*OPINION Box ut3.191 Main ai 3.. FlmWmoeapi p*ui y dafiw Mill.. Ont LgT 4W lui Wth. E. LAus u LOT 4N@ (@o. tff. la am at Thse 1,81"6&7"4 "d - Nom ' oa l Fas: 878.9-M lnudo.iuaf -n Fr».Ps Kinsahhs 5.W.s LWQWa Tt" Clcfid: 873-3300 vwNo. ma -sIu 8ia.* à dIu. "b NW^ Nuamba tiU B 111 hie sk Rwnusdw llTh~mu V-W-u Lboua. Boebo.oqh "lly, tEoeaiueo1r Admrq l o~'8aac~pbed tu f« Luin#* m 4 a 6a *"e , Msa... . pi.l -' The W""~ t , Bs *u 'sr "05s 5T.d Cas OPire A(e.. awWSu mon "0 efia à e.o fSi UaU0, w Mark DO iF Ouw8t ne iia #. bul 7h. p.w igof ou un wu s m #Woea Ted lhmdmy Rassi dole Matu qv"M h U"f io ocwo Who exactly is in Wisesisr it's in opposition 10 tihe wideaiing of Martin Si., or to thse building of non-profil bousing and Urn" bonues, sortie of Milton citi- zens are slowly beginning t0 realize that eospouerssscs of tIhe people is neul if n Vie Our toun couicil suffers front tise saite con- tanti n lack of augogny P>oint COUnrîllor Rick Day saisi lust week regard-. sng support for tsew group bornes. -les tim us . - . (louis council). li's tis psbvinc of Ontarto Kçidii Non-profit bousing us under Provincial jtisdic- directing us ic b a ieig a lolerlid1 aoto the provincial ansi fèeral infrastructure fuesi- ingsess ta asi îag <blackmail) prograns, altisougs the roud whan Il confo dersigns appear Io ha Iocally concociesi Acîually. ut ,Milton bylaus ser Io apply only Io nue local coun Milbonians as regiousal. provincial or fetiefa wiusuds onc plans supercetie any local anihoriîy. Councîllor do& ansi pon Day's comnsehs ame a rare admission Of the Everyone's an imPOWesie Of municipal councils evesYsebere bits tisrong ofi Whan facesi sitis provincial dictares. *by short of a six-1 h&un'î counicil beeis demanding Oue MPP! Noed strangers, offeui Duigisas stand sp in provincial Parliansent andi lemns tiey large çupporttheagreed upon bylaws oflocal ci.i So tiose in zes? sec have aunus Wisy areaut thay bringîng regional coisicil- venors. consuli lors 8usd Clements anW Barry LMc as well a, cillors realy cs Mayor Gord IrMsz. Io task uhan tie Hiton tlsr 10 do? - 2 r-e-les local aathority? Wiiis Ou p pM favour a great deal more local i, tha noie Io aatoaorny, utiLIser it hae un education or siipy we cao unimcipal services Whso hatler Io decide tise Ille burgeonian chiscscer a eup of a comilly lilase shampe raisin people Who live dicte? We do have Wilde I have goms mpatisy for thse cn th hai.aruis soluut put on osie local council, theY ar r=alY nice guys eveî W is an polt ftiser owa nuksng. hafore us. charge? s tlsey have donm a pour job of tihe real clocision makers. jser- false sente of prie and unwili- mit council's ineffectiveness ils upper-tier govemnsts have more rmaons in support iml dmisan haaainst tient. 1 have Iccasiols regiouiai aid provincial y presentations to council. polite, eves, whe tise oragl ansi tsuistants appear Io ha two cuis pack. Geci mail 1 was. They are ng expensive sôlutions 10 pros- ly creaueti charge. is tise question? Wisy do ay unelectesi nssudlieniss nter- tanis' What decisions do cour- osrol, and what are we clecting oaang imicipol eleciion. nou ask tisem, hacause, plainly ansi 'I affoui go continue to pay for g group of duplicative rubber g ouit wallets, a goond andi deorasi council. but y oif goverrsment thay bre liko ry»re. Second to lait. iusî .Coping with teenagers' dn Parents nuust rie tis masy wessagers tiy dsiig. Gond ýatis. front