*OPJNION, uut OU r Lni 4140 St. E.. Milta .i. J ifO (U i n a.. Tii. (90) MdPt*kl*AA Torciso Liu: 821-3837 bur A* 9-0 Gi.Ido. buboa-i Pst. cStigas Fi873-4943 C&cg.B**o5& Gi. itt*hte A*diai Ualc.i 87333 Wevd5 .m Rias Pma.(9, Kgli Thés Wook. Làaia t lm Ia Olver Phblahr Oaao a omia TOCIN. Oi.*VaWhwIWO1001181 Phlailim Fu eo araiMà.,er Ths WIA. Aidauni FAT1Ioffl MW auLib", acacaitaa<eia Nwor T.dwe ouUnaCbi Puai MWi UdowouiduVUToui~ ~~ M.iqer ~ i liaiin h qiad on ta oeiaiwt Mm. ini 0ta mm d a tW& KauhmClis,"lahea r M ss , , ci th Un l OMO b. #» Tati bi k uo a Moeemm mu., rn, a.s tav a ,aai rowoe l vau M" hn ea SlMne Un -plS Si. cit ouai rasaiva ai r i l p for YodLinmyArt Sks m«. e th Smaeda*me. -.Pmwr»ff tdmI I'm'baffled bj poor immigrA lthe Unitedl Nations recently rakeal Canada umgnng lte top places an te teai ta live, andl acaedng ta titis week's Macleans miagazine susvy. nmm titan 90 per cent of Canadian. Quebecots included. agrecd that Canada teas die (test country it ie worid. Meitehue. ais imigration mèinéster Sergîo Marchi, Argeolntan ity birth and of Italian dciet. as ramnt;g avoure thse caountey thylag la forge a consensus on whiali tis ta be a Canladian. We're 127 yeats years aid and we*ve still got ataidetatîty crtis% - "hle Mr. Marché andl his idIlot travellers navel-gaz ia search ofiadentity, aine unfrta-* rudte Collodion hallmaak pervades lite coutrty lui a lantenb1ige, berne. Thtatsanals af catavicted cminais previauly ardeivd deported walk aur strees. l'm stre most af tay I~d devaae more scrstlny ta peopl:e' e in nî ur living mains titn lit foerait imntaitan depalmmeht him apparently facasseal on flpy ofilltese andi- vitasý Wlay aie out -,iiùcaans so aotui oftataci tita d it public ntood&On a ptarely poactaciai level. titis neglagenor eodaasgers Iaw-abkdaitg cattrens 0ta Say odhng oi palace officers). Durtng lie last federal electan campatgs, 1 askeal out curera akville-Mjltan MP, Bannie Brown,. why we am spending substanatta sums ta hantaise nan-Cannlans convicleal oi crits in aur jails. 1 fît tee sitould buy dlten e-way tickets back vitere titey cante fraon Site lad lte audience ai lte al-cardadages' nmeeting die was Canadd 's. ~tion policies Vew 1. Point affended by my rentarks, but loaer ali apolo- gie to m personaly aid sid site Ipd nusun- der.tad tite quesion. Progressive Conservative candidate An Mfulvale, K-Mqoa4yr af Oitiville, tiogit te welaaanng was sinmscjiThe fargetlable NDP candidate, Willae Lambert. who iti Toronta Sus citaraclenized as "roaial" ta sum up bis chances at ie polis. launcitea an araliai about human igltts. Refarms Ricard ý4alhouf liart saune sytnpathy with my position.' the electaon ts history but lte pan 1 rein- ber inost was dmthaiten il cange ta utunigatian issues, Mpany Ltberal andl Progressave Casservative supporters disajreed witit tite respatases titeir candidates put farteird, but titey voted for titcm atayway. We bave a respossihtlaty ta bud ap ibis cauntuy.nm ta aiot it we be Wm daten pieco, mca> hy stapsitad-.polîcy and blunderang enfarceinent (lack afil,. really) viten il cames ta immtigation polacangV Tb.Wk ai the countay as a pot