Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Aug 1994, p. 6

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*COMMENT Bx24&. 191 Main St. E.. 0.Pi yUf Milio. m IL9T 4N9 à. ot94wii».W pina LITe àu oti. u& i oo Uane 821-33 - '--Pi bk Fax; 878-M93 0,c .1 t Ti.b. USa _lb- 05 WU dlsîit Adveiiia: 1113 33481N ... lmn Oliver Pubisher E.o ê. Sa » 8ZTO R * Ted ma". te aai, ~ i mar Di. ré.ia.Maue mm~U S -i.a -l. mutna Dmu 0 . lgU Ted tùli.. £rgait &aâisaee 0"0 m mm Somebody's kids A sbOrY elsewhere ini today's issue recounis Milton resident Charlie Speck's surprise in Ïtumbling upon two teens appar- ent' camnped out in a washroao at the Miltoni Fair Grounds. Unfortunately this scenario, Of teens diifting about in search Of shelter and sustenance, is ail til0 common. Severa] Years ago this newspaper'published thc story. of a Mit teen who. unable ta live wifti bis parents, had taken up residence. if il can be called that,. in a cave on the Niagara Escarpmnent. Fortunaiely, and with a littfe hclp from social service work- ers, hc escaped his circumstances and is îoday hcalthy. emRployed. and flo( without ambition. But for every, happy story involving a young outcast there is probably a sad ane, even a tragic one. These young and desperate people are often preyed upon and enticed by criminals, who solicit themn with paper-thin promises of apparent security on the mean streets of Canada's major urban centres, where runaways and outcasts congre- faae. In prostitution ami drug trafficking, the kids take the street-level risks while those they percive as their bencfac- tcsor allies reap the rewards, he strains on families today may be more pronounccd than ai any lime in recent memory, as economic rtructuring exacts ils toîl on job security fqý pai-enîs and employmenî prospects for their offspring. A sense of disenfranchient is a mîlîstone for too many young people, a sense of frustra- tion 100 cominionplace among their parents. Arguments advance 10 confrontations, confrontations escalate until the teen boltsà)r is driven out. There are. of course, safety nets for these teens. but ofien the teen doesn't kuow how ta acccss them. or.perceives those wbo run-them in tbe same hostile ligbt as bis or ber parents -adversarial autbority figures. Nobody us biameless in these altercations, but ibere is no gctting around the fact that having teens living in caves, or wasbrooms. or on the strects, represents a societal failwte at a fundamental level, ta, say nothing of a family failure. Those people staying in a Milton wasbroom were some- body's kids. Live and let livé Milton town counicil may be attemptin .g ta strîke a tough 20 Yea posture with regard ta the "0 p~t of Halton Huils opening a bingo ball, but he is l it su ce or appeal behind the .Ator complaints and ilategies advane&n the subject so far ai te on- lancfrIl apan ci ToWn Hall. itey bati b I-lton HuIs wants ta, hold fundraising bingos for non-profit Campéteîîvi groups, just as Miltoni doits, and town cosancil here bas react- wiih aimant cd by asking Uic provincial govemrment to, review our neigh- *Teacter bours' plan, with an eyc t0 dctermining whctbcr enough demand exists ta aperate two such modest gambling estab-PU lishmients successfully >n dangerous proximiùty, at leasi from 1 the perspective of sorte Milton politicians. 1. Live and let [ive. We didn't event bingo and wc don't hold WQREP- exclusive rigbts ta il. aithoulh we act as if we did ihe former ý and owin Uic latter. Halitot Hilis bas evcry righi to attempi ta, glean sorte chari- t;money from bingo, just as Milton bas donc. They have similar service clubs which undoubtcdly do just as worthy work, aftcr ail. i 1 What's next? Asking themn to close some retail outîcîs because vit bave similar asies un Miltan? Lookiýg Back Swlmmlng l.aasons at dm. new communlty pool In Rotary Park $ttractad more ten 70 atudenta In the fini aI eL. On Auquel 15, 1003, Julie Nolealm la shown receMng &id front Inatrueto Rlck Randeon wle Peter Ledwith, Joan Clamet and Anme Serafini look on. P&ge~ of the Past One YearAgo Fron theb Aupui 4, 1993 issue Haiion regional council relucianly voteti lu slash $5 million t'ron t s 1993 budget te offset provincial govent- ment imposeti cuibacks. Cotincillois matie il ceam ithey weren't pleaseti witt lite move, saying the provincial NDP iat no problem funtiing is osn new programs but pre.rlehet financial restraini to municipalities. -Officiais ai Milton District Hospital ativiseti anyooe ^sho may have receiveti a blond transfusion ai lte itospital belween 1978 and 1985 te immetiiaiely consaît titeir physician aboui being tesieti for HIV. the vius litns cauis- es AlaS. Records inticaied 731 people received blood ai ite itospîtal turing the seven-year peniot wben blooti was cut ilested for the virus. * %ir Hallin Regional Police Service anti its i'iembers signet a conirreitihat would reduce policing costs by $3 million over ils ibree-year terin. It tioing so. police offi- ciais sait itey tidatr sacrifice safeiy or service leve6s, but met lthe temands of lthe province's social comtti legisia-, tron. 0f the 500-membr Ha9lon Regional Police Association. 99 per cent voteti in faveur of te niew tIaree- year contraci. l'rmjority of merriers of ite soualler Senior Officers' Assocition aise agreed ro ie tira ~rs Ago Fin» the Augusi 7, 1974 kmsu year tireain for the Gmoge M4cKeie f"mly 10 nanuies of sunoke anti fiante. TIsw boitte cen builting on Steeles Avenue. soulir of lie, cauglit fiee anti bumeti te lte gieuntisartit everytlting itey owned, sin lte Haiton Separaie Sceol Sysien were te receive an average increase of 13.9 per cent for dmr 1974-75 scitool year. Tie agreement was reacheti ai a meeting of the scititl boarti. %ir increases were ade up of 10 per cent increases fer ail leaciter anti 3.0per cent in incoemeits anti fringe beneflis. -Management and labour appearedte uo b far tromn sel- tlîng a coniraci for workers ai Milton Lirnesione Aggregales. About 10 entployees at lthe quaury wear oit anrke July 18. Tie quanry was siti tiown since titen anti mosi trucks weee itonouting lthe pickei line. 50 Years Ago From the1 Augusi 3,84 Iflam - Fying officer James Grant Fr.s->r requmiet fromn over- %eas Ici bus bumoire. Grant was boin in N itor anti et.>- caird in Milton Public anti High, Scirools tiere. Before euslisinteni. ie was employeti ai die Cana"dm Bank of Com. M'ien, Ayr anti Gall. Tire cornmuniiy joincOý wîîi li~er anti mother. broiber George of the IR CAF ,r ~e. ant itler Adieline tn welcomiag dite wirelrss airga ioeonev. l8V.ckwarti wcaavy crops anti sliorage of laboresuîteiio r-up of weic on f tireroi- iy of Halion culturl tep J. E. Wîitelock. Showery weatIkr du hle firsi ttre weeks of Jane couplei wiith a heavy crop of hay and huile help resalui in itaying, wheal barvesi. andtihîe ctutling of emly-sown. spring grain bring on ai îhe saine titre on a gooily per- ceniage of Halton fanms. --Witai provl îo lie tire trist legely atienie, entitusi- asiic anti constructive meeting in many yeani of the Hion Progressive Co.aiervative Association was helti in Milton Town Hall Judy 27. Irle occasion nauei the fet kdtenl ougmiaration neetiai of ahe PC Party witiirn the oumiiy.

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