Budget halfway there as outgon councl votes yes àed ailesa Mba mii là 0z8 MW"uh n A . a m u lh"e AROWS lqm ldut au. bar témy*e *MW by eely MWe Me wu cot op *"u 55 san aàiberh h bu Muanian bni lmN. 0*8 CMB aw - .O à " am tu lmS Oubu yen. i e 0 M fur ueru symim Wa- mll lu Satftq cuilei n eham - Va hln à~i s âoa i1 au -n a ceci MW nwvse epgeadea -Md amu Aloadel. pamIity Ofmesiu mmu et S Ci oea Webud". walwSwlI Onw *mm&~~Ie*hpu.i.mly iohW~ I Y Atmn Novez"e l<5.aiejdpeI electios. .smIy 410)sI ros" mmilm a l nir chane I dgin beah. Nd bdet 1@1ovi ualuies UV"ea Wakevce adm -l bu' @"n "99 TuE muW billeb 3.1 pur can - aâ 5SIO à. te vemge bmodw, .1ke 3.1 pa cent uait mià puy_ _ _ _ _ $9.46 million tomurd upgreding _____________ hme cduul of ibIffhd 1995 meds). and mii puy mm o aive-yen. S4.6 3DL0 OSMC L Bill" a. m"ai opmmkd plan Io lttat 8DLW MM M - ii, - fireligli C@qmdt«PmlmOW LCK uts, prednnsmsandy in Burtinglaon, Emm 6 Ye, dmcty s Atrefigis- us oen elh , g ttuigh marner fram hydhumis ta eflectvtly At à bouse Il ail meaus 1995 regmanal taxes. combuntd property ltes &Wd user rues. mill maly S741.46 (nt t aver- e go aie testdtnoe in Haltn. Il breaks dama tu $387.8Sio pçoptrty taues.L845 and S353.61 in wmatrs. ~m~, 78 Tht Ragion*s peelimsnery budget 1 S4 conuebe meug fallamed Wu 1 40 a couicila,,s tinkered wis itms. but p 1.'-t aosTo apptared~~~~mo PMnsa o omoîs~ :*a .22.2w1 pmeimy qpovai. 10 SOI,.~U ~ The tinkering um $100 cope 2,21 oui of a couscuflan' .Services bugt ej4,ffl '*L »0» wjOo00 likely in cone aui fa nisceflusentis p 4 ~ 8M- (un,sd saii regianal teasuref Jo. uuIUmc'~ !'.~3 3iu's 2,1 *Cauncl d idnt a tInteyeu. 81pe a~97 iLts2O pian tuSl 10.000 eadyew o a 0,4 a~ 10 *urlimglon Bay flsh ansd mîldlife et restarsan ptojet. Tht funis mmli . O4li? came frou a capitl reserve amnd ji¶~ 5 <gud~a ian't ismpact Ai budget figus. 2;4 9-fl Coardi mas mary about fumidig 'L 000 O à.e projeci baued an concemss lbse 9 .23a. muahncOmli improve ilieS lu taw- 2,36$702 2,8 %.ai p qs to an te Region's W A00 f 3,2 Burlinglan Day sem age ireasnens )Qj"@M9,u $1,59 IX The budget asuwned coaservaive max base gramîbto inlion, but Wtdsmtsday Mr. Rmado said. -WAe bave an update on à.e assessmmesst Aigates. Asaueunt gromt il, miii b greamet thon expected sa à. megiaç tus §evy wmi aaly go dama for de YM i yn na rM. r4thme no Aabonts yer bus 9" canfidemi U1V CONEMT OF Waçer, P215 ifree. mud leilaw bWW hieân A Rtj OR Y ORKATP AAV) M4M46 DEAED* TE SMU L *A AfDA- MIEMSu - m fa 4M0 La L