_OPINIONv MmE 249.191 b"et L e. MiLua LâT JN9 PUt 9714%43 J Cbusillu 875-3300 lmn Oliver Pbbi5fs J Nd Ol1vur Ow*ui M., Kelly Edftoo mu Haes Ci, s mog, TaiC. Op-. UMs. blt Dib Proécian Mamvg Tid Llud. Retui Sakis M.iq.r li lal. K.. fin orS.. LOT 4m m (Uaffl. tl eus ai Tbe Mebud Pmbdi. Akqoi1 7ý gaim ubis - -- lm Au*g.M Vauan Lbh lumeo Canmnia Udu.1 - uih M. Omal wm. Muê be -- or. bauit ft ci. fml a M . wi e p@ulu s et #» swu. OuUe Tes remethWs * ht u s A&l --- - luw -'c. 5uthw - byl We'll be-watching Monday night Meuiday cýàr toue council wiIl ha voting on tu tarions Options Prsented le tei by toma stff regutlieg the widlenieg cf Mantin Tepublic msetinga tiug have bee beld,. and the 2,400 signatures oui a pttitien teo emesaan te shahs pss charcies cietI9 ["aucam e bpautu choie. Lle lbe roid nt it'a cunrent widsl, put jn item semer,, curba and sidewaiks ad giva it une sri. * Why our coelinuad conecan glen? Are us jen morriail about being ambuchad by soe mi uninon pwcpaess uhose valuas, tifeayles. c &Wl opeisce Cui mmt weigw duat lts cf y taxPayers? We can't bc woemad about the ceetcillors. who ui puspeul to rapresees us. ils ThCY don't dhin they're sauies dm tht rea ou of us, do ty? tic The ouiy gsoup of substance mhicb cm exPeasai a diuuiting opinion te lbe public's pe mas Mittouis Deusiteme Business lIprvemui Area (DBIA). wme beard cf darectors baîsitnce discovereil, as did eur U tomuR coultcl and staff, tdat theas coent tu lbe defoliaiou Plan mu urtPOPutas midi msey tin of theïiembes. Tut! Tut! me Se mho are me ftghtiitg? Personatly 1 tei believe it's the butldezer of bureaucracy mhlcI. luke a coloey cf mener tusa qqWeu le te have a tifs cf it'a emn. Eich departmsit pu bus it's eue geectic code progrunming it teom peafoem a de "pm eiton ubo tiUIa5- m ed by the 1 87, a4sdigaz tney. m Lile a vir mciMâC7. i'nvade lbe Pme- lui ductive caVa cf taxpayera. prcduciuig panl- 1 demic bytama. guidelines. esinisterial acta. M4 ssgutatieesanmd ether questionahîs plaes cmi (Dea"Y Milton neoeaaary fer thir omit sur- mi vivul. mhile stcshglng the tifebloed cf Ibis Fo uitlieg boas.ca Moutin Street is just cne Of a iteltitude cf LUr Vizew %'int b- . - pqyss maitey ta OMitS isappropstated for npoputas prajecta or uses - sMd lbe Vaccine of a vote eveM feu art hm, lest ils pagenucy. Premier Bob Rae's bilinguil bighuay aiue, rGST. immeigrationt deaimmt ineptidea s erpriced res"ods dump. and ut aduca- esystae di ignores lbe taxpayora report am u but a fem coisiations of lbe sanne bug rvding Our ilyafuncticow gevuertitsm. To Paraphrase George Bernard Shaw, me cm ubit ycu us, me'rs juat haggheg oDm rne. 0 uhai*s lbe unses? Ho1.v about forget- g lbe peliticians sud etectieg lbe depaui. 9i bals? Let'i put accoueiabhlty whbse it dy courus. Nould lbe bureaucrats roeroeg oas courts, migration depariment, educatice system. roi bauds or tas dspartigeets ba a itIle )ts respouisive te tbe voter, if Ibeir jobs oe ce lis? Have lbe potitical midille- abecomie redoutions? Depuachent bads ai uhave (0 show m neQualifications. rbat'a somstbing te thuek about oesl ~nday wtien council detiberatea, pouitifi- osnsd olfuacas stginfng lbe mina, "u- ah that la Manie Strest. Like Massaat h. lbe taxpayer is iuneuedaed. Scuan lbe srge. felicu citizn, ils tint ta connect- Il is Septemiter 4 as 1 write tus colun, issu laIs stimmmer. Temorycu 1 amn heading b"I oue -My aoller raatity - miti teds. cMm dbia. (Houbby cul ont bock dose e bis ewuem& As 1t li my offia. @uei dmiah dsluneter bu Oo by se, quicity. 1 arn ukýmg myseif Wu MY à"i mu. of te tesson meaiy on Augait 27, or miii a bot day in Sepa"iào bu - M nou mm Mon thb kh? 1 dmays bd b@&Y à- I - M. »il soucis lmu, «loge- idu uba. du fl dip bappemi VWel 1 ea wm adoués lxcirn li spg: -llda i ry fildp(brrr)ofdtieyeff." 1 cmi ne«uha emimy dou l -b. 'my lut aulm Stil once abc" huit: WUIthe lb -borse. P&Ouu boa maos flue-tuas alsaif durlug lua Wms mami of Seat aud slitud? Or wl hbby be àU wakl mi l oui lis wueod jm go die cue? Thbn oge. msyb b mià b precceala miti ftaing the eulfuacnlaini 4.3-hoeaepouasmotos trou our amuit &a- - ýb@ Il cada a&& ou u e second fuya aly, bad -&aY frot couîplalou Wbu£ 1 wm lo kuw ta. mli mle a"is lb abul belbà M» muf? Aid. wM hobby. mio*s daid oft bigea. tiik bahi oid maully lmoyubu$a lit canlbu ID lbupdl "EnagI 'a E-egh" boldiy éoclugs a i teredold bmlll. 