Tae the lime to get your home ready if you're t 'z4kin of mvn Ame you diinking of ,eflng yeur bomne C.ka boauowm nospmefl) tbis spring? If youre mre 0( dte Mrly 211*0t;-Keep pets fi of de w8y - PreferablY I hareownm wh boO 11118te ii u Of YemtuaMt é rao g the Information ouiadned out of yoaz bouse da i towitig. ta mnove - uhese You'ra tIMu Up Or ahove, hera'a aixie cbwlUa for yau to mn * Make -n yoe haime as tidy end wall- down, or simly ralocating - you'ra aver befonsyourbouse is abomu. aired. Ipbobahi>' starting ta prepmre your home for Wluuuvoe posible, ty to lie ont of the * Keep utâùway tieo f chinetr. dhe sale, bousae deung a sbawiag. oiOCIive - RCuumV itm (11k diandlies) wbch But belote Vou b o veawlmbd by? puua*i f ul bd . Me 1k when woat kel * in ith1e, âalle aof *0 mO. = d t:'s i* a good idea ta ait down aid try talo i your bomne objeciively. An mmmcw- bye, well-kept borne geelly bas a ___r R E LT V baxof selling more qwickly. And du ae r1aae"firsi iqxeaaîotaa am laaaing ones?" laJ OCridl ,Ho evef. if you baven aean . n '~pV"Murn or change$ T~er the an, il'$ rALT WO a good ide& t rya o ike on major H EÇ M P O L. noMi cao bc an expensive and enghy sio cedure and thera are o guarattes tut 'I youial bc able to recover ali of yoiw casas. Ins"md toy ta clermsne abat types ofM minar cosnieaic imrovemenhi can bc malle. EAST OAKVIE WOTAM MLTNO PCN lake 'general cleaning. pand1g _&o 8 h s888808 M M-k8 5hh8a .M8s h h M ~M rafinishing aid so on. =us pro$ects h- U%.. J_ 8h.h8MMh~8.S genàaIIy don'a require a loi of capitai aMd w»M euhu om c.m &tm MW 00 d rfs your homte can kc graly itrimevd. bY diem. Cénsuit wilh your realtor Io n abat types of improvents ie mae t i Mos Btart With theo ut"d An inviting exterior insures that prospec- tive buyers wjîl inspect the ingerior, si it's inVa<iant io keep your tair and liedges trimd and edged, due flower hails cul- tivated uidýymu yard Nte and cita af dut- tee @M refuse. If yosa have any loase sedng or pavemnt, la's a gond idea ta p gel tie itims repaired. And if you bave any crackced or beoken wan- dows, gelt1km fixed as well If ysu deivday iî iomnewhat unsighùy, conaider pplying icoat of driveway sealer. TIbs wil Improve ils appeurance. Missing ihingles or eavesrougha "Ioud uals ke eplaced and oite shutters or aanangs should ke Mecured. You may also wani ta consider painting the extenior of your home to spluce ia ap. And if you have aliaminum s.d&ng or tram thai's realq dariy. hart someone to dlean it arnth a power washer, or wyash it yoursebf. If you have a garage, rake aure due doon is cItait, attractive and in gond woating order. Alla make*sure the inside of yoei garage doesn'i bock too jumbled or clut- teoed. Also kerp patios, .walkways and decks free of debris and cîuaae'r, and trln gny branches thaaa5 look unslaghtly or deti'act from your homeý Inaide You cao do a lai on dm insade of yosar haine as atelI, vaitou spending a greai deal of monyTa j.ar aneas ta keep in gwnmdam th kidrnand bahroomn These Iwo roulms of Jour homne are generally cf prime interesi go prospective buyers. Make sure tkey're clutter-free, bnight and spatiess. Thas applieb (a kitchen appliatices as aelI - especially if you're inchudin ahom arith the sale otyour home. If the carpeting in your home bocks diriy or dingy, yoa may viant io rani a saeamn cleaner, or hire à% pcofessional carpea cleaner. f Pet odor cao hècome trapped in ruga. end ibis can rapel prospective buyers. Also g«ve >881v haie a iharoag ciesping and ainaag prior ta ahowing il Malte Sin aiy aood aid tilt flo<ti look ciit Mid beight, nut duli uad4ingy. *As well, keep in mmnd dutal ouat dii ane toc dutterd aili give due impresaion dta gliey'ra mucb aialler ibmn tdur. irte aize. Try io cabe a feeling otqisp onaaoes abent .onducting your "spruce-hap." If you have to, tnich fumitune, conaider remaiving soie of h M&~ nai w1 a fxiend or reagivit. Zn 0O11OLE COUJRT Ab NowS8204ý9 40 bd5m, 2 b.,h...t n DE 7~ FOR YOUNG yf Flg ANLY h I d- 08. _ 8 ~ .I.. @Io ee'8h 807 «0,e H.1. .Me-é 8.88~A PS àh h hMoTo M*88w9s.. *8...M h 85 . ... ... ... ......Ul* .. -