1Mai~ flees coliap sing 36-foQt wall loin the Armny Monday nighf Bft nigt, the pnmnary an- flual fundraleser for Su* Saivss- lion Army. te tia Mondlay play 2)bi ~.o The Saïvation Any i Moan la aftampin te ratit 250 valulleIon larivu dace-to- dmo in fsu imtportani Red Shiuld Afpeal raent. Fundi ralsed ai ued la maintain frie SaNiatin Amsy' a cin- -fo* services, Voagma alto cent helip ouit fronm 8-9 p.m. Monday Bye. nlng ore ahlted Io ci 876- 2M2 or 875-1 M. MCIS on the move Milon Com«miy and infar- mnallor Seniaos le onri mmv Iram their attirent loc&- lion i the faner lavai af thse poiust cantre The agenicy, wfi hous. Iniormalion Milon. lthe Natif Nation Hotmln R.gistly, ýý4ERiSH Paget Child Centre end la Ill Millan base for mare tihai 15 Social ser- mie a0enoes, will hava a new homne affective Monday, May 2. Tise private homte daycare prorm oflered by CHERISH wll operale tram Sue new location " hIe uoy f ibrar,. dropin citr aund cNlzen'e programetins II mwav in Auguel. Tise iu locatio a ai 540 Cihilla Dilvi on Sue main ffoor hein Chikb DMlvand Sure hae amiple parking nid a bis stop ai lthe fuat dmo. Tsere ail be a nea phone resmier for &0 Sue aisyls af- fered by MCIS: 875-4M3. Ciii h ihr ~informaion. Features- Opinion ..... 6 Dateline ...... 16 ontagb ..... 20 Claaafl..... 21-23 Real Esate . REI-REB Dou Walsor Ua 1otking in his father's stsop a140 =ake jrvclon Tuesday aflinmoon allen Sie iseurd a %tange sqtahn noise. Toiling oser a Srd isvy pickup. tirying te i% îise rocker dover. bc isead lise squeuk again but inre il. A few miunutes 111cm, staitled by lte sainte noise. mudi louàer. Se ilo& thed îleoiling in limne £0 Sb me j~ 36-foot0 hugis cancrel block %PJJ begitu4n t ýollapçe. Hera foi lislife "Tihe noise neas ral loud once "i ltai caiglit my attention. i Waisons sud, i loold up Board- faIl9 shor4, taxes set to- climb 1.3%v PvKTH ACIUS Aller inomsliss of délibrrion. Sue Halron Board cf Education isas fil- lien short cf lis tvguied ar per cent nill raie incitai. But public achetai truistees ai Mon- day nigits finance consosille nicel- ing sucrenti rcady la lake arry bisoue for recomnsend.ng a 1.3 per cenl niii raie increase ami quickly poinled aen accusing finger ai the provinciil govemmneri. Scisool board officiais ladi ex- preetd provincial graits te te reduîed ami they esc, buili in a 7 per cent decreise inSth 1994 opehet- ing budget. Whal lley hiin't prepard for wasn Il per centldrop At- or $6. nimillion lrss - in Minis- tiy of Education ami Training grants. ABter leaming about lise grani reduclions. trusmees liad te approve hurther cula te Sue budget te bring the milI raie dosun front 1.9 per cent. To mna Mur iargesed smu pet Centi mili ra increasse, buiseses aonkd have hWl te ugrave Suw budgel by -n addiorai $3.8 utiliont. or $i. ral- lion go maich one per ceit instead. trusiors reconfésanded ap- provit of Sue $282,710.980 operait- ina budiget ahicis requires a i.34 per cent nul] rite mocrei This unes- lies la an extra $17.94 onetSu educai"oi portion of Sue average- property ltu btl. Thle badges t Cors'ad for fig ipprovil alit nîghî'n I"of Sue fuli4itoad.