Welfare numbers down Wefm fiua- raeaaed indcéclèe 4 lwo per cent menili- ly redfthn ... Halai Re~esfcaael a, a u. Toronto. .Toronto aoal.l ragoiced ai the roGdlton, saytng Nl heruldeti l. entt of the rae- ian. &ao oaisMciels uoe moe. ueaved M hur xudgo- The drap In Malaisé numn- bers refieet 73 foue cmes on the relia. andi aaoeedn te Matais Iodai saiite corn- mmr Sonnéte Eweil, liers hme bien tq 5 per cent drap In caale flor ffl tlUne Ibo year. Currantty du. MalIn caaeamd la nuinig ai about 3.500. l.Th acetid numaera ham remnaithig -M mc bLnd te their pullit n Maly, 192. Lad &ut"te cautlpet muet- bers boea toi dee*ne att- alantally, thaula the trams ua not austained, ullb the numtbara don agig duilg Ma Ewafl waat epmmesui and aaid the dWa in cm". wauld holp keep her depaflmrit' budget ont tradi Prevéoeus exoeeded. Bird lover day Bird levers probably dois! waal le, muas belng a part of Meunlaberg Wilf e Centreas birdbaisdin merrung on Sur,- day (May 15) trom 8- 11 ar. Reardant bird bander Maulil, Wefmal vilt be mi-aetisg a wida vartety Mt birca on theeèr lesjmay becs Itmm thé Iosjh. TheyM it e relully idertuf lad fmaurd, welVmd ad b~nat, thois relaad. Features Opinion ....... .6 HeaduNo. ..... 14 Dataline ..........18 C&&mafed. .... 20-b3 Reai Estate . REI-RE8 ett MAI.TOl on popa 4 I Pipe rust may be a widespréad problemrn The Chanpbon Haliîdl Regioi lias reccived one liability cliim se far in conn&ktion with the triple bouse fuie in Burlingion laie last mnonth. during which fireflghters eepmiedly hlld trouble securing adequate watcr supplies. Bren! Matshail. regianal director o( maintenance, alto ctwified the regloes hydraist teting progamm. explaintIng ttere is an annuaté valve teting program. but not an annuaté water flow test. Wednesday planning and public wceks comuntee chair Manilyn Ser- jcantson of Halton Hilta said the On- lari, Fire Code requires flow tests annually, A[ that point in thte eget- inég Mark Menray. comnlsîaner cf tegal servicea, insiated the commt- tee finish ils discussion behitel çtosed deom. When the doors teere openied the comrnitie recansmended an ac- ccleraitd replacernen, prograun for the t12,000 mietres of oid cas! iron wattrmaats sOui an service tlroughout Halton Region. tn fact. they requieed tht peogrant be presenteil to commigte by Juty 6. Tht present 10-year prognirt catis for 8.009Q mettes toi bc reptatctd. Tht nête prograni will include ail 12,000 nettes of the eider pipe. Mr Marshall strtssed communiiy safet s, net at siský Ht showed commutiitec iembrs a section of pipe whicb suffèed from t.'uberculation", a nusîug*an the in- side whîcit severely rest-icis aiaer flow. New pâies are madie cf plastic anti art a minimum cf double the site cf tht old. Most cf tht t12,000 tiues cf cas! iran avatermusare in sanîhero Hal- tan, but eider sectons cf oIherMen nouinilies ame alto affecied. A fire in an il~ sectian cf Bur-, liégion tust mnit was difficuit for fireflghters te batit beause tavo connectians te, thet uoman pravideti insuftlc.ent waitr flous toi batit the béie, sadBurbngion Fie Chief Tèrry Edaais. Wle lire- fighltrs -struggltd. tIwo atýéining hontes avere cngulthd in fatae anti severety dainagei. 11be cause cf the original fire has stace bte niet arson ITIS MOT TOO LATLI.ru A 1. 878-4131 lo nom your vpcron &Wy ftewen MmSa mil DI8COUNT todlly to rsww» your Civ, A«nfrn or 1>uck U5 Ontrlll et M. &hmt nomt 09 nm au That's a switch Police nab youth ini drug arrest Italton Reg"~a Police urested a 16-yetar-old Milion geanit Ron Welsh. youth ondt nfcitcap u"aMi tet Plc ezda= lqady fhWhadLSD flasi pon halt làsweek. - wjih a siree value of a"ot $25, hiea"d Plainclothes qiticer made the an-es after witneaang a A male youth was chawged with irafficking a narcotic. drug.eelucd blaion lt Ile parking loI cf the Eighl traffickirg a restricted narcoiýc and tieach of probation. BallFW llMay 5a 740 pm. saidbtective Ser- Hle wm hld fora baîl haring. kqun 1 à- V.&