Showdown looms on paymng Pomeroy's " 10 palace. &IIII Aie a, w'a.le- m 0< f. "d soRic rguemi ct.,JI 81» He àdà bticll cleia à &a& Bill Rb.oi sshi ecrieil à MIr Robtoes ia i. d fomeelt of hie a.m do * y»>sap *mmmg -lcel cag aiflen laa promi.c to be a abomm o n. Il covenag hie PooeY'& I anFWchd i mm Apeleaiho paylng Mr Poionis pi i com l à-, kw7 irons v4 Hasnrtgimal chair Peler colecif mâe* d IRtMon 19lm Clef-. *fgu> -leil -P Oakillt ('omacillot Kriîh Bird turasoi to C0 elt. «Pul cenvei- Aman called bain ai horne plai Io cébong th abs lm S>u ci d lddlup% Thsrdasa il 1 : pI .arning pe.haug for a uedacent te a He sa Lud ciencil séo.W bas- me F soialte ew l Uà cmof u y u-e e yt»9wx Serre conoilied hy retonai &ta"f ycm ad aliâgt c wbIkw mi t fée do cer ~ Ntme a dm,iu lâce fl* Io puy Mr Puisat crr utp leq mir, %t P-nwwcî, 2 1111 Fatapl bill- BN umt alkg..;t Ilere d crutnel Iodas Mr Bird wil hte pis. te andl tecK a p",41if!ic a Laid îniduce an àmendmoq iand ai S ad deselcipue in Haliori Hill% tht amndem % openî retrc,a& -If mat Mc Ilaended te lNe à bol- ailm' selrl Laid in elle FIpu "f lJ YY1 t laur antille fat il ý,ser. soie.., pet.- Mr Bard rnardi Tlle Yeu Regio".a cohcilI passe.)à a'l mii riiuil Jtwfgc il a loopitoletei the iniert of the am )Imr .hS >v b I w r -frdqip.d PM m M, Blrd ttd emploe" fau. ini ,a,. dimtioenune ishtsm,in u le teit fur empiose.- and rkcted hsugm nirnul wg,.liw am et ifvi.uo - es M& 1ILD 4rt-cal, n,,-rd. cn liipigii,ý Nui sm h:reakd N>i.Ul ni bce ewted Io IfMr BLd , alneidînet a, p.)d 1111L TAYIE OeMY beaiTH th, ,fioic nit -uer tui"~pI i r RcTion the Relon -on*i pu) up-fm legal aT y l 8 7 - 7 7 - < b te ' n at f Po nTh r i »W mcn W,%ssc, ilia ,h kI AWL aapy VI pasynieiii - ' 1TM - Please reremberV a nd =y t h âàffl.L& pede'Strian i' crosswaIks çý9 VU 'Jor' aul wur1 aàLi, nire.j* BRIAfN'S AUTO REPAIRS Sai ~ 875-1522 M legal buHs c'c"Il for uàaM or elicelld offlila levie ( eflwat. escntidered a nea- bomNe murir, if Do tonvacî&a Mui; Suild Ole es .îilli le it. cuBs excioli, te the Nlacice cint- He alto wanlm g aecetith byla.. Do longer qwles Io people célégtd puior te Je" a. Ai. 1.the Cmahmr Pontr. iBord wa le Ilould ]elle Io liee the (und. paid OUI for Mr Ponuwmy*s exren". rauewd bâtik te Hahon fiction 'I wuioel hae llithed à ced flat bal tom oui btfonc, 6be ifcque sa ils".d lier Mc Pomecov*s fec't. Mr Bird uad Halion Hil rtgîonal çotincillcr Pan Johnson aise plan% t0 iro Jiw,e amferidnten, il, the <'su. ai toiia> , lteemen SfiaItout cepttial h'slà. passe. Jane 1 tI, NaLa p.sti fueuitip bel a ie jttst'ec Pî'rec i legai (et, -i înmc'nail hamgf- ma, car-tae.) in d, the u.p.i tht la.' ild't-sn t uqWtsIng leiftt repiotia oubitmor lm ic.