ý nolIaceat availible ai ogçw<me. Fjamcttiir Penny Sîcliesi cillet * streAVERAIX on popa3 Inil sa lthe top contung down. i diéuit stick nasuifdl se aisai iappred." Whai iiappenied suas the entire Watl. separatlng îwo indusîial shoa, coliapuetiun a heap. mnosly mbi Mr. Wsisoins arS a Tise filling con- crete, blocks crusised iue cas nd a pickup truck and diniaged a tracter- traiter rug içîe 1th build- ing. No sote suas hlin inthîe inicident Fire investigaions expleed the possîbilieis thas a 'vehicle had nudged lise suaI, or perfiqis the rgubar poundhfng of rnacisinrry lied sueaskened il. bul botdmi ar disiared. John DeVies. Milice's building ireclr.f saiti the lîkely cause ausa construction defeci wiud. ails Salis sttcp dents open. illowed lise Wuall te act as a diaphuans whenthlie wind bica. Mi. De- Vies çaid no construccioe permiit waxs issiard for lise 96-f"o long wali, budI in 199 1, wiîh whaî ap- peard tQ lie insufficieni lierai support. *'We'it loo&îng for engîneers' reports andi WC have requesid a repoit from dm Minîstry of Liaur befote we decide if furtiser inWesugation is necess y." Mr. DeVnies'suid. Thow, reports will dretineif charges wdl bc laid. A danuage colmrate as not available ai press tinte. Similar atis in otite puis of the saine building are bring inspecied. M. DeVries said lthaI inspection of te ali would have caugiî mise consiruction fauli. In any event, Mr. Walsom preesnly has a inuct closer rlmatship wilh lits worlt neighbouqp CI fiesire Mu page 14 .JK coming but Board drags feet Junior kîndergautn couid 1we mn a11in11 Hilton public sclools ortwin nei Jamary Scsoo tusees have reluctanlly agreed te tend a PI-n for junior kinderien classes Io Ontaaio Min- inter of Educaùon and Training Dase Coofie. Tnistees voted 9-7 mn fuseur of the more ai a Hâieon Board of, kduca- lion meeting recendy. lowever, they refused Io give Ibrir qlaMp of ap- provalte d01e plan unlil Juste, Board chair Dqye Whiling sied lthe board's uittiual tfrcisinte £0 iiu m.roved plan resulîs finir ils reluciance to inplemteni junior ksndergaten in dm regain. The hoerdit olied by anew provincial Iaw ta bring in thse csiiy proffain. "Wr' se opposed il Ojunter kinder- Latten) nighl frot day oue and cit isill Sas nom bren a greal deniuid for dms progruns in Raison andi i Itink tle qnistees nse caughî op wlth thai. I tocin, iere's a prograin WC don't anrt - we nevei'wanscîi-lt"ý hein& fred on us Mà it'; haid Io saallow." - _ 1*Ii fll e s decision canse wimîlin 1 of a deaduhise (or the plan's * subranjuion te Sur Ontario Minlstry of Educailon nd Training, Mie decisioni followed aimst liste Saurs of ivlvy debale by trurAee(,mrio tbled unsuccessfully £0 Win a nuýmber of antendinenîs loia recommndication - , for die plnss approvai. Bîlelhagbon truse Ainse Barbu flnally, Soi a aid of apposai for her >~propoait hai Sue plan bie subnfuned M e tise Mi atynd ireurnetifo le h S boud', approval by June. Tise ofigisai ecillacnendation by board staf as aimmndiaely approve ii "I "wan iîS plan tego as is,but1 au»JK on pop 3 . __ - _ _ _ __»W & » FîfSm Syle APRO PM:~ II LIFETIME SpatryBaise Dawndraft Spray Booth ._ AX -A M Canpulerzed Estimates . eUgo Sam MitilMa GUARAjTfEE Frse Courtaey Car. * DulfalioO of Cars S u US5 MAIN ST. E. . IdII &ut 875-3673