Doulton sales to aid hospital A goodwill ambassador for the of deht l fdof RoyidDomhn.MNt. p.ty. Mr. Doultont mwu on haud go decad in the china depasuaas or f Monday's vsit by Michael u ie figure as weil. ptcitmas his -u aos. boullon to0 A caln Im*p rdsd na- book. 'Discovering Royal Ile sud bc avela Wi Il mouas of S$50 for Milice District Hlospital. Ilouton', the yenut as goadmili am*asador. Vers Delac.ourt. owner of Het said the hmnd-painied figure This yen ai=n, ha e ic inavel mm Delacouris ai Main and Martin 'Sharon' is unique because '%o two thm 300.000 mijes to qp* M aarm streets, donaed $25 ta tht hospitaJ n urlly the sam.e" locations in Canada. tht United mxthary each tmat sllt MM the Imt The store afumce was lus sec- States, tht United Kîsgdom. Royl on figure, 'Sharo.' > nd ai Delcowii ini thrt yexç. Ms Australie, the Crbbem and I- Expecflto bc àa collector item, Delacount sçid Miltontans dropped whert. tht figure (velutd ai $350> mas only itaa ie $bop steuly. Mr. Dodtonwa eduhamd in halà be sale ainng Ml. Daulton's visit. I. 1~ As the fiM1 generation debeeodus WNINTHI ie CITY CALLED NIE. NAD TO ANSWER. ri' EORGETOWN CINEMASI I CINEMA 93f I SAT &SUN. MAINEE :0 . I 235 GUELPH STREET, GEORGETOWN 873-1999 Moenday ifs Wsinssday 1 Englai Md Fiuac seu Reccived bis dgret in French language âmd art fr nt h Sorbonne in Puis. Marrie&i h's um avid sportsmanRaid enjoyî fly flshing. sailing nid hiking. Royal Doulton ws fouscled in l8lS by ohnDouhowho, nvestid ,Mmi .n-l jor -s Lambeth h)y lte Thants. flete, utilitamhmts mure produced liront stoneware and earthenwue. ln the lae 18M-., under lte ttelage of.Iohn's son Henry, the company began ta expand int boue china tableure and ni piteSs Qyeen Victoria was so atssWe to the work the firn mas doing sh knighled Hlenry Doulton in 1877- tdm finit Englisit potier to-ie sa hon- oured. In 1902, King Edward VII beslowed upon the company the pnivilege of using tht >sord 'Royal' in its titdt. Today, Royal Doulton represents Dne-third o! the Blritish ceramic industy and i owned by the Peurson coaglonenalio Is addition go Royal Doulton, the Royal Doulton Group comprises well-known consur ,rmnd sanes Millton, Royal .Crown Derby. Royal lent and Beswick. amomuay Ouaidu 1ed s-Pm CINE&U BAT. à SUN. MATI MichaelDOUMM@ Pffard et DalaooMm hiesh i r. Royal Doultsn's latest fiure é »aN se hi elrfo y pwwbmhd boat Trucks fail tests ip bjitz Ontano's Mintstry of Transpo- rion 724hx euyimpea i uniion will âdopmazà otol.S ol- found 42 per ceci of vebicles icy for dmt trung industry &fier e checked fimled THER'S DAY PTEi lit ea eUnuew atnu.. Pum Rco, wu bdoe 7 ihlw 9. WIRomLOVE M' '94 rusanly impecaed 2,650 trucks in Ontiario - 1,103 of Denasenthose haid .mdcd satsy, defects seions ecougit for cit so hi p.8. or. the ~m Tru atiaon Miniuter Gilles Pouhiot called the resulis "iotally unacceptable, indlcating more charges and haraher fines are the offly aumwr if sulf-oguiaiio dumut work.t Truck inspections focus on drier l.ceMng.ýS boithuts. vebacle nues tenano mimm" sahey mai loci securmty standards as sel outi n Cads National Safety Code. =isy paiceas een a #52 fr Repein. NEE 2:00 p.m. Now. "" Mil"el bcelWmfor openm% m -9 vellécle Rad fi- RG1ET0WNIl-u mg wtalomât mal cageot a budt -- -sacs NjxsO * 24 303 42 48 54 60 66 72 _______________________I I ~ ~ X 1, 44 ___________________ _ I I 411 Il I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~4 0___________________________ i I1lul[I]Iflh'r'fTr"î'""d'1g * .- . -*-~'~'-I~usnulsIp I - -. I-m ~ ~ u-v-~i- ..s-.-..- . -... m à,81RII .- 0- I -. F - Emu --~~ 116- - - -~~ - ~ - __ _ _ ANY LARGE PAN PIZZA J FOR MEDIUM CHARGEI (flot vaiid on dmbvesy DINE IN OR TAKE OUT "SECOND MEDIUM ONLY a560 (Equa toppngs or less) CaIl 875-4890 550 ONIrARIO STREET L--- -9_M_ m »&» -ef 005111l 15V 791 -@M II Lui aùj