g. i I i eoau for 81l"ni: wfth $'no de« for 48-nie. Think Fast. \X c i ng out ou r 1991 tentras %it h ut taitirbI pruco.Prut %vc offer onlIv onte woidO dol (titon il Lu. fIV S2201.* V w l dam fa 48-nie. -1If, Irj 1, .il, r tr 1n kwru )ne * (h i r!-rr mrurrre.( hild-sîtrrf ruar i() lrxr jrrls C -En hre condtonsing Ri 0i 50 1casc t hi Sontra 1 -dont tnct idng ( F-fiee ai Lnditioning for 19/mo So get In and à Marna effara tise but fuâ.Ila warru"t 10 1 1 , I, .rçr rr....r. *rr,îIM ri M rO I n rrrrinrtrr rr .nnnfl rl r ,,rsIrt 6 rr..~I' rt r<rr.rr5rrrtsrr.klrh. i-,,n, l Rrr .nd,rtuA, , , h f,rrr( nudmItnrrr.r.It rrrIi,1r E doser look at intersection Dy ANGELA BLACKBURN( The Champion Thse town acknowleslges a peoblem at tIse ('ose Boulevarsi ansi Chmlds D rme intersectmon ansi bu s.mnc- tioocd mmnor iprovement, ushile spceding andi pedestroan sumules %iul] bc donc nesi fali. -1. sontsihmng thams% gomng to ic a major accident heore sonebod> docs sofluimng.' samid Cose Asinue resalenl Asia Keih ai townm commn cil last seek. Town staff sais tiaffic ansi poiles- trian studmes of thse problem inmcrsec- lion usmîl contnmnce mn thse (aIl when scisools ire opénatmng iaid tramffic pam- trem, retus Io nsormsal .mfter uamnier holmda%, n thse mesanterme housîver. apgrades usere sanctione along wmth thei 1994 siewalk contiaci I ast April. the touso receuvesi a uIt\' pemîmmon front the polmce-citizen Commnmy Consultation (ommuttee. headeul by Wmrd 2 ('ouncmllor Colmn Bestl in a report la.st weck, pulmc works ditrector John Matlews noteul ever- ai areas reqamec stusiy. tncludilng Npceimng ansi thse suggestion o! an aillway stop sigtt "The matter o! reposttoning tise peujesteman ramnps ansi normhbounmj stop to mmprove (smsubîlmty) ansi mocrease (stripping) _us reasonable ansi warranteml' saisi Mr. Matîles report Theic1- intersectmon has a stop ai ('ose Bîssi. while Chilsis Disve vehi-> cs have the emgh-of-way. Smte mnspections shouseu mosl vehicles stop bcyoni lime Cotte Bîrsi. stop lise hecause of imWes vsîbslity. The towss will reincate bath the stop block ansi crosswalks tjiree mette' norts of enisting locations on Cose BIsa. ai cost of S 1.801( Mr. Keîi saisi nimerosis accidents have occurrem i uthe locatmon ansi Ill (out citemi tise hmgh voulue of pesiestrian traffic involvtng cildren enroute to Bmshnp Reclini Seconclary School. mentiunal Amena, tise Leosure Centre anm sports fields. lwith ite amonti of traffic ut itis ~ lncatmon, hazars involvcsi with loBt ansi traffic travefling mn tise 601 kmt 0km range, tise residents fcar V ~ msi wmll be lut crossing tihe rond" sdMr. Bous mn a bitfer to counicil. He also askesi for a revîcw o! thse location nf a bus stop on lim aoth tade of Ch"ld Dive lieuColle Bîsmi Hilton Police well ai tn etalone lise monita of a throe-way stop r..r Mayor Gord lrutz sad tie pueblemt He hopes to help friend 's child in m'ari'ow, search Dy ANQELA BLACKBURN of a fanaly firiensi of Mr. Creechas's. wîll holsi two infpinnalios sessions sboulti locale a donnor by fall or her of 945 Cadian childiren diagnosies nes chamPior Au uam uddge rseulnts. on bonc marrow donorîeatig ansi cance will ltkoy be fatli wilh cancer uimay, abouti 215 die An electrical msaintonance employ- troanslat fer Consurrers Glass' 120 Consunsers Glass occupsational Thie Red Cross 1Mods information M naseis Amanda lin 7 yes ee for seven years wtth Cortsumers employeca July 25. heattlmnie Carol Masacy saidsi ab- sessions about bode maurow donors olilndysng of cancer. please hlep Glatis, Mr. Creechan has taken i Mr. Creechan chalienes tise gener- ings are te bet bet for a donor and transplants big won't do so pubs- tr upon istilof to assisi in thcir searcb ai public to hclp toon mâlIch. Amanda has none and lier licly unless il feceives numerous Multons Consmmmers qiaus employ. for a suitable bottc niarose dortor for His goal is to boost the 72.000 pare n'et matches.. requesa Ms Mýîy saii ise doisor ce Jim Creechani hopes the poster Amansia by hingng il1 bo is job tn niaines mow on thc Canaduas poitential onemarches anmong siblmngs process begins wilh a blondosiW-anid wull pull lus fellow employces' hears- Mîlton -bone marrow donorrFgismer. Mr. average ne mn four, but once outside consent fortn. Bloond test reulmîts go sr ngs. "She's just a very beautiful Ind1e Creechan esplianes Amansias tise fammly tihe odsis balicon o ne mn ontie regisaryandi sbould asalch be The younggirl pictnresi Ipre andi frrusi" samid Mr., Ceecsan. chances of findmng a sattable dontor 750,000 madie. marrow is cxîracied. wmmh a post chemotherapyl is the siaughtcr Thse Casaias Resi Cross Society are one mn 750,001) andi tat lr he s Massey saisi smatistics show duit syrnge. front a ionors hmp. 'It mmight be a bîide stare bumut m sn't a big lhing," said Ms Maasey, saying "s.she doesnmt belmeve mm's reporiedly painful procesiures hum ratser apaaisy thai resulis mn low sionor eegmsmry Morte nformation can be mubainesi The 1994 Nissan Clearout. SoIt' ititbte arwu% Hamilton at (905) 522-W85. * I ~ C' ~Town-taking Ilmils. YZiILLd. Your Ontario Nissan DeAl * making it easier to get the car you really want. cenm-a-sm fie tr lfam al.