Minor peewees '- wit -sends Niaggara Fails intotedn *IrmR PHO Kionpap Mxhm ad az tla plU n P pokeciecsand lois oreffort Chad Vîtaden, folloaaed h) Joeyý the Hurricanes travelled Io thse cK yfo hai ior. Andy iosh Vanderbrinen pumped an Fariane with tis ise1b'of sonne gaodi; Wayne Goetzky Recorepton Centr. ;tq H ockC Lr AlmegoEtewnrftnKenç. $hiots on goal foran tise.point, wîte Passang by hi. lI nma e. Crig Thot Great One's fîther, Walter K~Ieen in(ensity, strong forecisecli- great work in close fmmce Stevensoa MebDonaidadJreaKnl Grrzkymettis hys.uliealaut. ng. grelot backcisecking and oui- llelping t0 keep tise pressure oj Maon tise fifih Halton goal. Juacobs grapbs and souriesanmd lheas wisised scores vierge Tyler Czub1, Derick standing (lefensive positioning were Fielding wsea bolid in goal forlalion. Bai ey (AP from Orangeville, con- thrm luck in tueur garie. Wich wsea Greaves. John Moxisan and Adanm the keys behind yel anotise corne- Ellas scored taso of tise goals with vrsd a Peilolffpass ns ai a noice illi iganst tise traum he coaocsea. Kemp. Assista seent te kiff Pluznar, frorn-selloid effixo iine a 3-3 tie Clark earnasg the other. Goba and front tise point. In the thiriEperto.d Walter Gretiky's Braniod letton is Pester Shitl. Galen Sheehaa M2 H20 with Sioney.Creek. Wits toame ni- Stevenson each had two assists wiih Chi% elaerie. Naire and Koqikle coin- a formsidable for andi conuideslng tise Wackens md DeikTeqalon. . nang down an the dyang seconds of onoc othertoang ta Hay. plewdt tise scoring wiih as4îsis frofn success he's hall widi lais osen bois, Buck homne in Hillutturgs. tise Flux- tise tbird periad. Kemp eluded son Hurcns t3inden. Faraone and Perkoiff, neot to lie ialen lighlsty Brantford Cored novices played back-to-back teisacious checking aind riffld a sot Huriooue hd buse le opeBrmlos iesanrpre huaIt ap a 4-1 lead and held il ganses againsi Burtingtan and Sboney from fie facrroff circle. Thse psac bat " adin fNffr Humrcantses t their second game oýf hroagis ta tise dwandlang mî,nuteý of Creeka Biarlingion bas @ra goal- ise posa. hat Greaves was iliere ta Tise Georgetowen Legion voer tise easan and thair second ta toie tisird iending wisich is-tIse anly tising ablat poanal an tise rebojast Kemp aand peessee liurricanles ho.ted Niagara Burlîngion It ssas close antil aise toar With foar minutes ta go, coach kei aise scare frons goingiae doublse Moxham scared tie ciller goals miatiFaits in nn ad hlfew pole. in miut mako ie-idpndmle LWise Syvret had a short chalk folle digits Alarie (2), Sheltz andl Gilmour carat- an 8-3 viQto-y Scoit Natm opened Halton mts sosie cotIN penalties mils tise team on ais bencis antd olant- Shot afier Nhot tram carry angle angassisa.. - ise scojing frons 4arreti Kotsklc inii . alleu ittg ntirlîsgton oe juiaip .iheai. onsy forcit tise uop, wasi fired by tise Hahon sisoôterï whio Mts a r à point. ... close o~rs. perlad hut tise 4luraooç.an 5-4. aind thon %% lobtînder two minute, lncredtbly tise Harricaijis scorel were stymied by tise Builington __braise il open ai isesecond wiîh four remîaîstng .îdded ise insarance mark- threr taies oser tlistsa path ancluding goalte. A couple did go int hosses er,. mol i point .., aida point more go1 er. Konle. Mark Knoeptlt, Faraore tise tyang goal semis 26 seconds left and tise Hurg*canes toak a 3-2 victa- wTise fitreto Hu5 larricanes tard ioel Petloff csrod on .u nice teed and McIJonald had tise Haltun goals for a miracaloas cameback. Goal ry. Todd Zalmour scored from anc on tiispaIti %isek by carning.in- fias Kootise. hlen Nains on a %hort- AtarJett tlf rosnlec. Kuanlle andi gle points, in 4111cr cassecative liandeil market rntt PeIkati and Pctkolf hd tiseisi, Redin h~ts qltongantms. Agaiisairantfged. a goal- r1uj~ ~ I fina4< ini both divisions an ahs pennt Miliong wqa onhee hav encurIe Bashp Rig Secpdary ScI has ada~ 0 tise flhun fitnal hoth janior anad senior gorls lIas