N lu OMIT Savkp GIANT Value! ASL ATTENTION aMILTON .a -q. -à.. rRE'S1DENTS" Martin Street Open House Wednesday, Sept. 7th 1994 5:30-9:00 PM MIartin Street Public School Gymnpslum The Mature trees that give the street its historlc charm are stili in danger.. More than 1500 citizens have slgned the petition to block the three lane plan. The Maflln'Street ipvey showed an overwhelmlng majority wanted ta maintain the safoty of the residents, preserve the trees and simply reconstruot the two lane road. The Town of Milton is considenng 4 options:, a 1) Three lane section as previously revlewed. 2) Two lane maintainlng the west curb Uine but intersection widenlngs ta the east side of the roed. Offset cantreline. 3) The twa lane section wlth intersection Improvements but curb wldening ta the west. No offset centreflna. 4) Basic two lana under present road conpgratIon. Notice that ona of thase options ls stili the three lanq plan that thraatens pedestrian safa- ty and wJII destroy many trees. Sa why ia the Town stili considerlflg the three lane plan? These options wlI be prasentad ant the OPEN FlOUSE on SEPTEMBER 7TH wlth a for- mai praseritation by the Town's engineering flrm et 7:00 PM. You have the opportunity to ask questions, make commenta, and voice VOUR con- cerne et this time. UT 1S CRUCIAL THAT YOU ATTEND TrHis la VOUA LuST CHANCu TrO LET THE TOWN KNowwHAT YOU WANTI YOUR OPINIO NATMUS For furthdr information piease cail the Martin Street Commnte at: 878-0965 ATflVU &-àmp uhool OÎVOA m AVAILABLE: Lotec etmehle. ot4ngs. eys. TL-C C plsen cd 8lS-lui. auam.uNT mli Ma OP. ELZut*= amw . uno. cpm ela.New E.W. foot. MWb 878- UflIU - orieve 1 Uue hm .£e~ .M LCwIOt bu l lu.de 0* a m~. hm youcetAd.K* 7W jouh cmes ucdib..gud i l bdongàoe -AI - - ufflo e LOuOS 100MB AYA8.I enot MWn @. = s.ts*b. Mlowt aêles.014PM. -' = MW and PM" 373. 111000 Dee V&M-Olip h o'pu lue. Fer lu c d 878-i qu.e md Sd mm" h. ob. Mnu 40e m *0. wM e a. Ahucel. ac@L EC0ofe ArmVIhus UwdWdM, ' ftme el olIeheno ur -.Wdm P .tce, lu. a nedm . $EImo 0.".i $= M -u AsB lMS aOOT T4lIRCElLa. 2o diasi 030sl a.00 km..&* Plae a vdm.ncm -hli noso l F-1 RA WTÎ T 7Eý