Downtown group plans facelift as part of Streetscape project Mtiltoe'$I Dcwntown business Inçeovenul Aia (DIA) is readY an iiprolle du duwolown, md mafretl mn Millon aid tcos Ontaio. luwmow DIA Iniasager Assaiony Allwood wss ai Monday's towfn coicîl meeting to make two requns before the dosentown BIA hostun essimaed $325.000 for ils new ive-year Steiscape Inspeove- mntuis-ec. . This is oui part cf creating a siroesgamd valid dnwniown for tise future." suid Mis. Allwmod mhe plan. of short and long-tertn stratgmes an beutify tise downtown. 15 pari of a three-phase ulrategY Ilo raise due downtown's piofile anti increau csstongers now andtiun the future Fundiisg woold corne front tht provincial governimeft and the Town. as well us mierchants in tise Downtown DIA. "We helieve our efforts can Pri- vent any negatîve impact on ose donio.n due to .any detenoraion of exstong sireeiscape. in addition t0 identifytng mnd atidresng curtent public concerns.- saud Mr Atlwonti -Wr want te cat off deterioratton hefore si heconses an issue The plan hus been in tht snorks mise nionius. Mr Allwood pumnted te dowtitowi stireiscaping precedents in Onkville 'We îhink wle car, he everything downiown Oakville iv Plus soe thing orle.- he smd, noting Milton' downtotin boahis; Victonan architec turc. a theme te he pîcked up il sireeeiscapiisg Warl 2 Councillor John Chillino aisketi if downtcwrt propeily owner wouiti agite t0 upgrading building asithe du me du ne. d Mr- Allwood sait joue cwom hâil aluay cuau-- ad due Dcywntw DIA m ageens He said tise Town's example of ir4roving public landu would pec- vide a stronger Étend in approaChiilg buainesues for couperaison. Cotinil approvcdl Mr. Allwood's bidtiuit Town staff review the plan seitie a nsunth sn budgeting cam get on track, and gave perission fur tim Downtcwii DIA Io cOnstuct. wfthoug cosi le tise Town. a large guteway sign encouragiflg downtcwn ivel. *lise concern of sonse husinesw.s is dosen Martin Street," said Mr. Ouncle tihe somtucapmn aspects am ustfriway. the DIA cas duo hegin a pgcvînc-wids business recrnmemnt canipaign te brins cter *leady uic- ceuful busiiun a t aurowstown. Sumuliuueously. WC cms begin a large marketing and re-educ»io progrnm for Miltoninss" sait Mr. Allwood. "lt wookld show us t0 coquase with tise possibtlity of new retail aea am growth of the Milton Mail." he added. On e-stop shopping for active seniors at show Piano star Frank Milis is heading a hvi of perfongitrs; ready io iakc thse stage ai The Greai Canadii Maturity andi Travel Show. which retioms io the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Sept. 12 and 13. *Wtsere cul you sec a star of the calibre of Frank Milis. have a chance to .in faltuloos dor pises. including trips. and find oui whai's happening for seniors îoday. ail for friee" .sked Derek Mornson. Premier Consumner Shows' sales director andi show mtana.ger Premier Consumer Shows. a division of Today's Seniors, peoduces thse show. whîch is sponsored hy thse Canudian Snowbîrd Association andt Medipac International toc. -i's rwo greai show% under one roof." said Mr. Mrises mhe Mtrunity Show highltghts whais happening in healts, housing. finance and lîf esiles fr seniors Thse Travel Slsw efftr information on planning, hooking. even oiii-of-cçuniiy nravet insurance, Otite attraciions incitide a fond demionstration. information seminars and travel videos in a state-of-ihe-ail theatre Visiter% te the show can also hc in the audience fur a hive broalcasi of the Gooti Afiemoon Television show each dayfroml12 noon tO1 pm. Two stages wîil provîde contînuous daily enteianment, feaiuning the sCanadian Ail-Star TrIbibtte th Oe Glenn Miller Orchestra. - Fre shutile buses provideti by Trentwa -agar wîiI move visites% eveiy ID minnutes herween Toonto'stimon -iiît ranth e convention centre. Tise show runs 9.30 ,m Io 5 p.m each day. tai year 47,000 people r passe t hrough thse shows% gaies andi show organizeV expect oser 50.000 ts vear MERVS ELECTRONUOS. SHOPl MfERVS - WHERE QUALIT COSTS R.SS DON'T PAY THE G.S.T SALE!!!i TVS e VCRIS * AUDIO SALE ENDS SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 ~?ave/q,1ff/&e ~9a/ /~Çt.d/tur:O4a~/ We also do: *Anwmsnna laiio -TVNCR Repah8 -a&- a cm auu an MITO ETARIO ST. mm. -Thura...lOUh-7pm Ffihdsy .........O0am -ShiPm sabgmdy ..... iban-O0Pm stangliw- là mm -4 PM the Grade at Oakville Place! Fn Septensbet 12 to 18 Oakville Place wiU give ycu a FREE 1994/95 S1UDENT PLANNER wlt), re&%Ïpta 0f S7n or m- FREE GIFT! Tit coloueful Ie format belk bas lots of room for notes, plus Il'$ f1lued with geat Éditas, such as Ciae Scheuls, Addreasel, Study Cuide, Ceamset flp andi mucs mune. wifi~ i A PA* 7. *KVWE PL 1ACE v 15%/ Off .L ail regular p1ced X tems. soj a mc oemla5spt el1 1994. KOS MAT FRU dw 4, prn. dt s Cd 10 Fsm 12 oz. DrInk e wth any fry puchase. ~'~nn Comol.uwt199 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -uwt 'bov Vasarl 79 sS ----------- -----C~ - ----------- 1 1( 1 1 (),-, H 1 B A Ale FIWI