jR*Jlrsmustfocus on consalher j4fhe're te 'survù', say expert, pà i na f ebou dqm «20 teo surviît, a Toittm ikt. ' -nae"mt.cui tOdoa MUa ) wn T h l tet.C'9C lmtPfoV*et 0àyome Whio coups aatoee I satshprovouuSprANB (am Crejeci. es the flvvbysar plii Masr you mt walk tauy haOI4 lmb li vSk. cellesheld bc mlod lae tbI& .uemç N. 8«wm om dl la touai tes. doveeéai m. as0&IW dbols bichai dme aid DIX ta* Wbecomsti Mosim batile si baie ailago - long tenus Uatigica to'srtce op, aolves ter cestoomers, si tg pet et Th soly reý «W lm poile filleiacie cou- illerben peple on u os Un. approcit msai ta U.kettii Lee.rju !tý gmso" . Tbc expert sad a lshai !%taler qnmeah. 11'1 MoaetW eoea slr. Dergersn *hold knesw thetd cla de but mm heseet the aie poiniosdlat =ae stroledi durou dounlovi Mil.c altoobc a communsIfLuaiWexut ym, hi mewrooeld la tht çcn- Md thurn des *Mmce loué; n4 rel "W. go about in backwumb And Io tumnr."« satsi nblg consultant very friendly.» Ne advlied douin- Imasoutke udve mousn i ia, Roy Borgerson. who*as huit 25 toue merctiants go mlntain and reqilers mois teying clleup," ho "expoqaiose veillé Rtet Lid and lurve upcn Ihat mou. w ois uldi Tôronlo BIAs. lRu xolrg1h ae i eWalendmidcli k. <oin coâ. 1bU IA memberé bai come go value - of customer service and 'lmie Reluit comaiy hao baigne ha a uepert on whil uitaes doue- looWe to compmmies like V/aImi very, very demnndiné nd dm. puy- teuna viest befoue ilmalzini dellhactidng ita cooçeitvete ut .cas- hock di dma la miugbns." ho "Mi. &f a ew ioRI-serms BLO. plan to %Roman service am& -The woed id champe uWcal- improvet NI",e,dmaowe "I the read indusbry wc have to ly. 1 mstaic not smms of <bat change 15 Io 18 yenao. Thme cias- lomm Am rutier m" le cdames. S The fracedîlieos 1 grec up wil began Io ispiKle "b sad Mr. fiergerson Réald thte word las 'vexperiemzoed a ruoalgiqol. not mmoe- 'WC cent Iran a fais. potteios 80 a lea position. Where ce're MoW i. O chue up're saint to etn W TO usW Uiow laduSIadlWCdd" Consmers to00 have echangai. up3OFF cmMie )r«àymrato",Many consulners art walkies BRI S AUTO ýrnwa IRS ttxes s resohtkua& 4«980 A» mm751Y522 'The consumeeris as turmoil ýau"onw .«W- 1 8 5-1 2 .ta» TA& ospf eg1 A new friend Tw..ye«« erâm ui Kedn bund doIS ld a MW fim i n P t.he UePony. te' »Onse oeWlO sof beat faab - M d riepielee, WMl =W= «Wmm m dae 'Aom I~01811111l Sehool Lji' T4* iferd whffleb A . â. 1.IlNml Sele mwunés11t e Clan £sleums 0num . " g l s meumu b inios ti Twi i il lie Oa çpaWie Sd.11a on née Bell Shch ai 1n m. ~Ow lands 14111S11whm tiy(J) de - WO L1 aie *P ce o ainte<IeiII soa lacs M rA o" Is4l d e u ne " si UOI M" d- fm of1 Noies IMP iofl gnh rdt etomle idJ rbnl1 m se 11 USAi Tas Mr1 UrSe cdue imboh le go Tom YhOele ub qoue U SpsollUO 4aU~~~~m 11d.. *USs 0 DMt: AIStM 7 ~ ~ ets Lipaumo: Vicimi Park al0 S.n I F1 DMSPtIj iii;j'n dc ~y - - WeToUsd t~aoe WçhmwiIlgtaipgSdS Rrie~ Put ail USai le 11 tclcwleg 1w) ~MLçubS çp CM naa~hrmUme rnçinuiwu<dUhpOaI fle Osto ~O5 Homo oSto - ideoul nw~ pidu bois evulgif Il sikempecela asaçsceb.uSyboe tumnisd~AUgMlpl5ua lIN lUt ewsr11e1e~eleeeêl1t5 11la midpmicihUUOmeWftUW~uIt0< telis'. TiMi, etp *ic oewiulao USBTUS t' Rolay Pub Peut and Wadinq Pool i u dmcled un*l k~> notéce@. Peast waftbt qOe.ai update inI Pviar AOsu.Son auat- '= .dd.d Io the Uion LSiSIf MU-409pa , uimU4.U5u* DEPI*fuMT OF LEMMUE SUVIC Mur iumffu poww I a n *auaAom.a.~TFAoeCPAl~IiU 0iuewmshpva'aamedlUe FUuali11i~U ~USêPA 11911SM11EU~ IS05 dIS s iudtIisiUSoliLteiiiUBtOlletii'.oflu lIduAsoIf Il, Mol T.Ulid~ AS O. CornUe Il -. s.'.