~~j4 ~ ~ ~.Mltowne Realty Corp- SýoN mom homes s/no. lm8~ */. > OnWtaroS South 878-77 ROM-FURIKInqm& POIS.- Tor. Lins cm.40 «MS~ a c o TCA o N @m ) MMsa i. bu100,00 h.t si1l00s aimw. s arris hm sau et you are thinking af fiamcat 'ou MAa This 11 Oqala liaa 5011 1041 i uIt N bd.. FA 41Mil5 Mwm o b HACKENBRions Sa . opiUt kaaau bdt,1' * u nda . accala iuM hm L "ut W O I sa Mmu&W ils"mr k orhm 08777 875-0771 MIL*W 0,001 ad.0 hs O *11 aiy. Nid OMP Vuc Naal otgaa s *Wha 0 OfFICE ABS 0vns1001 iUliU Il sioey. talga nichen in country. I WATCMU4 TMR lP ? - W VOilas moe iny ltin>saM' lob%!' T' ft w ----- WS -dm ml iyour "9&goet akig, 1firay Ow rlal" wN 14p.d Cu OP050 Méri -Mr 5110,Th nsl Ne15 hW aroi, la. WWUio m s rU ,. auN,.Mq en."- Ww hua r. 1. ui5 5.40 oal.4&».3« *Mi wx. ci~s , wfrn...- uwo1 %as 204 tOS 05 4 01 ivmt-le lOi m5 5.59114010na hita.utlbm êm o..4 W peraai 0i to i all mantst hauu Il Nus uMM 4MNo0 IM AlTI DI. C'YILL 402 PINE VROUET LOcS.400500il400f15W 100*1 051ma,ntsînad Cliaacia, home *,CUlW iOflOi.hliids 3. ra bedboom. ma- lino, Ism0 51o~Foehi.0 ,,,$179.000 "Ir~'I~ I LIUJ. ri R*psounit. 878-777 On"ic CES-44 N11W0 515Oe a LOnI PlM., Kr W0 qplaIL Wb M Aica,»à .......... -fl lm VILLAGEe GFbcsous estate living. Large . principal rooms. beautîful gourmet kîtchen, 5+ bed- rooma. 6 firsplacede office/ de, lnground pao. namy or' l Rm wca "wm nlaws accomrmodtioni. nàlMl9l11 *49,OM ' CAROLE D. BUDWORTH OFFICE 6781-777 RES. 878-8W4 FAX 878-7029 Mg9 caranic floors. upgradad Ittttiofi balv.. Yeiwhuaihus,nm.0ubbkgrav*jeoepj, fin. roc. room i wbar, hot tub à 4 Pc.- bath. =myA4baMn tta W , uta, MMOM0n~ u WalkOUtS to covered dock à laigdngbd & xa1Aulv&flara ol padAaê Inc patio à wal10vay. Pricod p. oectly ai rmns/odd Mol tnu Mu1.rvt i yiS .9lit $154.9W0 Tht timing lis right Io cons idtr that crime up to a larger home- or ouf to the [country. Prices art lower thon they've been in the lait 5 years and interest rates are lowtr thon tht bat gerveru ytars. Pira8e ca i f i cars be of anaj help go you or ifyrn would fi/A a complimenfary markcet ervalation on your preten* home. «k~ SHERY GRAY 14 gin- U 7777 un Lia854485 Cds - 5011 la h Il " -s 1a 41i"M Mus 10 20501là.ah NéU. . 4 INu. b"-51 ha lh. .l* Sasé vah u.ab,5 444S I 5pouSasa pg ldl 5slloa.s n- uo a I uasi 105.004M"i egaara. 51740, 00 fa a M 0.r SUUL *tha& Mi y.a Mo balai tààqf mer& ou la **&,h c .OuNTR r- JEAN ~~~U UJ~I O r NOWDEN bUoa$00 a o.a. aas~ 9,00 8877 ho a4 1001t IN. C o.. g lio. No ...nw5s15.Lu 551h..£ o 2r 27 - oOý VM10. .00M' &s . 0.0 ca - a. 001 f Ma CO <dd .*c 1) le' ý T -W aat W oo i 0«0l.IOW . 1 ai, UW..4. à b.uluw ha-.0.1 OsN C:uiul b. e H-U-114.o LOTr îabdhiido i.. , aclamai4 .1 ai brre. à mu Tho lima hms coma, Om sam la nawlng ad apring ta PrarajYou wony ai Ula srsa- aorna in this4.1 bdrm. bungalow onu 3 amta ofodedpropety. Ilome haa much ta cler our#W ntlà= y Nx. 3 balltouma aunroom. F.P. in MA.8. isib 4 pc. bath. Ones sau, tamdy room aid naici mors. Cao f or Ail . JWNHiOUSE Bacécing al t"o ai tiNa cm cillea you a Wi. sf~ackad wiU doct. 4+3+2+ bathroom Mffi éat an lut. Mudu ta chfer for sudu a ami pfsu.. $125.500. On@ of tha boleru onMI 8PORTMMN'8 REMTT 122 lutne cg làid on bafy I FW'r 8 prPer- ty. Suttable for hunting. flNtng or apotria- menai club. Manyaspring fodpondeartith MILTON 2.9 am vuwM l"d 12 zetpriload fa No. S ffl . CAROL M. BROOKS Sales Reproeafflv a -