AKVILLL, ulit CommaityNewmqw d. 16 No 13 WEWNSDAY NOVEMBER 23, 1994 Pets must ger rabies vacicine As of January 1. 1995, ail dogs and mn Halion must lie var- .cinaed againsi rabies. The fine 11rr non-compimance is a $90 ickei, if apet owm,èrimu augt. Thai word connes front the Itliemn regmonal bealth depan- ri&frit whici s concemed about djmesmic pets contracting te disease from %vild animai% and passmng ir along t0 huntans. M41 huntan casies arise mn titis the fitet raccuon tmaines tu steadi- ly approachmng soumhemr Ontaio from'lew York stfe. Altitougit tie dîseise has not yem arrived in the province. cases have heen reo lonly 20 kiloimîeires The diseuse could reacit (tni.mrmm34raccmpn% wmitin two >emr, andI double te flamber of anmimal ratitmes .lready in mhe prsinri. regima officis say. ,Fundraisingsuccess More titan iM~ supporters lelped raise $24.000 for te Children*s Ausessumfent and Trcatment Centre (CATCI ai a fmndraising dinner danice.in cher Golf dinner, ai Lion- hIGlfa Country Club in BraWtpon, waN mn aid of familmes -brise chldren ire afflmcied hy mtental aind emoimonal] diîîlcil- le, The non-profmm CAT C is a nnprofi ageors affilmaled wmIh lie I nied Way i'ammlme, are '.ersed by clmnmc.. mn Milton. fialille ansI Batlngion. INSIDE Santa Parade..ý.... 2 Sports ... ... 19-24 Classified .. .25-2v Real Estate... RJEI-REN BILL'S AUTO BODY IIHOP , & aDoDn for Fasi, )rendIy sorvici6 Vandalism worries jump in DY-KCAREN SMITHI caumed mu windows am Robiert Baldwin. Princmpal 7h. ChaMplon Shirley Scomt sais ai leasi oie window lias iteen suashe every weekend sinc. cioolstacrd. The Imeigitiouritood of Woodwajnj'Avenue and Vandals aise recenmly deiroyed onte ofthile Wmlson Dtivîe was peaceful and quiet belette tou-. scioolus itasheIhaîl nets. site saisI. and have loft itlé-making teenagers recenmly decided lemunaIe i pile of itroken huer houles ou ih.propery Iteir itangom. airea tesidet say. Si. Peter's liaulad te sane problent wmîli iroken Loud anddirpa.ive a group of 15i t0 30 youtits windows. samd prncuaaLau Pelissuer. bae epueedly gathered in die iea aI nigt since A Woodward Avenue woman tolsI The, lthe itegining of summer and itoteuwners say Chmampiomn she hias callesI lthe police about ilirc lie'r ed op. tîntes a week since ntosmn, te the ara in 1I flnd il liard moitelieve titis is itappening." saisI à Septeitier. resideni. wito wiuhed mu remfain unidenmfmd.or One nmgh a young. frighmened boy came knock- fear of repercussions. 1I donti lmnw where titeir mos ou hur door for refuge hucause sorne kid, on parents aie.. bicycles lii trentened tu huai lit up shu saisI Ste saidsI ksept lier wmndows closed ai nighi The youits hang out mn the aiea curry nmghî uf ihms pasi Nammer tie prevent hur yumg chtîdren week. thu wonumn saisI. usaally unml about 1l0 on fron huaring the fui langumige. weekmghms ansI 11:30 ou weekends. The irens. aged hutween 13 andI 15 years. hang 1 know of a nummr of peuple who has e liad oui on smdewalks in'fronî uf peuplesý homtes, mn the thent drinkmng huiween thuir liuiW'.">hw e i Becker's store parking loi ansI oi te grouinds uftlien Regportai Police ;!e.well assoie mifthli *Rohurt Baldswin and St. Peter's whotols. residemni problents Ai lie aceetIccording tu Dem-çimse say. Serea ,.gâ W&it. sihveepped up parml Manv bettee the %aine youîlis - ntustly boys o ak1II iebe asstgntd te loulk ai lte ama few girl, - ame remponsible for the sabstaut- , wéâlie saisI. liai vandillim mîithe aira. - - However, police itands are,îmed mn moi[ situa- Smnce September. S2,300 dama&r ià, itee lions, accordin toofficerN who recenilvtndit ad quiet subfurb, meeting of te Milton (mmmonmmmni 'nsmî.ît Resmdenis ssen huloir flic citmtis gruup. mhih inler.mcts mu mml polmce, mIt cmmiplmmn abouit prohleitis ofvandalmsm antd diurtace, in bh cca Unless police catch the vouth% mn the ici. th trýi. dents wereiold, ihey can do lie lites mut tm.mLýe sure they don'i vmolame te utmh,' humait nghi. Many of te tromblc-caîmsers hatg ommil .mound flic ree% on pars prmperiy. resîdeni, %a:. and h ii mitey.se a coiser approaching. îhey scamter '11 is know what they cao gem awusa imil another Wootdward Avenume suonan comvmenied lIt respone mu thc situation. \Ir. ~Scolmseni homte letters mn lare Ociober li potent, ot Robert Bld%sin Scitool smacfrntuasking tem to ho ihLe lollmss in, *Reffori an> unlawful icitihai %ou are aw.mre mît -smashmng msmndmmms. drinkmn.g beer mn pmmhlms place,. eicý Tite plicme mas mmmi lie able fi respiînd immrdmamclv. hum fiev suml musser mIl call, *If you knosu mtineonemsh(, s, cmmmîn, îie.e acis. reportit tem the Police * If you iîl to gm..e imfomatmiont arioînom call Crime Stopper. ai 1-81 x)-6681.5151 Mr%. Scom saisI sit helmesm, the cmhmned effmmt, of parents, police and the cmmîîmmunimy are oece,,.a' AUCTION.- -«COMMUNITY BAZAAR PUPPIET SAlI 8aturday, November 26 >;taiB:t PaIýing TWeyM Bakd Go.oeiagni~hb WN SHOWS trs tnso ispe Samurdaya Icoq 1mLtt oth l.00. 12-00 &1:00 acras rdt, LttoBooh I I( ~Se. Sanits on Thursday -Seturday