fPrivate programte th onea don t optaid Ifs domt P an d chil*a aid m I Mai nmy out b. everyone'b- opec berau Toatay et the 90< 1 , aeratim bi dse.at hmv Nipidqol Rid diy. tu h scry.Repetii on, key to te Kumon AtftWwith the Japarnas. malhod, cassenta building blocksi jca hu it crsaUdoe.I qpta. eue. *Ira amm Io boles Md beyond Nb P&W. - eothuc or 30 >ems, Seo% t odicipline, indpe- recenfiy leit te Ila"h tou dent etudy *Mm1 and du. deveiop- Wcnwou Board of Edocuos ài a mant of attention span," sxpf ali specWa edwcuico imparct« o Mm<u Be, zu wba la cpetua a Kansc fidm aul. oa bar Km.. fta- omin Ubm dbit monst. chise. "I'd rualy Hâte Kumon fi Ms Paul bus euafd a ceuti lu bca, :ahomdwid word" emt. " vfor ha >wu mnd will take over la my ou exq:"in lutechin A miA iches math s bkie -syl t Idlu cbdIh uie u *M1 Euch level contnsaou êbâ ame amvdY vat lImsy cooli h. leus of 20 wocksbnat. Ifudoas o -b cwtim yef &~Y bal ut& -« coqia eàà Md &"i ew ICI id *1k hue'i a k et case ln à li*d lest on ltbe wes* -a h. upOM bont mâà > 1 -1 b -h uavn Io~ di s mmW Venus i $duo& *9rdh * u/ -, wt1 . docrnî bd a aodu" bu M amulug ft. bouls witea tity'ms Iniy assmnt bl mml th.yve a me maba il dificuit Sur *uni M cope Pli. We want the .saery oe it * Kumn ima "a quick ftx" cet mme sepcdv nm etie Kino I flot1t3n saidMm Paul. "i fsn's 1. Mechdien develoudsclpllmmd , 10,m rapice wbiool curriculums UPM8- w- d ies, sud Me Paul bu tCItO iUL. KMM. oeu Me hdt md d We IrduWW Sus tose apd 4 t 15, woek da Mam wul bomwit 1 ,pe, by lukwm çpuliffet by 00 wumdeveloPed in 19StidOuka ha cwauh by puma mnd sm e hntioal Mames. Toalion bs $60 * Jpu by Toru Koa à b* cse" on the ia . Hs.aswok commiss pas mumtssa n -du.th $40 eui- abit Macher coacarmsd about bis of nmrau wortaafa fa take tmm ho me'§ inui pmdcincy. açpu.huey 20ummmevery do. M§1111 s. Wmk than mnvolmid as lapaces. immigrants broughf New sues u Sliven a dW*mo> epet or nmwic cou wb pomice Ksmon tM Noaht Armelin a ducade tic ms .1.1 ma mndi je a lavai practlce. practlce." said Mas Paul. ago. Tte Kamou Bdocaffofll 'belo, thir abiiy. 'W. w m a But fi if epl witht smd 7a Ms lnsiute of Canada lac. isys the Mo experlnce succes rigit away," Pal sait Kamon requines bof b methad la rnow cae by aimmauf f50o odi MaPW. patenl mnd oMt - ;dnq million çtlldren 27 cenuries. la lb.. dey woÉ bndVtmdmdyl et "Once students renale thair Canada. over 16.000 seudienfs arn fter own puce, on Kuac watt- improvenef, ftey ame lmas m I f envolle in 180 -SOonU. uheeft, standdthde woeld oue. *hrnmke a fuu atow ha repetdon," mis Ms Pu.'i. Muta centre sf11 ope- leais h. pm4dmool to unlveriy. aid. For lnfenma. cil 339720 an a drop-in centre. Studenfs nia w l>vawrcpM~ ~ s e i 2s a t a f r iencouragetu viait wisce a weet. wf0 l y si g tSt a f r * Adulte $299 Kids (i.. n£ A SUNDAY - WEDNESDAY 5*OPM to :30PM Dine-inC 0Onu' E " f SSAVE %ï AND HeBMtNOW. \ G. at a $100 Md.4n-Roab when you buy this PC bSde betw.ar August 1 and Octobér 15, 1994. N~cont1ig a vouher for $100 off bnifi You'f aiso get one of 25,000 intant uin gamoi cards, fo van grmo SpalcÊg puîes. ie for fid and growvn SOM PS/I NP LIps ali ffts new 11BM * 4168X2/5OMHz PS/I bfing al the :44M A sîghtsý and Soundt of 253MB hard dfrie muftiochto you CD ROM. 16-bit entr and educate * iamn dax mÎodemne rlght out of the boxc -3 yenr woewty Look go fo mwg comfte, Mstl and OmUW ~~ NP LaurJe8 4L ppar nwUi 4 So pet on thebail and save $100 toay ut Milown Com àr Services.Ltd 7~~~1~ Mai tiotMton 9 878-4051 Local vocal*.se 1jfewwl penfere Susslay oc the Staufool Ofy Han Auditoriutm The well-known Soprato wWâ t. accomnpanieti by barifone David Pîsyfair anti pianiîf Ch. Aane Loeweas in titi7 lp. concrt Bach,. luiemm'Mmsedd anmd Me"s wl befeami A second Performance wuîl taoe te stage Thursday, October 20, isu tiane. mene place. 105135 li1um wf1 b. due pieisf. lIe co.cee Wlin include Barber. Chausson, llundley - am Ravel. lidefscou $12et thedom 4$10- in ativance, ty coiffait due Sfraford Festival box oMfce mg 273-1600 Festival lÀatoaouc1's vidso pro- Proceetis go to the Tqgchers- ject Arts:e fo thed Sool.' YMCA AMSSISSAUGA .BABYSITTER TRAINING PROGRAM ROBERT BALDWIN SOHOOL MOt4DAYS BEGINNING SEPTEM13ER 26 7 WVEEK $45.00 FoeftnUwh0'idnorMmiu$W 1-800-61-024J2 Ut 10 * ANNIVERSANES * SH~YVERS * *~TAGS~ * Wi~%ft15M~C WLii~N~~~ r.. t I. ,, 4