îng Mia coud burauu tr pi. tni s Ms wnrrpesi ia a' *irkmj oui -Ne p-bn W< Mi Prii o trss ilaitiU iWhiml lthL rmtaw lla, (-I hoilias in Ortila~ milie the <' ,ispased Il, .ad he kne. Mt i Hle trhtçrd the <'s'a. àa: put -glertin .11 gousi gadié et, M im sac, aa futnJs hase Nieni elpnde)i ,neluit -psai .F'lisl Ib-r, bci md FiI, a.i-W ane alt..cIo tal 'ut w c i-si mler dNh -m ngtw ii thetiruer fittairsoe if han. the blai. al ceai, or lbue rU Il -l ms> andresiaiding'm ai Ilteprtabon "Ni o pay- onw ou. Ne macl up front.- %mal Mr Kit. He raid) ~cxiuKilorm cris un legal adi tr<ortte the irepala vian *1 ilti i thInk the Iâxpasetshm hhajl se Ioi pack cep, t ot, for Mr Poter() « s and] dcfiniîels nuitcf Nie', forai guits (erttaisý ihai lia% ici uirkibiidint sac.) Mt -If Ne %à% Io Nr eAd ka c, it i sharj;e. the oacs woukil Nc ont sonteho> it pàý the bill%. *NeiNerthad Ne trgon al Counuil or thtersons -W, heîiuht the cmN>-e lie %aud ME Ponmrc mas ýharp.) <'y. -peucial Of'P aunie imestîpain; urc<i md5 ntcipai pollta. I. %1a% unce the um<rrsîon thil ncihing cenainly -urI. Ne pst.) cnol il -a% rsiid - .)dNir Kitmtz aMui;g ooa, if m4eon ,n cuîm -m,,nirlkxrs coci- in goracrd iodas air pned4 lu thp e loophcile IhAma nus mas oue tierre « Fie lid the matcer tnay r nal ttc-c Ne Jet'sed 'n public in siem of le% lgaI lonnsoff WORM SC»oUDUL A.$tr -1 A--., w.S w. O, C'- I.-O -,,0 111111106MB, bill. amw. &f.ti nii -wI li r. aor.. te ffa a, .'et9m k., t.w , w te PO li w w. .v "maa., l a 9. çoace Co M po am. - - - -nue. et cm- a ~ .~ . ~ ~ ,- j a m , = oe . 11P41-t 00% "ae coSomlAnSaC oelm 09 UM ELCTION PERSONNEL '5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Pi -'W" p o.*w W W imi OSt W lilbl , O r à T i niii 00 &Olmor. ~ du PM ir e ' 4W4WC M o~b r 1 4 l 0O Am '% AA AT UCITOMIAM *lOU. CROuymV MM UP IWO T. mmai t- lm 'v mu bwutu 3m, lt The CoePw@ewi ci Pt Co UI éi TAX NOTiC PÀss0êyg w ti-The T0. o, Ilaer u nOb Pm V» S.ond millr Mi Cd. W Cv9 remT Ba la ici or Swwauoiu x 1 4 Tu 0euin 'w te 'DWoe s. t. Tua Of*cas un t .loeeffl & Mie, j50apff pmie Lm, O.aWWWwgu o 1 14% ne bu eu'gl ont t. wu My 00 d.10,eli d ont ra fers# cY o .~ttwcmr. «Cl zoit. 95do rm. iit 'oime uit. wsfa yTam -a lm01 a ro év lédai 1w u ta 00 mmw.t sa mall m%» 1195 à P 10 N eumw am, a aml 0 elcI «l cam95el T'It ID av. CIBc. and av* of éiona Plilcel Ca rw, lm Bý.u eux c .m o tir, Doew'. kl t.he cieOu 0 flu le Ilr, O o ilixa mm ý Cller reT mk"o mmj ~.s ut. ~. w~ t. Tiuaoey ~g,,oew M 528- 72¶ 1. ta, ?i~iy O~ ~'u '~w, Wl S 30 mil 10 4 30 ~it ~asy f ffl95y ..4e