New> avenue to Lu-g Sun'., (ilht> will tache the chaleng of pwbcng dent ycuilie ln 0*0a Millobn YMCA YOMil lm#Ioymnggt Servce.s (YU)> Nus 0111 -0 worher for the dief. Ne Durrowu loins YES ounsel# 'or sonsie achefold (wu<1 et VIS' Main lisget ofiet. MITON CEN'n rooQ Musc C Tiim Am Fully Qtsalified, Experienced Staff. Members of. Dance Masters of Ametica & Cansdian Dance Teachers Associati on *Tap Classes Hot st: *Jazz * Blet *Acrobatie *Pr-School Exmmtoa* Dance Conwpyv REGISTRATION SPECIAL UNTIL AUG. 25TH "D)ISCOUNr on Beginner Ballet-Tap-Jazz Classes h'fdaImalf , fleglattlon 878-1001 or 8754791 OO@c: 190Muln StMllton ~yenqfordeafyoung people htjltoinsoewq.ê. MWyauh AllsMd. For ftess eh. my birth. .>u èsesil go stowly le hie &W U*m m butrs bMv fauaY. bousin or odur busi. goa~ ra m@&s p"d~dt Lour tis la et eauge n aiu, VIS ceullor *ssfifaossi «ach ek for Il. àgg "I lm chauco diMlyMlv flles. ml Ifs lF w T fi I w ise I bave om," .Uhd Ms Booi. JO naive spent 14 yeurs ai Mdioa. s . r IR m KFKM0. a E.C. Druty Scbool for lthe Diaf. "I kssow a loi of deaf people wosnd Mo Burrow, caeSd bu Rachelor of Amt in coonmicasions fmes à WadalhWo, D.C. unveessy before worting as stÇanadian Heaig SocbiY socW ri cfjes cusellor. a lif shils coach La dut youths gs Toeni. ad wfth die YWCA. ""a goig go snoop arouad a&W ne if diea people oeed any hel." §wMg; MI Bufe,,. lotIt 8W existsag YES protras. sud ne, oulech pukt juojêcg for de CALL TO VIEW 042.7000 IAIFULLYI Fkepkmc & walcaut j Hugo-et-In-Udche, à6 âjýýa* New oaf foyer * 3 Bdrrru + Dons REMAX ABOUTOWNE CaolI Murphy-Gku mmeo. Uroke PUBLIC NOTICIE As of JuIy 30, 1994, Superkidsm Milton wiII be closing its doors. We wish to inform you that SuperkidsTM Meadwvale wiII make an effort to accommodate those miembers that wish to continue their training. SuperkidsM' apologizes for any inconvenience and wiII do our 6est to make this transition as easy asppoibJe Milton Membershlps wiII be evaIuatèg e n i ndlividual basis. To arrange an-appointmýent please caI:* SUPERKIDS Tm MEADOWVALE (905).826-5222 Iooated et Meadowvale Town Contre 4 k a y»Mr e - la Ver " T«»o à Adut 13 yearand up =IE * SOu.sotsu PW * abeuu Flago I Superkids is the bout thlng I enter ýdid for my grandaon. ISuperkide karate progrng han given my grandson self-etet Iand confidence. Most, important is the positive growth; and hoj jis having fun., Ian Stables .-99..... ............... .. . FcREE TRIAL PRoGRAm k)ciuds AsssMWMw & IntuVlew -ol«o Packffl Fnl UMCwMwlh enrollnm Cà ioia PMW.= Notc MM~ OMW oouq -----------......... ....... -w..7 *HERITAGE, OS CoMIoral Retirement Lhiàsi *Long & Shrt Terni Acconsodatnons *24 Hotte Nàrs, ng Assistance Available. * Ai Serv'ices andAuseniries Provided C r se bjr da u a saur, ud»- Ires us '- u (905>