luck dinner. Yau have to bring soietltin ta thé taible, anal you have ta lie prepareal Ia lelp dlean Up. Olterteise. you're naltwelconge. Your chikiren will mimic y Iiwind buffets marketp lace Qiaebec chili. Get useal ta it. Il's blowîng stbong &Mta cols> througt lthe itiancial world eagt nov as people dave for caver front vi my hn sa nigitlnare ut lthe roaic. . You à, Pears of tihe cantiplg Quebec elecatoa. af a separaisi victaey. ofa itféendum and polmnical o rM o e ancertaincy. have Iapsiese anvestara an lthe Y-jMo e nuln, baad-eatf agenctes spootea and lte mes ai us' payiog the liégiest interest rates in te On aone day recenliy. bond cradets stateal mua ltheir computer ureens; and watcited te peenu- sin for laving in itis country ris. Canadian bonds normally have a yield ai about 1 per cent bigiter titan U.S. bonds. Duat ilas note mare ton daubled - because anvealora are demndas8 higiter rates îo itolal aur deiti And Queaec bonds amc ytelding anotiter fu> licrceistage Potnt, beause Of lte ancreaseal rusk. Witit inflation naw naanaing in negalîve ouna- bers (minus Iwa-tentits of a per cent 'iast MantIt). Quebec bonds are payinganre liant ur bad*-abits In lie latly pai tbi century. people oÈten Kida modll tbat titeir parents do, sauting id died af infectionus daseases. 1a very yonng aie. Now îtcey are being kalleal by thiter oten Parents have Iowee expectaios. ad lie- lIifesyies. Wont ye. litey're nt anly doing c..fore wonti bc as f6ci abriuat enfiatiigleailby theinselves in, tiaey're laking titeir citildeen ruietlea breakfatst, weigitt contrai. exeeis wi6drn. an t h.e if tltey leI> inlteaithy lices tbein- Weknowýfor exanaple. ltaI ort risk ai te- AJJcli-FJ W seves miedeMi doubles for people wbo siake. P habit " t« it mm subte ways, ton. If m bve5 poncent bouie thon~ yeu anima inke orbithecte t'spai veigt. or have Typa A persanalities. *ably going eo maery somseene like hlm. ln filet, an liac lytg-wem sttadies. Dr. Josepht Smoaers don't ustaiy mt, oant"ockeng. ad Mmatarz. a U.S. Itealtit psyciogat. fauna bath e ots viewe(ltl. about 50 pCl onm active people, don't mury aedsntj, people. seve beauity belivicurs tint demmas lthe risk whesaone puent is overelgt. If parents dou'î Sc, if aIe manes a smaker, ber ke almosa11 of enuaiar dat. Tbey am sleeping seen la cit breakfias.tb lesu lieyo at I o sio be amgokee since bath pareattamoke. eigt gr s a nigIsi. eaing breakilit eegulgatty, dhikirm t lte iî 1llbalaeced ami, orfto la a vicions cycle and it' a int break. But ot eating btvcen oseais. blvng itew yoasr pie- insist titi I's caaf oe lte kida traapae off .~tasi or you are pulting-you citilate ut iailbed veigl. net smoing, mia bavisaj mme la sdiool. > :Lsk titan fiour drinks (alcobol) ai one linge, andl Kials m intacts mota ludy 10 ,* if gtei Ma. peple me breatn lte cycle and head- exerciaing. pairents saire, go dfrnk if à*i lonta; drink. ing Igealthier bihaylea. liiertea bnp oqI digme Taire lte test. ive yourself ane point for lOds are leua ffkly Ia value exorcise if dae for you, frogni aerobic classes andl aelf-belp cacit gond bebavionr and bu itonu Men vIa 'paieta don'[ exercise; in