gond famifies. cas hacorne cuious or succumb t0 peer pressure. TIsen. thay may liSe tie isigi II gsves. or use il as as es.cape fros tir probleuns, aid do il again ansi again. Nois of lham tink tiseyte isookeil, but tisy alan don*t uant 10 give IItup. If trealmenl is goisg go senek, tise teenager asust buy in. For hi. ta boy ta, se nilgfiO nt i out hou tie ds'tgs are diuuuptisg tus hie - isbai gciig in trouble as school, in oen uits tise police. in a car accident ulule hi as n bgi? A skssg plagrans naglila help buit. sesti tise police, with onuney car iss se scisoci ie stick; ul tise pomslS Pes amma "oUr ti îai;su tremmentss is a vciy strcssful disse for thair teenager. Ths is ni nu am go hae aigry usts tam - ha taler- MXt. occitanS 015cr mincer inftuctions, ns long as ha is1 is te drug prograis Lits Seal seilh tie deugs Oi. Parents are encoijragcsi to join aupport groups. an dray cms teleas ieur aigu.r expes thir ftus aid disappoiiiuieia. by uisuag uidi oier parents sebo bave bas! summi experiences tanSi survive«) Il"e ull reailize tial oiluers hacc bâti hie chilS lue anstaal fron theai. Ion. By he tissu a purce or a court bu forcail a cistd traa a dnig prop a dUs id islma probse- bly expoermntel uiseaceral dria. AU kids minimsze hou mucs îisey use druga, hou tiepelides i Uey ue on àmess and use on pros in the '90s lem uihtillo ie drugs, like alcohol anad mari. juana. Wbile tbey rnay understand (ttsmigi not agin uitu) tise treanrnent of a bard drug, hike cocaine. dsey gray mst miglily uben tie pro- grin issisis guai ail tiusig bave to stopý Tisse kuids am loaally uipepufed for tis i. lability. the fatigue, die difficulîy sleeping. ubîcs occur uien lise drugs stop. If lisey equales (hugs utS fitiendisi Wa gond lime. thy weAU alan hali very uinis aid upset, tiim- mng tisai lifie sil thed pas forever. Theme kits canI ignore hie nid ftienti or ail of a side bave a muw poup of bientis, cape. clallY hecause suraisgt Sida seil bave notiuing to do ults lsent. Tlsey bave lo ba mnorato 10 h bomoet. to telltseur nid frien d dtiey havego gay cas hacame tiiey're iasdugoksg saine leausg. aid if dsey lst positive dicte seul ha levers conte. ques i g se gnng 10, jail or loaiag tise une oft tie car Stîl. dism= Sida ul (sel lonely, an il*$ veiyI issportail Io gel limai iswclvod uits otisa pan- t pie and atur activitisa lige a port-fiose job ort L.eIýý - IL 'r.. lll Thefamily that plays together.. Nothsng spius a long sumisser weeketis more tisai 60 in-buws convergasg on nue cottage for a famly reumton. l'In sil ting t0 track down the criminal eleasent in hubsy's fansily ubo devimet iIbis dastardly schaasie fouir ycarg mgo, spmuning a simuster plot frons seemsingly icie cisciat It's Utiîon nase My fate ta seaW ast luireO t aguai eveni. My fint prense is to protect u o e r n noor - heyre rrivng arler nd arlier safely encloses in my cottage. l00king nul ever yer -whenthefin carpuled noue theugis ie ahidsag gltas tiours. iseping tia I1 tkiveuay. Isle Kida - ad lucyre thse scaicas wnulés ha caled uspont ta prove my legloins- part of dts ordeal - pouresi nul of Isle vebiclescas a (la nid ituirucbor. ansi ciargei clown go tie beaci 1ke lenmmings 11 9«U d bu becomego Po" 1Iiaruts go the sea, except glial tlsey didus't periss but tisa Irsish clan tbat a cousin anti bis faisily remainesi to tonnent andi terrify nie for tise deove ail tise way fromt New Itunaseck tss eire wemekenti. Yeur Io g»M ulish relaives lhaZmi ain 2o Thse youngsscs amide thiser owss mies asthey >CM' t .e a dut, Jumng bedlsy ita ilable AMs are- coa- had tise pli to pis=o upI dingh- and sip g eP!sOut tise ions. wuu~d in tie smmt to me if hae cSol kis offmin te bsilwih cottages supply 0> opIn girifrlends five k"do p top of tas two life jackets ast cueely bramishig fig terribles. Wbat could 1 amy? 1 dli&'t wagg 10 poles, complete wits bocks and seognssa. 