Buymùg compares favourably'withi If ycu'nc fêd up wede renflng md bave aPin s the spring and mnjoy yoew borne bodi lu- sarsacl Ccqs.ey i ways soler! a hote yoa coeild cit you doore and oen dudet tbe sursnti mondha. eois A Associashls L o - but diougbt tdiaantre wu jui « li devWW ALWAYS beyond your gralp due ta ecooomic factor rna. b.y a ns và - you "ied know that dha dmse bas nevoe If you're aet to buy. but bave concene We buyig la busc baer ta make your &aun conta mie. about dha stability of your job, a job lois couualdar the equri A canibination of low inienest raies md a rnortgae imnrle peogunm calilld AL- yow piopecty salt rtrtel t moire affordable prices lis helprsg WAYS HOME i. avallable to help give you dha moetpg e pis to alle ir possible for coundaess Cusatus as extra boost of confidenice, bave tc, concemy te enter dha exciting world of borna owner- Atlracttvely pricedl sqd extriernaly corn. rninnce and ship. prehanaive, di insuraince wifl tâte cmr of retu au yaew invel Surpeisingly as it miay Sousnd, yoea'Il find your morigage aM propety tas payosianta diai the cosi cfoawaing ai horne,. in ray in Ia avant drit ySu involuntdiy lo. yo.r Eaun N cases. cari te substandtally Iowar or caris- job. ln dia meantinte. you caon gelf 3iou parable ta, thora of tonting, finances in oirder tant faes on finding You'Il alsa bavc And. if you start Iooking now. yos and anotherjcbt. wax ta livd »d i your fainiy weil probably bc able ta riove Realtors of Ontario wcaked widi PafcolnW beilfor yot. Thuis li whsre a te - IIIIIlIIIII878-81 1 Ofe Ià vaiala r fin aill din 1 ROYAL LE PAGE 38hSr ll* alebn JJJJJJJJJJJ Royal LePago Reati fsate cholose oe "ia bu Services M.d projectied festyle. A real asiate pet your needa, seants u ~TWO TEAMS THAT ARE ennm i ALWAYS AIMING HICHER So inf oure re of borna ownaaviî hurint 1994 he Toronto BiSe layse cainunsa e5 cicia no eries Cliioeslip, AI for? lro ana cf il Royal L£Paac mc aie workn urgd, iii tulle and aiIloP high o na thjj1e pcns-cî bnase for' you'll evar Malte ytrs theii AIMiI'G MHER fl'ENT. rkaruaan 0 o eii h ailb Opoenf >i yu sec. Visil aery regret it (me (y[ orpes boeoc "u trou nutid wi a chaice in sec the Trenro BS lays ln action. who This article is pr kiso me po ay bit a cicble- and the Ontario i BlS aysticets ND he edmihoçe!<OREA) for rte bel Dmi oiC paie or Skyho. uckers to a 1944 Toir«o BS Jupe hoste gazne ai Skyrloo. pies onalgli tral mralle market. accucrnr uras ai eta Chlsea i Tici.o AopermsuaUe pe nuiSe $300.00 SrECOND PRIZE Dof 5 pan offeld lcirm clult icr ea99 Toraole eiytin ScaaSkya. Afrprrraiie trc nu" $46oi). Clr.ascs ut unssesg arecd ed 1 on dntr oftn rcai e d. nr Wlinan sui a a ricic lifisld skîi iesssgs qaeson. os eso closea May i. 994. Plicse aec pos Royal LePage Saes Rcpcocsalin TH1E COUJNTRY CORNER ' .- INGE INTHER* 878-101 trhr Sp.cia1zng in Coue" Protp,-tes Customt# oast o ad for 2 1 years àmw acres votS pond A barm $249.901. 1 e. i e. a e. Çostomn burft 0ountrp home elt on Ms9uidad lmS amefl ahit ecm 4,300 s% I 2 aieuy Lqg Prof. Iasdscaed 2 acres 511fr lrg Irg. nie ohg & pool sutlM arn clos' principal recelsý Front & bockt star. pool & Sncb port à kaweys Lrqg e0. garen oale cmr Si scmie, cm Soi on prol IurcowWd pu yrmcçin mrel, etc, 836,000ý acres Imm ore box uaies S5Mit on wooed S aes. $8111W ong 01 matura trees & A j a bo me ber 1 W t osn se. 1og pet nous& on prof, Lanisciperi grounds soih fonces e i secled 2.84 acre lot Wur à ookoc 154 ipecailo île, pual, QUMb & pondi on eci t Spectaur l ce, M We0a ai 3 W-se il.0m nisdur 10 acý Ici $489900 efunnmg 15 me. escamente lot 2 fi. fin. se lsur levent 2 slorey *ti safng A a ch rlne iwel e br ulo 00ee snsbon ei Goegar U9pl8M rO MM Sa on lo mi~,bitU. . l49 as. sai boa l i 8lJU ravi.ol a~i '2.4&=ie.I O cU U resa&3 se. tuai IMS. hW1,- otonplam AhiMf Mk go ie te 081111L W m fltnwdusk hieeotlawmr b hogo rnoos b f deOa Smtao*.0 z hga ce un iY LRu tMM 2 YMI IM«bWsas te5A au.~ wosl"r In a W >wri.AOLt raue coes MalV omi@4Vw mblo ofa Dorauct Engiaoe IU 9 -St9 isonsU of rer earre a.b Ior 71m*,tsr al ofeuruleshable fr4e &~ h.ialrL baildIaAimMlép u M &@wdeu lat sa salaire ii La soday. asedbrhelupieg as catana our VuuiÉ Be slccet. Aa*drmdCb*.