fact parents my exmerS tapes for te aeIf-moiivaaal. la cont,- scm fuel or oive itd" a madetly mae tramoit indesntly xtlaint exervise habita in kids aelling ad suppt Ions for drinkers. a".k tmsllitan -m td a scora af sera by nt goiugtu the playgmuaid vith litm.'ns m ad ovesuaime vIa outil aone belp If yo* to e. Women vid a foge ut five bave a signng dIt up for almic or saoccer cIaum aie~1 il one uap a adn. myone io oly age cm s yrae siatm aw m a ligue o nhoe m bshig lquaciwbm ak Mtl dorste! bgiliWU a bealty lieatyle. AMli I.II mou0a" lover. in sporta. tald go hm Bai fSud," yogg edyMdI ie pictar as char. Thgere m gond babita Lfl but m hast Ji la a vkeaa emhuty tiut gel your boa pumping fo 30 ndia 9=c ui bad bo";t ibe bail abitavil> hi! yous. kids wili a* Iteteen logais; &long vida their giaua a vit. And it'a aits )ma yon mis il his. ii's your andeoueuldto on u e eptisi yoga dkont de il. evoléssa vii de Il t% cillée, to, la obvuions ana ralbie oublie m no arasi. - sa vie whu&t he cycle aid ad*g ca~ wq% s e fu m diutic boulit of oit dhUm la sboms. dieas bail hbis m 1u0te "a Wa ini mye Nafl ud ne viii hie eh Md uneit sa comn dtllfra jost 11h -y adag WWbv"sn. hlum ésa.slih Bsn vlB.iua y WwMos 82ity pe « tM muadas - w W au igb f ha ibmig o @a% sud miIy6q O@Wayfhdn-. ai> per cent - a rai ofmIa neyer Ripgna in dmt istaey ofCanada. As litlmaic beiweeo separatisam halfer- alasîs rises, gui doca thte price of borenwtng tnoney. Receaily lthe pimoe poppeal ta above 7 -per cent. a five-year rnnil creix near 10 pey- cent artç a mnajor trust cantpany teas disliing 9 out 8.5 pet ceat GlCs.ý 'Mas is not tehat a fragile ecollomy needs. Anal Qubec ciai coala bc lit vinas giving lie telolle country pnÇKmonia Wood Gundy is note forecasting an 8 pet cent peinte rate eititin a couple of rotussît; Md a 70-cent dallar. Oditan aay lthe bamemd loaie viii aaarely fait titrouga its hisso'qc tour oi 69.1 centa. it almagsit a dacode sil0. Thwce'a bide rensomn abeieve ie aeli-offao( our foreign debt wiii stop. We owe the Japanese alone more titan $64 billion. And about balf lia nuchtla lte Gomnts, vtase major commercial bank lait monta picolo- mendeal lia Caumaadia elbI beaggtaandlve aaldi.But ligeret'îmty bayua.N Sa, puty Fit.csum Maler Pulal Miutgin lIbis rat! mas-up lint atersit al ml blowtag bos toi Wctnù defici proectons liai fada lad planneal on utîjoying lthe low-rate.' low-iloný enyframut tbey italeda aler lte elocléon lht Océcaber. And il wus bala on titn pojicona tti ie flamm nmatr alial bis calulIona. - Now, it's acadunlc. lite deficli larme wII m bc reeadi viitbout nogwIve haha> tpetsj ing cu. Anal bi'a malikely fora - no bo acsudly Increxaca spesading in fls Fcbruaty bualgi A swefling deficil wcul prabably garte off moto people Who onc tiaiglbt c" wu a pe place to inveal --lbie poflidcoly sol carotta fttnulfr Now we fce, an matna> alitItm Blant. S-w bos uas. , m deut. a deb*g cuire ma aa mofconfidan géog hua v cm& bahsved m Caada. 0 Anra~ lavbg f(m yet Lia. Baucantl? Gaasda Tante, i a uar Hhigot-Peet HP auf A£Wmr <Nichai Rene. tae it1 car- renrly on-ir butinessgditop teilà Mon iag IeiSeviin. Vals NM t m IO