ïCops disap'pointed, with sparse turnout for forum W KsMl ktia mut af town. SISOOQO kam in ai tho * beglanlng cf incrmnd ose of weapa. fln "We ham eue that titis wu die bent wy die yaar, Constable Enliga ni. May youg offendors WeC the criminal Ju- to deal with this anid Constable Sue "14, ach of tot la attributed go youd,l1 tice ayant. ns a Jolie, the Croten attaiuey sud, SOnly about 30 people atîended a public Libauich, a camnmnny office wbo, ieaded dut cn't my. Oiualy, sem &dul are ivolvedl and don't ratognze the slgnlficant ramifica- *Jforum wo adiieti concerna about youth crilfi wmeing. thtem, too" s. aid liona cf their acna 0t the commnty lam week. Many of the 40 adulta and about a dozen' Iala a sadtanla amonnt for a cemmuni- "ltey doe't nderaîand %hat the canne- lle quilse tiarnoui was a dinu anent fot yauahn wha did iu m k ou mu nted thus dm ty du aixe of Mle& Alora's ouly theatuif qens ne unil they r ta, g«eàjob, Iry tn, gSm Sergeant Wayne Eastwood, one of the forum w informativeand a ood lea that'arepesed. . a paaapoet or apply tu thet univetulty of dhiu 5November 22 eveni's orgaizers. But ont wom a ked, «How do you reaci She said 39 per cent of viciimns of anut in 'choice." jlThe Haltan Regional police officer said judg- dit parents wito das't cern wo the amoeens" townso far titis year have been eunietrs. Whlle fint offencta among youdas May bc k .g by the number of comnplaints police recelve About $105M00 in proptrty oeil damage lois About 32 pçcent of dit ptrptators were aiseo treated wlth naine compassion, repetition of about trouble-caaasing teenagers, hae expectri bu bae conseil in bonne break-ins between ycta rmnlbehaviour la trettedl seriously, she the nniiitorium1tfL~ Dick Scitool ta bc January 1 and November 16 titis year, accord- "it seetit nthr'aprbmwttsa.Rpetofdesfrnnutttori- 5plckei. m 1 ing tu Constable Carol BuliganMiltm's crime youths wit cOnict realutios," tht constable chief could end np in an institution for lis-was a forum witert people coçhdvoice prevention officer. - aid, "and they're tnrn wo violence." teeaaged aminals. "I thinit a kt of kida bid thteocr, he sabid. 1 was really disq.p- hbd 57 0i betn loin in break-ins ta Katherine Llvingstone-Plckett, s Halton it'* ntth orietytogt hw pWn&." busisesses, asii $8,000 in scitool break-ins. clowen attorney wito has worktd in crimisal The forum waa advertised on flyers sent Haltan policeorgnnized the event in response ifts flris autos have totliti $124,000, and law for tht lut 15 yeazs, toid the: crowd thit honme with publie scitol students and a story tona disturbang ameunt of vandalism and citer $53,000 woediof bicycles have been stolen. younger kuds arc committing more vicions was publisited on tht front page of The crime believeii te bc cammitted by yotts in Vunanism alose has accounteii for s crimes. Site said site has also, noticci as Chamapimn WV8-pauenger setbig~ W, élnitl windou seAMIFMst»We » oa"e V Cçfainthat Vi £llt-»Whe 8teerla V oetaue oniro epISeW#WMi EITHER VAN: 1299ý %ntIc Tras Sport lbas a lot oflliiaag goig for you. mlikmt PWW I aêqndowsW Te5 y GMC SAFAJU Debate on school closing -front MILTON on page 5 years. In 1993 tittre wua limited nctivity." lThe Milton carremai offerti a vari- ety cf programs, indluding a two- yen cotbuetion tearnican dipiom prograin and no-dlplema propan for iteavy equipisent operatora, meýcianics, aide boom operators, pieln wedn amI tnakdi& It was tht iteavy fild operation cmaet cf the scitool titat "W husanll uing theough retrais- mng progranu, by die ftdeffl &a-- ment. Titrongitout tht life cf tite school, dt federal inancing htlped malle du campua as à whale viable, naid Me. Kcing. "%by aren't purcltasing thts sis amount cf training because there hav iteen major changlea i gaven- mest-aponored programsansi thty feit the Halta-Pee stuidet bane wu nhrlaklng" nid M. King, 1in addition ictre have been clits. experitacedl by educational inaitu- tion ns a group, in educadon, blading transifred frai bath the faer an d -Sk Overssents - To relocate the scitool wititout ussurance cf economic viability, couldi thpalie ito[Wg's other tondes peognS, nid Mr. King. lite coage WIl lock Io the (Ummr of ia own six-acre contlot site th.s spring. "We're debatlng witetiter we'll continue out of t wlih dt 0"c drivisig" nid Mr. King, As far ns a pseshmw wlth privae enterprine ta heep lie school aienat Mr. King nid there just hum't itee tit interest front anyone wllling lu guarantet SI million in optratis cols. Wald 3 Caincllor <3erry Brooks ssii nuanerous local heevy equip- ment operalorli lock wo hire students wilh mechaniid apitd and hands- on experience widi dt htavy equip- ment. 'hity'd strongly recontmend Siteridnio abandon tti anii you don t need land for tt," saii Me. Country Christmas LAvi bleds of proy will perforas danunoa n a bath Swtwday ad Sunday, aboinaons in CampteIvil as the village holds à country CbdftmlekaC*b linS u alimobe a Otrinsans as. ll4tln -ieY M- rc (Suai- day) a 5:30 p. at due Campbell- ville Pend Port VNWag sIcps wMl aeoempmtymbwruhmm iThé bitds ne aehsda i li blu dlaplay Satundy bhm 2 p.n. go 5 p.. mnd Shnday foai, 1 pm. we 4 ilà.. Y te 190 HP 4.3 lift V6 erngin VO 4-wPwoe AS *0 air orliâtionftly Vl 4-tpeMd eMtmic trnmion V' 4-w at V aufe VI rear 11,11 i V, linte 11,1 !(!! K!(;!ý1]