'Swudaus it nom tn e lbi grand tou de destructioe of your ç&a cation .. oin a laid raty te fighte b bs." Preflhshmiic stuif. If taspays ucre cely baïf thia pashicema evey dim cou tates meet op, me'd piehétb ftId more lin esc mllets ai lbhe Cruf st maté. am ilis net dmi easy. The boiteficiasies cf govemenit spendin hme a Ixanundeus inceuitive as orgutize Ibem siv« anmi preset lblir cass empbaticaUy Mm. usocalsd ceas. uhicb la diffeiad saru lbe larg tas baum' itiu m" wua te d cooccauid benitit bmioed upceIbem, by SDVateant Mm. stldent ruy proarstig a tulitle bibe l case ie point. Groupa hâte ltae Caitadia, Faduation of Sbtudul ((FS), mw l oile 3w"i Mueis, Moite ne apolegy 4r denmus ing lucmel govemunrn speuile. The CFS advocales increguld gasl for studeats and univeities lbe allnhuo. of stede htirtae ad inaýe ta te pay ou l ai. Tbey usewe mat suded mnd wett orgflzad. And uban l cctnea din toe meu pan-sec. £iluy ellucatic pokly, taisea gqau wWis le y for TImagiving meekeuid - s at fuailla omaght outit mal Alagos? Se. dan. hou grogy tsh&M miii me trd? And speadlng of fbea i mie b ccome i US - a, nitm ces CewMa - wima me sec no On the unsc Mdsaebod W hyo mM Ù0 bel=u ue cmasoslu asime p u>- AAU~~¶fs rai.ducs? Aid ull those lapg tofisoe& nur 104M lir Mm amS o p oIIb t-Um Sillon lbe saec of wm*t: wilaur tue uziag *obb' l8tai uqd o a put -u faut sMe M& bonqulg dur smo moula af Ile fialug stai«ng seehe a bfsiM? ruin miM Md tinll doueo mmçwsla (l% 6 luog 4 inca wooae bops off heightu. mie bEut mlita, and cfituiuik? wig lb ctinin bc bas a Ied bu&h Tac dm on c oalghbcera/msi lIai precloas flowaea, lbheur tM 1 va.e.) usioui Ibi sat Surnomu bu mad gem and hi 'a abvius V Wlb d saiq cf 22 romanouais og dlIati l opoil lu -a baikyml mii nos sesdlb peut amne mos austin m lagh lb tmea dds yeu. t mggemd to hobby dbu me bong. cold W mb ? 1 jux&h uqb. plu mildiou. m u n t of mau, but bc aid id lb village lltauy'a e*disoula. ne bl du wuMe nut ou Fms ovu lb septic tuÉ ad go m b ue téa of-Mr afb& *ile d. Wb. "dt "is ÊW ea~~t e u <b0uua Wiiwaoehutuoufaouoeua »w2lm "tuum dibs.icflb bedons bafS e borna off mimas !ýcthuOGm1 as lm md -lu - am 1 bd ae hm mui aly Iobalu olît dmd @~m sauna amui &-- mu la lb matH duma wuds fa, coum Bgit inlus b io eea WUI hm. «W M FpAW h l ou *àamon*% ol big Pomain Illeus afamgl.rUoëm uqbs, vmàn baud I awy ia our tti omu1a bue M r hm seu i ir S-, mil,. is bat tHt t bue a-0 tolu *s 0m Itou y cfbeb tes mU Ilqu )-u0 Position as bnl lbe aur Of geveummu. Reseasel dene ta the U.S. by Yale University profesar lames Payne uvediel degre as mItii vpeqia th lb OS ad nus MWiW aivocMe ne dounathe l public puBeIu.. Probsoo Payne exutuinai public au in' Waulaigtaa D.C. rnuadlag 14 baD w"ud lnveved govaemntspseiag. orth lb t06 %Violentes wme s auiotu. t014 top- pata incsed qtmdug 0f disse 1,014. 47 par cent mare fada dmnasutran, 33 per mm rqumtd public iermaitpu 10 par cent mate sam md WeAt eficiats and 6 pet CMt ure tgLaon *.'isu Coagles - you Whoiaibout lbe cub sida of lb ler? of thé reniing 48 ubuiaom, 39 weuse au"ra mndi àamra7mers fflpaud to -ur gouet- ments peitdiag. tn summary, Professor PXynE' itdy "ccuiai lbe Voulnt tub- cm-yý f 45 te oa<l' udâoiay de voge comblant! ia ueraaasoobume léoe. deamuing &acr spaailg md joe demdlag lm. tpmin ta an -ooe my. -n scuebma aollocdaly bwoc mmre i.m 81.50 euuy sea"ul t la die a mua Lgliba à" -maL bmcod bois Sou, spelsiug sMd tau Caes uoldhkey revera lbe lied. as ce.d vomlb* ml al..w lbe "oi uimur to, overrude lb, "11111W insise. ad isolutoaa mai be pauMa ta a duer udnstmdlno duo govraum la mu 8omatblug mydklal. Fer every bandit latoa -, - 10 a by gov-m.se Oanm hm. - o m t*OI in our muIauauo te bku- Moand ai aplbsa l ao%% mlu. »boît àm 0 * eueiq sm çm- Whopa 10 lbg OI8 md lb W*Màs or o"n Liehffe Phonm Pqm%. nm*m àia e f. I. s. The under-represented majority Saying goodbye to another-summner vacation .(y