. 91,1: I.L H ITAGEm o.wî-U 9 *Lmg & short >te, Accomodfions .24 Hour Nursuug Asisiaice qawilable. - AUl Services andAmflitfro>idei cfo4fli di m IQ164sow Oih~u~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PIJBUC NOTICE - ROAD CLOSURE *REGIOA ROA NO. 9 (NO. 5 SIDEROAD) AND0 FOURiN LNE TOUNS 0F MILTW ANDItMLON HILI.S Regonal Rad No. 9 (No. 5 Sideroad) wili be temporarily closed ta through trilflc between Highwiy 25 and Fîith Line. T% Foutth Lino wiI be temporarlly closed ta through trutlîc between Steeles Avenue and No. 10 Sideroad in the Towils af Miton and Hiton HMIS effec- tive Muiduy, jlai 4, 1M0 to Monday, Au"ua 15, 1M0 ta facilitate the rad reconstruction ani knall remnoval mi the intersection af Regional Rad No. 9 and Fourth Une. Trmlfic will bo deloured as illustrated below: For further Inforiéton pius. contact D.K. lnosayé CET, Mmniger of Construction cidtansion 7601 atone of the tolloweing numnbems Fvom O*veiWTarOno Front Budingion Fram Acton905 Fjamn Halton Hillsgoi58 13 Jou A. Eagbdu Roglonai Clerla WiJl the rftaveliers join the CF, L . see hâ nu Bond Travoi la MIhUm PW F- *ohl argu wlN i.e mimant CO'L uxaic - yw àw _. ulhM y .xgpri t.he poum puiIy lIby VmacSd anéa opo-Ma ths mèh. tids tité waylaylag tie Waltzin? We.als 64-28. Ray Ddrà ua dgA it apte, àmot MMva toodgher puias., une of a tMowu conveusio Mdce âme- ard Hery wau on the rocitvl tirew for à coupleilmef as -dm IIc m off, 1116- abty te film a few coammrclali. Actnr e ru*ditwuo odm %cor. ccli singles soins 10 Werner Mâctut, Foui flrichoff, lu Buo. and flac Roipvlc. scories majon for tiie Weaoet. were Dk Hye Dmn Wbailh. Chad flpnoma and M~ark Zînga. DwSe Oeoern panai for aul fbo Mmi Orna pot on m impasve io of bis owD inl Fat reddt's 30- 18 thbaping of Tiie Dickens. H.i Itm reven passes hqdt end zoos sobec t0 Sco McDow.tl. &W two ecuh W Sm1 Kemy ad SMn Walac. I.P. Strand pinked Up die odig ont. Don UMMe d*M fgr TD PMUe and SMc Dragi dite for Ratua. but indfrtanséily tis wu spreld ont oyer tw0 sanes ad they Ion ther bc& The. fini wal 33-24 l on Ciierryî. Scola McC@lIu W Don Oîarry'u miti fiv, TD pâms, two Io Dum narbagallo mai oe tacis to loey Dessu, Crois Wilson, and 'For bAaiê, Imape iitd to Tb pane: mmd on. raception. mile Dnbwe bail tie D pasai ad ueo loto the Md nu loir Iwo accru. wéé 1b To W" di Haitto Pools N' Spa 422. Rob scoot Wei five IUM Pool étnt mm in wth ULGaa 41 D la ill Mec and Mark for two of dua Satn score, and tua Dr"ko sported Tod Tante ala frâ hinuse Minor Basebail INTERMEDX'flT-BIL Mbter Dombl 28 North End Nmi 23 tlogtiigh: A catch by the pli*£ Nicholu Mazzorato in the. foul initias ad a recinsa out by Crois Cadd a uhrd. MAlx Frank ploai!d ttlmg for Muster Done mire Crois Gadi, Nichotas Mazarom. Piliip Folçy, Evan nurrell, and 50011E BALL *~ lndubn 29 =bAun 12 Higlhagh Mmu wu a tclat of six bteonsc ad intense md ilnn-si lîke Pl*~ wu deaonairatod by aMl mcm pisyn in the avebuaimg butl. L«eni bitters for Siejak Wers a Womkevla Tyru, Daniel - -211,sH"ý '"rýý - w., e 97- Nftthag for Daffetia wers Erik Lizon and Datn. Yorka. Sa se' Uuouar Il Mmv'ib: mlalo t ll Md Wa m RIn Md~ 4 Ipla SIV- iay of Fias Oua piee à no Mu Ba"Si tu die wmr om Wise Piip Dean, Michael Kenîz, Aamksw Neilan, Robert Bivards. GofS Ka4 luin la - , -g Michael Mallette and tan Ueouffie played vol for Phase O-e Wining pitcher wua A.drew Neilso. vio tkSm 5ive suile allowed ou m en thme bh. CZjI.BRATE CANADA DA' PLAY MINI-GOLF, ae united way of milton MINI GOLF TOURNAMENT 9 am to 1Pm Executive Fairw"ys Golf Cent~ Highway 25 just touth ot Ilerry oaI ADULTS $5 CHILDREZ< (under 121 $3 Playoffs à&Pr tz.s _ýfEET PT 4ER JEET SINGH JR. Iternational Heavyw.Iht Wr.mtllng'bftmp@f à kickboxling apeclaliat who will,'kck off the sysut à @a aû»opa CaU 875-2550 for detailsý C«nMtabk,àeüremew Léséq , q-1