jCouncilors womred about computér-created ghettoes sigatu « O a lifie taile -of b.uurlat$358.000 be optent 'ee~fcAnd began ta wa!n aad "Saonner or lIer we'Il have W"u9. but caiswa = 5 8cy: a sograinc informna- feeos * ,r ail the information bill we .wan'i Mmesof Haion Ro's sel implicationsof techloy (GIS) Jonfuter pl-I anotber demtonsusone i tri y- hav oe lf. '~mimistrabti ad finance conîtee epl h wfrrntgs'b gram in 1994. em, cros-ofrenced data, on Frn ted disapeed widi Mr. _____________________________ ComuditSn b cilen demn- speaigna mild secenagil boys, givisa Keata' cosnena saying. dut onstrasiaef GIS tecbdilby, wbicb hkely loaions of Fechaein re giona staif had just densirsed cas quickly cron-oete disdat. teenageil boys for ic bypdutua -a couple of applications off the top ~.IprovidinYa rrof gppcaicna. fortouion of a saucer Ieni tsf ttteir lrn. ators quickly identifieil the scope of thettozang areals of &if region.* GIS that ie baventev5sn PBe FO fÎ P llSOsiville counicillor KeîtM,,BtM a bienefit of theïr switcb tu con- Plu - pickeiltp onMr. Krantzcomms. puliers, but whice led"tin s 10 pet . CINEM l~~y provideil to peuple h e Th omt'srosrinao- M79~oOEKLPl48T871.M thinkg of moving i& Haimton. opoeli ihGI umWb nsight bu more indine lu ov fûti regiona causacl tbis week. wbeie people of eltir etbnic baci- roundN aliready:lve. New chair - * ~MOUCE 7NOWE SI ."We could madvertedy tain tu 2LIUe %m Pmor Mhroz "ien" adl. id ton 2 M9«Mm "L .. Pot cms se offiantaneilE Davies of Milton bas SaS. 8:00 prn Rinalio ad chief aslslsist,ùve of- bes elected CWarperso of the Pe U . axficer Jeh Buihe tnied -<o quel the Canailias Envirosmenital lrs1ustne% pq g s m0BAb GIL f lint f kouncîiIou. Mr. Rinildo Association (CElA). Onuiri chap- Evoningai00 IL 900 Pmi Sirefelu tadiff-icuit dSWuisio abou ter, for 1994. MMIOM UCK ow we'Il use the information" and Dr. Davies is a principal ami E l Sl.&Su. b* :0 pn Mr. Butte sud GIS was sol buing Guelph engiane g 1oslîgcm Frne! M il, <nf puusued luahtw or imaroper use$. pany Rowuian, Dvesa P stiln »»f ij plisi andSe. Sun. W8nee2:00 Pm witb the amourit af ntowy spent in winil engineering and air qualiry cmi.anîi à~ IFUoCP "Arhe ornds oisatt lieloe E national 'ssociation ~~~mig 91.u% 3 5.~ atme or are we jut going ta bisou wbieh identifies environnmuusal op- ----- bauo bail they are?" Mr. Krantz porlutuues and poblecs RELIIOU SERICEDIRETOR MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Osgts St. N. 878-~2 m-.S 1Oam. - racng Bread 11:45 a.rn Sunday S~O 6:30 P.m - Gosel sie Watn..d.y 7 30 p .' Psy. U.taërn nd BÈM4 P-nad sed er i. Ld abile W my lbc 1-d Iaaîah 55 6 S AHA I FAIT7MP [ <'WorUd ,4n.i iioep il KNOX PRESBYFEI&IAN ubm iiw-11 nov. sSiNd a mua flin - 04~ S"f 10:30 sr. Sunday Wotrshlp Noanl d StjndaySho Fa or sto cm =74 HOLY ROSARY, ORACE ANGLCAN ROMAN CI4UACH CATOLI PAI$H 317 Main St. E.Mor 139 Matin et. ~ie 878-0535 eV-. Maik MuDOsi Massai7:15 gsiSaiwdayy& 9:0,10.30& 12:00OSmDlday SERVICES' OUR LADY 0F VICTORY Sunday . 8:00arn. Mou eti 10:30 a&m. Suay Thqur«day 10:00 arn ST. PETERS CHURCH kil Une T~aua Bible Studly - Tuesdiy 7.30 prn. Mms ai 9.00 arn. Sunday Prayer Group - We4dray 7:00 p si. Mevs. Eau Talbot Mii Cils, Os.. FaanHeldu 39ord. S. J -Eve,>ci< We. - ST. PAUL'S GRACEWAY 879 Pmwo: Waêa H. Noma PMws.R Hyd llev naWm i-Oeul 876-2M4 Meo ci ai:- âëy U Aaso. PasIor Stuc Fliimsn Sunday, April 24, 19W4~ 874M6 rTDoeIT 10'30 arn. Ma wde0m yfuIo ma Wbi us et: AIS? oia..<rtt Easter IV Momning Worship and Sunday Schaol Froci The Hebur Nurmey das #tie&" du&Vl soSc 0.rnaln alOief Wad. 7:30 P.m. St. George's Anglican Church REG.uLA SUIEAY SERVIE TIMS and H* sisicdt O7*Sp.u.-" huPt ud -il.I * Ni tu M#*dt Libeary 10:00 arm, - Sixida Sclool 11:00 am - Mmîng Worsth 6:00 p-m. - Evewlg Service TNxsday 7:00 p us. - Bible Studly tarauY&d i pissaiS .r P a b ref hi L M i (1121M stei .y Pas. cernai E. Rn..W. Seir Pasi Ras John GréffimDent Cliwdi Patio Jay Seeli Voih Passor Rot HOYrnsn ClihdWs & euli Pasti SUNOAY APRIL 24 TAMMd IN TMJTM Sunasdy Sebwoi"o ail ages, 10:45 &.m. THE APPO#4TMET 111071100S Pastoe Roop pt.oenig mmu Uta04 ruha (Au A@»a Wdtc) Nai.a cm. lga0-2Z iVuiMO EVANOB&IUMI PALLY Pastur John5 Grainent prstég in A.S.L (N- Sign -w~ 1haosy Cme V4»a 0 2) Nd.cet (Spas M-i) Adukm 0" ldy on the Book aS RAO"m UT. DAVI Religious 139KW8S. N.. CaagboêWllsAb (GulhU o @amAti 401) lest mehcljof 854-O0Mvoal ~~ SPIE O0 LI