ls " gs etit uay to pari, an o&i fatourte" "SPORTS -Sprt Eden Park tops ait competition Edien Park Equestoan Centre in Milton hosird te fit-st Leg of the regional Challenge Senies recent- ly anti caime asvay the bmg winner. takîng fîrsi pt-ie in Il of 22 classes Colleen McKenzie. iding So Perfeki. and Sarah Wilson on boardi Shy Magician. cach won Iwn clas in the aduli lover 19). tige division. Other winners in tisat division were IlGilian,, Joncs uon Reasonabe Doubîs anti Jlia. Deakîn rîdîng Chesapeake. Chesapeake also won in the junior class wben Heather McDonad took the reins, Jercmy Feenisira won thie junior casallett Jumping course on Wee Michael. Two other Milton niczs ment winners in the junior com- petitton - Et-m Kiele cri Paint by Nun*ter ni Kate Camupbtell nti- ing Long John Silver. Nearly 80 rîiers anti horses front stables up ta 30 miles away aitetid thc show Halton Skating School resuits Thse follomîng Haion School shaiers pasced iheir figure skating test lasi week ai Thompçon Ana: Datch WalIx: Katen Burtan. Brin Baker. Breti Danks. Julie Chang. Cathy Mandaino. Canasta Tango: Candîce Change. Siephanie Mullally Baby glues: Jennîfer Williams. Amnda Brancit Swing: Amaista Branch. Joe> Brunelle, Alana Petie. Gilîtan Bnzniell Fiesta: Nicole Zînck. Tessa Timbers Willow: Courincy Leskun, Suzannie Koso. Dainiel P@o. Jessica Metelka. Junior Bronze Freeskate: Nicole LaForest, Lauren Robison. Prelimimary Figure: Joey Briielir, Alana Petie. Amantia Brancb. Finie Figure: Amy DanIks. Lauren Cooke. Casey Miller. Julia teeLka Second Figure:. Becky Coming. Third Figure: Candice Timbes. Jernay May. Feurtil Figure: Karen Caeon, Becky Dadri, Aahiey MO@dkian cme Roudedge cm McGilloway. Tange: Cara McGil.. Jemay May. Cudoce 'fubas. Bifw: Bran MM".a Sunt Figure: Michbelle "-n I Preston's pen, pals Cantadien Olynapic oerM Karen Pres u iurrosanded by cagot young .utogapl-eedng fire ratalara a e h. visittdu hlalfon Bitatno Club booth t uthUe Showcabe busIne exhibition helti in Motnoela Arera on h.wndm in Halton basebail semi MHS bows out to Burlington fThe Miltou District Hîgb Scbool basebai icani mas undufeateti heading into item Hialion temifinal encounter witit Burlington*s Notre Dnme last Fiday ai Bnian Bési Park. But tien the whecls fcIl off an t ey found a new opponieni to beai - themseIvesý It happens to ie hesit of teamns. adt make no mîstake about il. te Mastangs proveti Iberselses to bc one of the hesi wîth their 7-0-1 record befote the garie Buw tint-ht actirstic fieltiing anti mental misiakes were thein clown- fail. anti they camer oui on the short end of a 5-4 extra- innlng ilecision. Adamn Fiait suériet on the mouni for Milton andi pitcheti a guisy four innings, the maximum ailowable in Itgh st-bool gainesý He hattied every bitter. grmg ail but one of bis onts via te grounti hall or tte sanikeout roui Notr Daine jumpeti out to a first-innmng laid on a walli. stoien base anti opposite field chunker. Milton caine bok in lte boilom of the set-ond! afltr catcher Kern Wilson walketi andi mas reptaceti by courtesy rutater Jimmny Fay laliometi for caichers to gîve <hem tine ta put on the equipnarnt). He sile second and theni ment Io dlard on a passed ball. Par Lynch drnse him honme mt a soliti sin- gleIo lefi. Notre Damie goi ihme unearStenosriaun the third on fleitut erre by Milan. cm on an erreur pochoif aneqa alnd w mme on an overthrom, of finit bue Down 4- in <lie boucan of dlie lith. Milton inaneti iheur coniettaodw M io hatve Nome Deutrcu gatn pictier oui of die Suute Mark Mcftdl led off Walsh a nde double su, sigle. ad mi amie lait, Shiuy Raby bu a peutder to ihe ahiutoçi. mbo liftit bus glove and mut-ced it go brimera bus legs. 11M brougW McPlI bonte to tube il 4-2. Shayne Feae dme dfove cm o . 