Karmax kids in tough with three straight losses 'frmn REP HOCKEY on pae1 tacked the puck under the cronstnar for bts first goal of tbe season ta give Milton tbe Win. The tram carie tbe moi ... unt isto a rouestamrent in Arthtur. Their first victint Was a much larger rGueli Plater tram. James Ball, wbo liadt tbe weekend of bis life. ' cored rte finit goal wben bie tipped in a t front the point by Kevin Sales. Neat, Cameras Casbnlore papprd on in an a aice kfupýby Cràig Ellison. Adamt Creigitton scored tbe winser tn tbe 3- 2 victory. Next, Mtlton beat their grcl-ene- mies, Fergus, bc a score of 4.-t. Mark Rosrtie practtcally stood os hi* head in itis gante making sonne intredible Sae$ witb snme solid defensive sup- port by Kevin Sales antd Chrîstoper Gu&d. - r But rte story of tbe gamne was Bail, wbo bad a négural hattrick in tbe first prriodl. The first was an unassist- ed effort wben a baose puck camebis way with tbe goalie down. lThes a one-tirger front thte atot. 'Tbge tbird came when Robbie Èalis and Ryas Clarkson pst pressure on tbe goatie andi Bail pst in tbe rebound stretcbed ast on the tce with bis fret in the air. Ldke Heludrie capped off tbr scoring os a sice pass fron Chris Dumencu. That put Milton inro, tbe champi- onsbtip gamne agaist a mach higiter rankrd tcrm flrn Ajax. The Winter- hawks lost the gante 4-i but stili showrd tbrir coaching staff and fana ghat tbey wrre a force ta bc reckaned witit. Milton's goal came off the stick of Creigitton with assista ta luttdFi and Ettison. à Kiannaix kls hanglng toùgh The Karmax major novice A Wmtgerbawks, were bic witb a tougb atrrrcb of titrer gantes in tbree con- arcutive sigta After à lors ta Ern thry drapped 4 4-i -decision to Fergus and an 8-6 shootaut againat Artbur at, home. A well-disciplined andi rager Fergus tramg kept the Winterbawks penneti ap for moat 0f thte gagne. Rory Joitnston was brtwren the pipes for Karmax and matie sor standout saves. kicking oat 20 of 24 shtat5 ftrrd his way, white its trammates wrre limited ta, oniy titrer os Fergus. lait Kors4ck scored the lose goal ,for Milton on a ntce setup by Matt Del3aire. A brigitt spot for the Winterbswks was thte hustie ap front by Nick Cashmore, Kyle Thontas and Cbris Costes. The next nigbt tl was goaltender Daitiel Dimeo's tam lo.be buSy as bie N.J.M. Major W L Steve Olilord 2 0 0enni s0rb. 4 1 81.=Odfrc 2 O BI Clippe 2 1 Sorti wry - 2 2 Ken Armstrong 2 2 Grahattalr 1 2 macirwo 1 3 Bob Hma O 2 Stev Oltiford, Deis Oldforti, Cralg Thmntu 6-0 Loris Foggion hMv WOn tffl euh itntuçilla tii Yet: $1.450 In lte marrie Brenneri Mains Bonspiet andi $1.810 In lte Formosa Springs RI upl 1. They hav quLled for thsé challenge rouand in Januuy u4ser 0u will humven oppatta,8 il, Io aenti àepot i ie Pros*"c Bdle T~nlteplydmwn. Rep Hockey was shetted with 30 shots. Th. l4wks osly had 12 kut made the,- MOst Of their opportun'i(ies. Agaltur jutnped ont ta the lead only il sec- onds mbt -the gante but Greg Sheppard came rigjtt back ta, tie it up- on assista by Ryan P'ilarczyk and Nicole Ôooding. Komack scored lare in the period ta give Miron their only lead in the gagne. Goodirsg also set that one up. The second pieriod waa ail Arthur as they pumped in four goals ta take a 5-2 tead into te third. Thtis Miltan tram ia IÊnOwNV for tas never-say-die attitude and titiswasno exception. - Early in te tltird period, Sheppard frnt Pilarczyk, asd Kornack front Wayde Mahoney and Brett Turner braugst t Waterltawks go witbîa ose. SeeSnds later, bowever, Arthuar scored &gain ta take back the two goal lead. Late is thte third. Rory 1 »0e REP HOCKEY on page 24 Get yourN phone $ ê Service for only . e e' Dynamo >WrestIi*qg returns 'Mec Junior Dynaîmo Wrestling Club for boys in grades six to e<gitt will begin titeir second seation titis Janusry. Pracices wmil ltke place weekly, usu- aIly on Wednesday eveninga front six t0 eigtLp.nt., anl; cosmque tbrouih April, A nwstber of competition opportunities will also bie Ayailable. The tramn ta an offshoot of the succesaul E.C Drury Hia) Schooli wreatling progrin Registration will take place on Wrdnesday, December 7 and Wednesday Dec. 14 front 5:30-6:30 p.m. in the E.C. Drury Higb Scboi Sports Building. Regqpaaion faimsi, avsilable ut seversl of the ileuentary scitoots, may also be maid ro E.C. Dniry. fgisration fe s $10. For further inforimation cati Larry Jaroslawski ar 876-2686 or Scott Milis at 878-3849. tj I h iI _ _ _ _ r_ ,7_ _ 2 '," ,__ wAIN iLR LEAL.UE For Boys & Girls ages 8-18 AIlleast 1 game per weelr -Tues. orThurS. Sifns January 3 & qtes la Mardh Break 6:30 - 8:30 pmn ai E.C.Brury Higit Scttool REGlSTRATtN FEE $70.00 Deajne for moplestionse Dec. 1»)4 Appitrattorta avallable aI Fitness Techique, Btg Ants Sports & Milton Pro Sport For more information caîl r- 854-2714 et Blshop Reding mons., Der. 5 6:30-7:30 - MMto Bantan Boys & GIats bars in t 982or tler) 7:30-8:30 - Bantant Boys (noin sà l9-<1S) Tues. Ju 3 6:30-7:30 - Bantam Guis (bois on 1960 mrat) JuveieGirl&(nonm in1976 or,77) 7:30-8:30 - P>tdgd sis &Gis (b"n ml 978or,79) 7:30-8:30 -JUietal@ Boys ut .C. Dturs ibue 1976 oa 77) 95 MONTHLY Activaile on Bell Mobility's super new Ltbert Plan and get: - FREE Acivarion 1FREE Systent Licenaing-FE Weekend oeiling for 12 motis * k your Nokia or Motorola portable p ne. Andt'ou gel il AlL for only $35.95 per monith anto 65« per minute. Milton Georgetown 342 Bronte St. S. NWreLCs Conne~ctionls Ine. 330 Guelph St. Unit 1 Cellular Plus Centre Unit IA (905) 5781113 (905) 87745411 Bell Mobility FREEActivation FRESse '. FRE SytemLicensing FREEWeekends Qwn YoUir PhLffone ut'