halla Nejoiser team oest a ganse dut tise re.galar season and netîher :a9y problemns dunng tise playoffs. Tesenior Royal, defeateal t fb;Uy 6032 alera firsi round and tises handlr.aJ Burlingion Cee 55-34. Angela Hrkac scared poillis for Redang. Mill nD snc' 411so eartc aI ranltcâdtien brac Schedule se, for tourmg skiiong club D't snat toin sodn Io stae tianka absout snanld defisaaely n50t t eal> to start platnning an iaaking t best of it A touning ski club watis iembe tram Guelphs. Oakvtttrr, Milte Haltoif(Halls andl Erirs/H-illsburgh bren travelling Io tise Collingwo irea sscekly durîng iasaary ai t -ehruaaY for thse paNi sesen yrars. Isec poputanity ot tise exçurslia ineant last ycar% Tisursday bus w lusl: backed wiais a waittng lisa. Th s1ei ticy're adding anotiser busi 1 uesala> Midweek sýIrrs avoid laneup enjoy preferreti lift ticket rates a hase tise oppocauns to ski many tise pnivate clubs .Tiss yelr tisc)re gaing ta Bli .Mountain. Alpine, Crt*leiia, Osîr Bluff. Georgian Peaks and Deval Glen IFor more information cal) Sydn Young ai 973-259)2 rov, foe s in loci- ring had Reding Report isY Cisad BrownIen anal Muse Ley's forechecking >sorkr&-wrl ta kerp tise garnie tîga tiscaugisoa Mait Stockîos bad a good gante os detèrase. Goals seere scorcd hy Ryan Ellt, (2), William Goba and Chras Hay. Assists wecarto Ellt, Stefano I and supported mgn term on rotincil a I. profound and sincere thank yole. _______________________ lion.. oilay Stevenson and ~.C. Brawnlca. byte Tise tramn sisawed conlidence.asd orBlakeloc i n tise quarterfintsait 372 poise but didn't ge tise bounices ain a 1 994 21 befare endang tiseir scason watt a 47- 2-2 draw wiîh Bramspton. The palls-p 34 loss ta SI. Thomas Aqu&sas, whoc ang aîiack on tise Pawerplay did l JI f T Swtll face Bishop Reding inhe finals. work, isowever. and tise Harricanes P O E T A. In julor Playaff action. BasisoP colpiltlized. A SSESSM EN T Reding defeaied Witeî Oas 48-27 Aaron Gowey and Mata Clark andl MM. Robinson 50-38. Jenny pîayeal wefl. and again aise petalit Mascarin isad 16 points andl Mary aIecaadterkrwiiasue____________________ Te Giaon aDistrct juios2. p effort. Elas taoihd tise firsi gue and The 1994 asaunarnerat raIl wNsca ilx tise asaxn * is Mitn iseia unortp ealaie cannectel sitis Huy in aise dyit sese E C. Drurýn 39-20 belore loing an tise seconds ta secaC tise tac Goba. Tyler valuied I be eiv ee ae your mruroïcinl a"so semnifanals 59-40 t Oakville- Pnr anid Canlon earaed anssuîi shil Deerbr2,94 Trafalgar. aise glove isandt of Ryan Z'eaisDeortr2 19 Tis finals .re played yesterday ut - sizleal, stoppisg çeveraI close isard ng Sheridan C lege, Relis were ti %bsis. Ytour 1995 Peoperty taxes watt b. based.an thîx on avaitabte at bress aimte. 'Me senior Crisp asd accarate p#ssing was a value bis wsner ads anced te tise Golden frature of tise 3-3 fasi-pacrd exciing Florsesboe Aîhleîac Conférence final ssatch-ap againsa Niagara Falls. John-_______________________ r,. on Thursday, allie a( Sheuidan. Gleed poaserel tise iefensc aati dft The final date for appealang your 1994 aMesm~r s.I dm ts Asaeslonme Roviese Board s ** * *Jarouaty10, 1995. Thre ia eeor fil n apal. idI lyou have any quaslions about asaessmienl Thne 'V0)' - ariryou sai ta meet with an assessor, pleaxe nis eilI the assesamient office. Tise number os in the (sCh lt ai1 Blue Pagea af yaur telepisone direclory. under ais MatnResauSe t rt assesment or propesif sesment id STAKS sseosment plese ctise Assestimnent ofIzNwaîrik_ .. ...56.99 Review Bard. Tise number as in lise Blue Pagea , Ooz Ne-Yrk>- « _.. 58.235ra ototue omteasmetcfie e~ 1 2o T-Bone .................58.49 No. 8adshoived a 12o aajtýYokSteak 5Sre;îsd i R ic-ar htra O ntario ~rn~aa 878-3632 THE MYSTERY CONTINUES It may ha aa umall qs cisecking thet oit on >iosr car. But at Georgetown Toyota 1991 Limiteal its imotn *e * a Se TOonT TOYOTAh so a l l 'i l c c 'i o n aa a ,e n a m Monotone