Developers saynew-Vlan 'softer' than original; It may'ail change if expanded water and sewer capacity approved @y ANGELA SLACKUIN uatier and wàaewaIer sevice capaci- eily osunera wîll bt nolîfitd tht should ensure "developet silI bc front Me. Day açiung 9Wa a s ud fli wnpontieu vis-a-vms Milton decektpnm. mursicipafity in peepared Iu terminatie impacttd us bte as possible gîcen the iiMlicationef à policy fâ*tg ff Regiona officiais wdl dan explore Mbrr agreemnents nitnuld pcmjects tnt dit difficuit situation ai laid.' commercial projects ocer reçidenfial Tosun council*s endorsement possible reallocaion off unustd sec- sa uithi tmnmnts.Ward 2 Councillor Bcad Clemrents developgment. Mc. Day ald ht'd hike .ondof c1ieet oMlosccn rn ioesh telyhs I de .ltent applications ssas succesful in calling for an arneu- to sor a certain ann off saiele declomut cntolpla iti tht rîgis Io tl to devtloptcs suho wîll -site plans. rezrnng applications%. al oevmess off dit report. wtth a vmew sîcîng resecsed toenuc Mltn[ bl nes it suas llrst thougitt so ho Ny build now. Mc. Mon naid ho under- condomnium and subdivision plans te eltminmiing restrictions ro longer dotsn*t 1ose oui on amy potential the local deirelopmeni commurity. staiqd lhat honsever, amy teullocution - sutîl bc rtctistd on a firsi-conte. appropriait. emnploynsent-cceng decelopment Milton lawyer Howard Moni. who will be dont on a volunlary busis fiNrsted hasts "If sorntthig iv no longer an issue. "I don't wanî te put unyshig otho I repreçents numerous local develop- only Approsal conditions foc des-elop- I'd lîke to nike sure we gel it off thte than suhai suet alceady dont te tht e ers, calleçi tht report upproced The issue that ocîgînally agisated ment applications suili conte suîth table."saWrdM. CL-mntns. uay offbusiness in Milton.- saud Me . c.. bat local decelopment community deadlints Zoning bylaws amnements Councti alun approvedl a request Day. was origiaaly put heforecthetowin and tiht public foc debate by Hailton Rtgion last January> **Had the original report ýetn passed il would not havue sent the message thetowin and the develop- ment comntunîîy sants oui there Thtis wîll leave tht donc open for somei peocessing off developtient in Mîlton," sâd Mr Mott Tiesduy. llte report &foward lastnîight. 1 donît set as htmlig patticnlarly nega. lice, It shows die town is actively try- îng Io pues short tecm solutions." noled Mc" Mvi' Thte plaiy.n field suit change dca- matcatty i l the [laitton jchain Structue Re ie v, appcovtd and expandW .aic aind isasiessaler treat- ment factlitie, come Io Milion, Ward 1 Councilhsi Rida Day nosed. hossever. lihal ht lias vieued Miltons, limted sualer stcvicini; ýýpaity as a "hlessing te disguise" suhn lit came te developinent contiot aid ud ht'll ht scor) o love ic Menday. councillors approscd a multi-pronged rei.ommrendation to Hilon Region uitted ai maîxîmizing was -epropoled iteposition of hold- ing e9nets to restrici further urban defpmn pending waler qervtc- ing avalabilîty. Mr. Mott said he now undecstands thai to bc the pre- ferond route ai only a linuted nuniher o! situations. and tinsse ciccum.istances donti prescrit a gentai concrn. The town wîl also adoMia develop- ment apjtovals mlanagement stralegy wlucit. according Io Mr. Moiti. rarsed the conceen of tncrtased red tape for developers. '11ht one thîng we doo!t nerd for developerç is more ced tape and bureaucracy.- wacned Mc. Mot However, the local lawytc saitd the tosn hais indicated it would work cooperatively wtth developtes and woutd provide f1tsîbility. Iis witlsin the approsals maiauge- mtent strategy that ntew cules will bc in effeet, Tht new cules include voiding exisiig site plan agreements sshtch hase been tn place for more titan tIwo years.but basen't resulted in peoject compitîmon, Towen planning dîrector Met mcmi rtported ail affected prop Spring Celebration Village party this weekend Cainphttlle wîll celelraie its new look tius weekend. The Campbellville Kcea Business% Associatton (CABA> present4 is first ainnual comnsunity-widr spring celebration July 11ln 12 te the village. Cainphellsîlle AlIve will iticlude an official opening cecemony put un hy Itlien Regton in honour off the Guelpht Ltne reconstruiction Saturday. The ceoemony will talli plaice ai the corner off Cantphellsîille Pond Park ai 11) 30 amr A reception will follow ai the Mohtawk Inn. flic %sekendsý evemîts suIt alinetttdiide a puncake breaklfast. pomsy and paid *ce boat ride%, face paiînting, sidessall sales, a slnss-pîtch gaine heisseen Milton'% RCMP detachmient and Mition's Town Coufiaîand staff, a parade, antique car disptay and danre. lFor munre informaUon. contact Ken Moole, CABA chaurnnan ut 00)5)854- itill require site plan agreement approval wttlmn sic intts Site plan aigceements saill then reqaîre tht secuning of building pecils wîthîn six niontLs and wilI contain clauses Io ensue decelopment proceeds within 12 montts. Faillite lu nuet conddtions wtll cesult in the voiding off tht approcals White Mc. lovco cepofled furtiter development contcols could have sermas, possible negativt imnplica- tions for decelopient in Mîlton, hc noitd tht recommecndaiions aipprovtd The 7Nw Bainlruptcy aind lnsolvency Act offers à Fresh Stafl. Those consîdi ring personal baehcrup9cy or a Proposai usually have many question%. How would it aitect my vellicle, wagi's, employer, mtongae preseni and tuture credit? Who pays the rosi? How long will tl tant? A no-cost, no-obligation, contîdential consultation annwers your questionsi and provides informsation on how the ttew Art applies. Io ynur situation. I l PADDON' Call Melva ai: + ASSCIXATUSI MC. (905) 875-0811 1xuN re.srwr SECES site 1, 225 Main5 St. t 'n s'ttauauv ~ Nu. cltari 4T1 tN9 THREE SETrS 0F TrICK S TO B3E WON Colour the picture and you, could win tickets for ____k you and Dad to theBlue Jays.