1 atoos - "O'* No seu ba, l tise Kis upiet nui of velliclea beaved i of0 tise fwdbses &cd dkeai cornats. prolem o dmsset @Um, tise vegelabl gardes besgide tha renia cottage disappearei bhini elgisi joining a support group (sucis u Alcolsolics tles. ADnymOus), 80 dwsy cas lait g ta er people ie waler puib seoiesi overgiose a go"aI sein are going Ibrougs tise cme ordeal. in bots cottageasuere continuay fluahat ast Regular counuselling alan iselpa, as îî nos only odults bad oveqsouersng urges 10dso *M ftn, encourages anti supports îha teenager, but it momSing t0 nigst. despite lise fuel tiai tisey alan monitors hlmn. coul4isave easily enjoyeti a refresbsng tiip in Kisi uill tisin dtia tiseir family sisoulti trst tis lakse iiiaieail of overtaxlng nur e nc sya- tiser as sono as lhay join a drig prograss. buî hem.& ûIsiVI tia simle Il gonS montils. ifwSc year. Fortustalely, only ole dog shoueti up this for tisag trust go break down, ans il itll Lake yeu. butle a lut Um te ou5f cal ary eay fin it boilsi il up. Thse chilti seul nesi to kos on, an Puir-Pua chose lo cloister hasselfuiiu isow hae casi zealisticafly cuis nuiid itdpen- thse cornage walls, usile Max isuappeaeur is- dence, aid parents must alloe tam Io cuis i îsg tise dayligst boues, nly tu reluis uliser (gradusally). cover ofnwgis Mosi adolescents slip, bave a few relapies. Ants kida and aMIls puionS of buihy's toya, even afiger tlsey am a drug progpan, an tin'î a lawn , ,e and a fnue-whaelet isucs to dhe ha devastaesi if il bappens. If hae slips very annoyaace of neiglboting cottageri svho, olles, bouever. si isseas bes net renly for tise befnre tise endt of tise weekeid . bal ceecctid tise treàusent. «Go Slou" aigu ail along out toat. For kids lutte are nconçierative, labo fre- Tise four-ubeeler met a autduin demil quently slip back uon drags. tisere is mousse isalfsay dhonai the ucelsenti whha. ie cisa bope thaI tisey udt qoick]y sink an lau lhisa fleurof cra dhgt th cruskce ovu. Il wu dsey ull ha aivmet 1o kick tise hbit. One put outa in paiseae tse woti . mie hal to u"e opinm tise gumu covoesi ailS Not oggly seill hobby now hacsna doua har Oua vomit befote tise decided" tsas % pare pars for isu 1965, 5O-isoisepower eaietreignenst. Mercury outboard motor. u bol hal bave lo No ne recommends tihan patenta become iac En ut ai reckers for vital eÀtigamsag debecsve, but il il iSwnelisas truc tin tiey for due foar-wseebr. tscoulsi keep tiseir eyes anti eus open. Donis Die dmboulhl relaives hllf bien xeuely, item lise signa. Too lnany pateautsiaùk ilt oucla. sucts. asti batinug suAIs as wun a a ai'lips 10pe So & cisils. dt ii ly hapente uckliod of gumaqp, lacludli $38ko s of0 go beti kida or kult h.m dyaftcua fasti ems9sy beosas asti bolt. isms8y em go It Sots bqspen tu gond. Iovisg. decetkits". caver cme~ ut lmsputy tepais aid eus nendy on. andi it's go suns er t0 treal if it's eisougis go maoe p for du lueur Md wa on magiil it ealy MU& yeur tw