Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jul 1994, p. 28

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Gentleman cop retfiring as rural Milton 'sheriff' 1111 KAMIFN SMITH Thte Championt JoHN LyvE]t will no longer bce an officer. but he wilI probaly always bc a gentleman Knowrn as "assea genliemant cop." ltr longlime Halion Regional Police constable will pairol rural Milton for te lit dome Augusi 10. The retirtng policenman hia% decîded Io cail il quits aller 27 yeurs on lite force.1 1I figukirt log enougit," he said iîpn on a tohe Ice souse gesuonl m n Camnieîil where ho is seeli known 'in gains 10 pack il1in." Nes of die constable's teiititefll plans lrings sadness t0 citizOlis of the loen's rural bavoleta. wito admire mnd respect dew verait cop. For dite laalt six years. he lias worked es a nond Milton Project Visibility offer. covening an area including Broukvllle. Cantpbellville am Mottai. Constable Lyver carnes a repltation in dmt commumity for is. faimmau eilli seeli as Nis down-to-ew*l nature. "Hes a reaI gentleman cop.' said Inspoctor Keit Gregory. P1eople love lutin oui Iliere.- An effployec of lte Brookville Trading Post on Guelpht Lino sad lte 5-year-old Himlaburgjt main is just like bodiy around the store. "Everytiody realy qgtreciaies te seorli be's dons," said staff mbeflhor Neml Jude, whio lives up lie streol. li's a sitamte 10 see tant bcave." On diapay in lte variety store is a phioto 0f Cptaable Lyver donning a counîy enfr s badge presented 10 huaafewyea=ao kilY .Il genou by cii~i ftevillage.le bildge actufly belonged te a sheuiff in Florrida and was donaied by a local residenl. Bont in Newfoundland, Constable Lyver joined dmt Georgetown Police Depurtuent in 1966. Living in Toronto ai thie litre. he an&weed an alveflisemenl in a local newspapel seeking policemen for the town. "Ai lte te 1Ihad no ide&awiert Georgetown was," hc recalled. He had an Inervew with Bud Lowe. who was citief of te Georgetown Police Depaunment. and was hired on lte spo. Among the requfreteets were ltal 1w ho ai least five-foot-l 1mad weigited o less titan 160 pourids. Constable Lyver. wlio always wanled lu be a policemn. was around in lime days tehen the Population of Hallon HMils wai; 5.000 and 1w was lte only officer on palro a nigli Mis cruiser halo radio, and oennainly no computer. To find nul if he had a cati. he womld drive by te old Main Street East fireliai. If a lighl on lte toof was on. la meant soiebody needed hutt. He would Ilion cail into tie office and lalk; t0 awitchtioad opemaor Mis. Oliver, wito woeked tir ligit. Tit was mte tan 20 years ago, but he still reunerrbens lier name. Prefeffng to perfomn police wos* front lte rouit raier ditm die station. Constable Lyver never wonried about toving up te raliks. He enjoyed lte people contact tram woelumng on petitI. Oves te years, he bas facedjust - B» LYVIR on popa 14 à A à a Our expert tinancial advisors stiare strategies for reducing your taxes, safeguarding your wealth and increasing the value of your estate. TAX PLANNING INCREASE DISPOSANLE INCOE AND MINIMIZE TAXES: -The 10% tax-dedqpIfleilenergy invesiment How Io profitA0fm limitait partnrships Ur e. ow income-spiitting cli lteep more cash in the famity * Ilerest ddulctlem rialb can incriss yaur wothi alI culliy your tailes *Cashing in on lte fast year for spousal pension rollevers Ilp Me« KEN WHARRANI flihorof "The Moffy Dodtor' ASSET ALLOCATION SIfEOU.4 YOLE ASSES WITHOUT UCRffiCINO REflRNS: How toi keep lte 10w dollar f rom shrinking your net1 worth Fo ai n nvestm ous 0hing in on tihe future?. r'et.1fud, ndGIC - tirgMi mut? Enurgy investments, andÀlidon itedge Securities mnc. SEMNAR SPONSORED BY RICHARD CHARLTON, 8.010< vl.-prm"dnt AIC mn 8. In c. Tu«ey, July 20, 164 "4;ol & Country Clo 1Otit LIe. ,/(Corner of River Rd. & Mayfledd Rd.) j ( To AogIMt el Satlf KEMMORE VACUUM VAÇUUM 1A % UI1 *l200Wals 110a You could win a M& -.Wh. 9 .WNl»Il uiet uaIns~toe 'WqAPTORSI' Sait cap V6 hou & 2Cr corl vacuum~ and an deluxe 12* foulae 4.=Inliatss tr official NIA Bask*tbail! SmeibnedeagU *re$4.0 4 Pila t ai amOiO vieil your Osai Catalopia Salas Osai Rapiat prls $24916 * Icu baies Saliirday .U< 3M lo la Ca3aigga oa a 74 a baffl andliv Omi lIaw s. S2299 s39o raw elosd Jii 3» 14 P QMWMA M SUM3 N 349" raw wNb heid Jly »4.:30lPm FR #mee anfd more great àpec lob, #top In ot y=u locl 1l00 Nipissing,, Road or coMg inrd dtas a$: - " Exvpeet moew f1ffl-beÇW

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