Town woried defunct ~nt wýlllfester environmenitally *i ft ANGELA S.C EUN Nettlher Mr. DeVnes, fnir uagy court- erenieoved from k tite tig 30. the MOEE dltct A eadvtsed fig oi Canada, iwouldi nos be ta fli best 1h.,mpon - cîllor. lîaked the abandoned Main Tke propety is regislerel Io Pig,- ttte's buildings and contents wers interreat of the loepsince to ausumfe Stecet East aile [0 the reports cocos- pint &beMwacal Ili whlch ta no reaaonably tueure. However. the reaponsibîlity'for4emolisbing the Thue abandomad site of the ëormeý nents on "*orpbaned sites." Asked longer ta operutto. The Royal Bank Miayor wrole. "il remains a %ergts; buildigs " Pigment & Chemical compan about tke ie, Me. DeVries said. "For of Caada loids the lirst montage. concerti tuet sotrseonge will manafge t0 In id.August. Isso boys aged 13 wasn'î menticoed but rous. han ail inIantsà uspposes. Pigmtent & According su Nhie Krantzs lester. gain access 0 îie, peemises and 14-were cbarged wiîb break and lked in towni councillors' mtnd~ Chemgoical bus gonge out of business. thse site'. buildings and fuils art cool- Illrefe 1k Ton 4nsiders il lobe enter. and arson in the wake of a ire lut wock as*they begd staff reve Tbe Town is going to continue 10 amtnated and the bank*s'position is of crl moranc btte ut kst.olemudoeysaI proposed provincial guideliner: for -attempt to sec if.we con base tbe thtg it bas no responsibîlîty for fur- ardous ckmricals a4tke buildings gainied theougb an Insecure door. contaminaietftite dlean-up. buildings oui site demo4julm * tker peoperty cleajn-ap. -"Vou can't kc iemnoed as soon a$ possible." ToWn s!aff wilI go Ici the Piovînce A staff critique of the guidalîrtes, But (bat won'I beeasy. Laie lasi blatte tbem,"' said Mr. De'JiNs nt- In a rrsponse gtsait natIo cofoncîl wilb specirtc recommendaîtons on designed go kc followed voluntartly lune. Mayor Gei Krantz îvroIe go îng polenual liabîlîties in tli Augusi. Mr. diran wrole. lthe guîdelibes încluding. allocance :, by the peoperly owner witb inimum Environesent Minister Budrîidman "Tise Town continues to work ai 1 bave been advised the, buildings for densoliisèn of buildings on orpll. Ministry of Environmeni & Energy about thse properiy, siating, "tbe commanicating citlheib bauik. are not contaminiedi and Ilose no aned sites plagued by smaWim. tir- (MOEE) involvernfea. bas staff wor- Town attaches tise grealeçt prtority Io Those onsoiog discussionts couid enviroumental bazard or public son or keulîb concerros. and lt nainma- nred because it appears tc, apply only thk remnova and disposai] of the traits- desermine thk sites future, said Mr. kcaïb liseai toîbhe citizens of Milton. icipalittes bç alloced to enter agree- go niable sites - n01 "orpbaned" portable ckmancals and the demolt- DeVnies. lIn consideration of tIse fact the firsi imns wîlb the MOEE penglirttng site aite - ones wbicb are for ail intents lion of tke buildings oui the site." louibs Jane letter. Mr Kr fuitz saut mortgage is keld by ill Royal Bank remrediatsion withoin future Iiability. ab9adoned. -.Mr. DeVries saîd tbe lass of tbe 1 ."îbheis a conupicutous absence of tfansilortable. hazardoas chemîicals I- an>.y type of mnecbanises tu deal wilb an orpbun site:" building' and enforcemeicnt director John DeVrien bold thé Totn' ghnerrai comitliee. Mr. DeVnies coanplatned the guide- linse s tailloeed bu viable developignieut ailes. "ýOfIn oepisaned sites ase lin tke greralest need of rensiedîaiion. k satd. Stttrson the site tend go focas thse attention of the ýommunisy. daning its resources as a resait of vandalises. anion and olter assocsat- ed kalth conteros.- saad thse report. Good deed at orchard Williams Oecbard on Thîrd Lise wsiil domne lise excess Iltpples you pick go Feedbatls Catvaia on Thanks-> gîvlltg Day. SBecause magiy people pick more apples fiant tbey need. ubey cas donale ihete escess on the spot go Feedback ('anada, said Pat Christ- ma, of Canîliaui I-ed lise Cîildren. Feedback Canada. thse domesic programn of Canadiaq Feed lthe Claîdren.. supplies, more tisan 511.(X5 Pounds of fresb produce per gionib on about 501 Ontario agenctes and gmoups bhat caler io tke bingn. Williams Orchard s% on Thîrd Lise. nortb of Regirtial Roat 9. Art tour in Hiralton Hilis Ait buffs inqeresied in any of a varier> of media wiil likely stuot to take in the Halion His Studio four The tour ruais Saiurda> and Sunday .Oct. 15-16. (rom If) arn. lhrough 5 p.m.. and ssill sec visiiors ltke in tise work of nine asmivis SThe media used include viager- colour, acMyicý and forfis uch as poiery quiiiing and preciousý inii storing Thie tour us frec. For more inforrialjon. call 877-I1312 FOR AL 634-2300DIN JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION HALTON BOARD) 0F EDUCATION Regiration wîllI begin on October 17, 1994 for the ise.çchools tug will implemeni Junior Kindergarica in January 1995 (Lorne Skuce, Oaksuood and WlH. Mofden in Oakvîlle; Josephi Gibbons in Georgetowun; W.E. Breclron in Burlîngion). Ail parents, enen if ihey have already cotiacted the geicions, muet formally Fegisier ai tibm lime. To makeregislration easy, pIeuse brtag nrltlcalionof your ehild'a date of birth and yur ehîld'a lmmualuation eCOrd. Tii bc ligiblc for Junior Klndergarien, rhures ofuer lie four yeara of aoge by December 31, 1994 and mousi RESIDE wijhin flice boundaries ofithe school hee flcK program, and musi lie a public school supporter. There &5 ltK a few spaces available on a Ioiiery basin for childrea living outuide the e~scltool iea. Detajin about the loItery proceuu and the flattent Boards 3-yer împlementaio plan are included an a flyer available Ibrougli yosr local school or'rommunily information centre. Il you need faribier Informtation, we ore happy goi lîelp. Jus rai yout local udinol or thel3staeation Centre in your aria: North Centre Euat Centre %Weat Centre 873-0394 847-1550 639.8832 Dam Wblllag ab WiIli Valor ofnet garad Drncer af Edacti.> Al M i bfoibs the porv fild taci teigni wilr ZO mmii shaiurs ~PIf you re tired of playing witis youe remote control, tisen cornte wr cars tselp maoiteleiir ctIen.ining again. 're fot anotiser computer itore.v Wcil vîdeo -- me.Wr also bouy, ral, grade, and repaie ail video ganses u and systets. So do youe TV set a fayvote. And *lop by Microplay. i ------ ---------- ---------- ---- n. liou i m- ampf PdO22 inwt sts I7 f ilIooffl (nctlIo pin&H«) (nm Io mftmHu) -- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - a fils 1