ithe irl "oua nuel maoaaitoporsi t ntuoi thn dint your listing a"d the apeeeat of ecéeadsale oudledm 0a major mise r *M Kqwhh a polsadtal bayer amie- w8 =e d is te usd. . 1 Iii Aad du laitahlngyou'M want laeltho< km of the sale of your borne due t0 a dispute or miaunderstaing over a relatlvely taian b"* . . htem. wmpm" m Your roalor will guide you through dis Iatl peaucs and will aak you wbat you sesa to ielude in the sale. Dut has-a gond Mue to mahe qa a bua belote .ssdsg ynar ruhw, inh bcsam you dont fut .yhbig aanst impeavemnenta ta a pfopevt whicis M woo.sily iaywhth dis propeny as pat of the ale. For isane, if you've upadsd four ,uua eu wMqn or your headr« systens. d-sa aie &a- sldseW to be permanent fluentes. However, keep in mW diat dis law le sut &lWeyl cysti ceai about wht coiutes a ftine. liacre aM ciramautace vibers you mal plua t0 rmave aoanedhins dma w4wis àp , ofdiuildy bc oa.ldeod a flânie - lMe, abs LEOAL DM~ bobinent cbdasls Aunadislààd pav you. f... »O 0fmmc Mmu purcsers would Umm this type of 0~d aus =4iS7lw.4 ixture is ncluded in the sat uniess yoa ua.we.i qasdfy thae otsryin theIistin4 itlu s ien abbolutcly neuary you se ut thesç Stipulationa in the agroment of pur- Othér item like isater heaters and softed, 'cr are oftn reated ud ame fot owned Dy tme vendor. lIn this circumatances, the items uus.dw sho*j be exduded boai dis paurdaepice sud M purduaser shouli be &*ed t0 aum die rmai.' Cbattis - ta dud omenu whichic fvor sen beto inlsd as izy cu pratac or vendbc con sidered as chartels is the sellis onice. -f AM ÇTMI Appiences ansd window oevsel ame orn-i mn ees. Il dise types of items srce bc -be àld lin yul Sale, youl reahor should Sive a pr' descriptions of there and state tir location W"di the peuperty. Other items ta couasider are lawa orna- weau, smke &lium ud builh-in vcuum dpaoiers. Gemeduy, detype Wu f Ihin ane id taks thig wlis lise, If you're one af the pople, cleszly am inl wrhla %;bu wcui't bcecK isdad dmls sale.. mm oum. cms mmsa -ho Mtodea about who msanr Wtse dist uantowd baSdllou wli Issu - wldiout apelfylng ddi ilsdnorsqeuent ofpurcbatte andule. Odwescm amuo dostypeof vss- dot fvo ItatsnUM g%*sbsisadskm C lm Doubt... If lisese aà say doubt about ;particulir ham your remet wMinladu It làthsksf htems I0 o hseludsd or euçluds Dus dI. P1ffê5price.hM way, if àne la ydi- E gaa dm*m- u.abdydeil, 1%As.Magalad prolasisl,b.orshs wi bc abla Io gSid lm fsoly tâtouil ba' (Oqwop Oua#d f« -Aini Es*lAo Ats s. ~ àr ----- ------- 0 . .