1m ove thie filddus betai for à trple Io bing Milton Tie tyug run wu the mthI of mm agumeam play by Preniet. Fay bit a dltetier Io td it mdie h uaer gante on conici. Caughi opi bermeen tiid ad boit, tePiner Murray Townsend stoppeti anti iten decicti bis only chance mas.lo go for ii. se he ment full speet tomard tie catcher andi kuockrti hîru tno the twiligbt zone, sha&ing the bail ote anti tout-bing ihe plaie witb his hanti Meantehile. Ferrner replaceti Flan on te mound to suait the fifth, anti delivereti bis usual onistaniu ffort. He -%truck ont five of the tes six hanters and diin't ailow a bit over bis flrst tht-e timings. Notre Daine batters cosîli harcly e~ lte ball, nwcb less bit it Inie-extra tinings, homever. Note Damne vint-k in the top of hm eigmtb witt a longlfly bail to deep cenicr tduai allowrthe nanas to go ta ibird. He caine honte on an opposite-fielti bit In gmve Notre Daine the 5-4 tead. Fay lad off dmc boitom of hi cmgtd for Milton District muAf a smash off the sboulder of the <bird ba.eman. Wilson lait onc I ie second burinns who tltre ii oui leuo IrA fielti yng te S gtih iiad nuamiet aiecond. fluai put numaten mirt corners midi Lytncht at a mon oui. Ne but a Ily bai to bit. Mn deepi ettough, bimever, t0 take à caceo ieh rni taggmng ad gants honme midi I dy o me oui. blex, mmd ia et dhie. May raceti for hone in a squeeze aiempu end mus demi on mival hecanne lai Wat sonulmot rhaied hi agri. Musaue Tim Black mu phtiosopbca about hi msetit aigund ih loin, id (eh body for Flait. -n iegrai pois cf th tr sutcee a is yer. mho mati cleurly upset mid iml o rif lear ing. happent - un' butall. uu fi or du.* - USTANGS ont pge 2 878-288 1 raVel Weasels don't waltz as Qellegarde dings '-em Ra) Delegarde ihress eîght touch- down passes fer Bruce Flood Travel in a 54-201 romp 60cr thse Walizing Weasel ' n Miton rîag Football Lecague action ltsi week. Frantk Bninkboff c.tught ihrce of themt and Rick Flemming grabhed Iwo, witb singles going io Chris Henry. Jas Basra and Werner Mikolcît F-or the losers. Darrn Goetizcn toset iue for score%, iwo Io Dae Whecliban and ne to Mark Zinga. Rit-k Gootiing, also had a gond weck ai quarterback. He led Thec Dickens io a 27-20 victoey oser Don Cherry's with four TD passes, andi hie!rive mone against Fat Freidy's mn a 33-14 wîn Loui Sauntier% cauglit two toucbtiown ksasse% versus Don Cherrys%. wtth Roi, Young and D. Nio also makiang it in thse enti zone. Scott McCaulum ibrcm IWO s-oies io Craigi Wilson andi one to Kerry Duggan for Don Cheiry's lu the wîn over Fat FreMiysN. Johns lanutorno hall two TD receptmons. wtth mihers going ta Dana Briscoe. Kirk Honiey. andi Dae Turner. Matk Green and Sct-ot Wallace had scores for Fat Fabtidy*% ln ooe other gaine, Guy Gmrd.led the way fir lialton Pool anti Spa wmi three touchdown tosses inaà 27-12 defrat of Reimax, Jeff Corey andi Prier Daly hauleti in passes for scores while Bill Hlopkins relurttcd an interception for a touchdinn Dom Lempre threw markers for Rd-max ta Chris Vauntity and Totit Tanse. Whitlock runs to new record Ed Wbiiock ran in a jea Caadm- record\ët the American Express 8i Kilomfeter Challenge in Toronto to kelp set the pièce on a succesasful wàtenti for the Milton Runners Club. His tinse of 27:59 was tops in the 60-64 âge group. Neil Wbîtlock ai plte ei l, as titi Kalty Jamtes midi a sixth in ber aile categnty. Atieh Bollon Camp 8k Fan Run, ibrer Milton Runners coilecieti medals. Sue Lreder mas the fmis (anale fi'ntsbcr. Bui Robertson mas $he second male, andi daughier Aite R , etl local muen Sue Caluta Md Feai Halk in a field of 500et ài a ij in Sc"it Bend, hnà. &W buby won her age grouçi miih a ltune of 3:30:26. Thse 42k race stacled off on the gronda of the fianau Nonre Dame Univrsimty befoçp hadng tbrough th aiera of &e pictiesque tom. Grtastead andi IIak aiseo ficînheti an r ý il il ( \11 \1 )l \'1ý ( l 1 \\,1,1( )\ 11, l 1 ;'ýI 'i , \ý Il ,ý 1 1 1 ý 1