I i i OPP cop earns provincial Chamber of Commerce award Th@ Champon A Milton UP? conidabe ha, been named Police Off"cr of thie Yea h't the Ontano Chatier of Commierce Conviable, Dave Thomna,. 33. a local resident vho ha. worked ai thie Milton ÔPI' deiachmn<n for more ihan three vews. uas ni4fied about the a.ard las[ monih The offixer. Whbo ha.v oranileil a long lie] of commnumis poltcing andl trafliý saler> prograis andl ha, helpied taise mouwy for wesral 5hantie%. called the lie., simph. an The humble cop sajl the Milion cîtmnuni<) destee a gosal portion l thie credji for supporwling hi, ,artolé initiative, 1le succe%. st.our comnarinit pol icing initiative, ha, been a direct resuil of the excellent support Ille Milion detachmerni ha. recrived (rom hodi ou, privair wd corporaie ctizem - Senior UP? offICIai.. ollier Police I S IT CRABGRASS? lt , .-I gr- 4IIp thi, -t~Crbns < Nl.. th - a, L - ~ h.,uN . ree in . -1.s i<n..t - I. t. .eh il . l , .lI, t. rt, Il , .a th, 1-.e7 . Nt. s.W,- tltIIId mrsim 4t, 1 1 t, t, 1 4 -h-v. Th, -Il r»ptWnt th, g-tth il CAM PM Y«M LAM 342 Bronto St. S. Milton 876-49 GR EAT 161E HOMETOWN Free itter tbagu fromn Let's put LUTTER in its place...and dlean up our neighbourhooc Let's be Hometown Proud and Clean Up Milton! This >.,- -:>Z lW rvAY 14,0. corne to I GA and get your free garbage bags. Then when those bags are fuli, bring themn bac k to l.G.A. and we'll -et rid of the garbage for you. 'i we e. 0 "0 a. m.'- 3.:00 p. m. We, wiII be givin'g away pop, BB1Q hot dogs, and juice Z [ W-17N Rio ES PT Z ýS T0011 ail FREE! SO$ L.ET<S ALL HELP OUT!'.' MEET AT- WHITE OAKS PLAZA, BRONTE STREET, MILTON wFE iotuard lW prigectsL Oser thie posi yeair énaiaied six malor progrants. including oine ce- gana4fil for the purpose of cuftOliflg d<rnking aid divmng ('on,fble Thomas, -as albo tlie ba:kborie hehmdi thie OPP% Vicumn Assi.ai.e Programt and Operatioi Bu. Wamclt. a progrant wd ai en- sunnp m040ç<s<s top for school Milton OP? Staff Sergeani AI Smouter - ho nominaiei Comitaie Tbom.z. said the progranis bave maie animatni on <tie comfnuni> as a result of ie officersý coli- mei and deiernmned effors - UCoistable Thomas alo planned and cairini oui six charitable fun.' <ions laus yew Proçeils vient Io ce- gaIizLigio<s iflcluding Cli<ld Fimil. Big Brodier. and Big Sisier of Hl- ion and thie Canadian Redl Cross Society Tie officer ha% Ixon several avauds, among <hem <lie National Police Awurd for Traffic Saiety Ii the OPP lnoenive Awa.d Constable Thomnas formerly b.orlted oui of Tlie OI'P* Port Credai ilsiclimnin before bemng umçiserTed io Milton <n Sepien*er. I9S) Hi-% tuife Bre<ida i, aiso an OPP fticer The ('haniber Will preseni hîm the Police Office[ of The Vear Award <oyoffotu nîgh< iSaiurda>i dw<ng the organirAiîonl's annual conference iv Thorobuli «<e juard s% given .înnualiv Ilt a nnier oif the <? uhl, bas% cft inltuieil iii pitike service ilwitugh sui.h prctgrâants as mmuui<v poli tuf. tflmri peesenuon. icilfi. safet: Halton 's pipes * ren POPE on pop 1 011 t Vudnrsdi i, Birringin imno utti, mptîesfotr plaing otut. l it g igl ilesird hydrat the' d-. lier the fle Hle expresse1 s.tIgw cotttitt àing <hure are tutu 14 hvdruis in the &Irei which are' dletid out til toier' andl morc baie been haggedisnher ,uggeted <ke pipes ke tleunsel huT <kMt %âs thoughi Ufuiis<Jtj,tt5 - il would take seeji itiihs -Well. I d traili ilkih colourexi isaier for a tuilce<hau bie m> boulse hum (Tottn \.îIbr rrhin laid 0aks <île t luit.ilîtîr I rui oliver quebiioned .liethkr wsidents o neiglhbuirbudl ICI « hydrantà iÀen oui ofsersice uould l &tcng home insurancu premibum incfrSes Thar question *êas auîsvered in ithe closexi dom session Dow@ Thom forte' anid Ile media have aiso con- inituird gneauy vit Ihert suppor andl touptranofl lie vaad Tie consiattie admu<ed he has pur ïn c o fhîs%,# O wIOfhi w at ammumm " IL- r-,% " lolicli) II