DATEUINE Sutsady Apr 1 nie Milton Opinist Juntior Pipe Band bolds a flht etSeth saulle ai Nassagweya Coemmumts Centre. The 8 p.- -vn feainre Cape Breton fiddler Suîdy Mac- Intyre. piping. hsghland dancing, folk music and ScoOitis food. Tick- ets ccoi $15 for adaits and $7.50 for children. Call 876. 2651 or 875- 4525 We more inormation. Eric Banon. rerendy-appointed ex-rutiv drcocfhe Torotc Ciy Mission. speaks during a breakfast ai Si. George's Anglican Char (Derîf. Rut!tad Guelpi Uine>. Tickets cent $3. Cbildresi under 12 are aghnitted free. A ciltdren's prcgan lat avaiable. Ci the csarch office as 878-1363. The C.W.L. bolds a guent garageluamage "m ai Hcly Rosasy Pauisis Hall on Martin Street froin 8 &. tu noon l'le sale in- cludes cloilsng imd houwàhol gcods. Suiaday Apr. 17 mhe Haltos-Peel brusch cf the On- tario Gene&all Society meets in thse Iower level of Chsinguacusy Brancis Library, 150 Central Pauk Dr., in Beamption as 2 p.m. Ouest speaker Dorottsy Martn taks about hcw ic wnie s query. Visîtors ame welcone. >Ionday Apr. 18 Orgauizers of Pms proposedi Low- ville Project. a rural. son-profit sup- pochie bcusing commnifliy rue by residenis for seniors and enapty- nesters. mort ai Lowville Ujnited Clssrch (Guelphs Lin and Briannia Rond) as 2 and 7 p.n. For furdser in- formationt, cati 335-2203. mbe MiSc. Attendoe Defeel Dlmorder Support Groop invites visitors tu ils parent cvening. Join tse gbcup for colle and a chance tc share sonie of the- ttîsns that hlp niae a différence in your parentsnt approacis Thse event inkes place ai thse Milton Chîldrrn and Youth Centre. 917 N4~ssing Rd., fron 7:30 tm 9:30 p.m. Cali 876-12«4 tu confirae yoeîr atseexec. The MIMie amd Déiae lir- tileullai Soey meets as Hugli Foster Hall as 7:30 p.m. me guest speaker is Actuette of Cru&ik.ks, Whoc dscussea tie plmotins cf Mi- ma flowering bulbe.*Everyon ta 1Taeedoy Ap. 19 m'le lOnnien Park Tennis Club hokia reglstraiez as Robert Bmld- Wie Sciscol. l go Wilson Dr.. front 7 to 8:30 p.m. For musé informmion, contact Fred ROsa as 878-1454. mbe Halte Auoehlte fr Brwdi Clru. presents Jan Stetîc. educatsor andi-ere diector cf thse Peel Siauer Acade.ny for (3ifted Chsldrmn who dhscuanes "Socializa- tion - ilow-Différenî are mewy'" Yhie event iakes place as Lestier B. Pearson Serondary Scisool. ronm 116, in Builingio as 7:30 p.ns. Evetynne is welconse. For informa- tion. call 257-1258 or 335-1736. Mie Canadian National Insùtte for tse Blind (CNIB) Habea-Peel Seniors Groap eees as thse Chorus cf Use Epipismy, 141 Brente Rd. (a block norts of Lâkeslsore Rond). te ÇiakviIIe front 1:30 to 3 p.m. Cal Nnya27-32 for more infor- mation. mbe Vitoeian Order of Nurseý isolds a foot cure dlicie as tde Bruce Street aparsosenis. 40).Oistario Si.. frein 1:30 to 4: p.m l'ie cosi is $15. For furtlsel inforsmstion or an appoinieni. ril 827-8800. qP1 Wod.eiay Apr. X The Milton LaLecse League cet- comes comem inéeresltrd in lWe«EedWla b frnutl a"d support tu actSd lis meeting as Ibace Anglican Cisurch. a 8 p.m. TIset*co ta. *Ibctsgla on Wean- in&." For nmmr infornation, cai 878-480 ce 878.6387. Ladies are iavitod teI attend a neigho.rbood emifo. hm ea AI- leadmlie auditorium fron 9:30 te il &n, me special feagure s "Decormisg wsd1 Confidece" by- Breni lUeketi. e ruent dms in- châties gueas speaker EtseI -Lee ahi an interlude cf musical selections. Admission is fee and isabysiting us Tharmy Ap. 21 Mie Victoesmm Order cf Nurses iscîdi a foot mmc cardc ai Militai District Hospial frint 6-9 p... Thse rots mu $15. For furtiber infoeaation ce -n appointaisent,. rai 875-1199. (4636). Chronle fatigue symirom ue f- feer meei ai 1 pin. For fuseiher detais, raIl 878-4773. 878-1802 ce 876-37 13. Milton District Hoopital Auziary preDente MAMMOGRAPHY AT MILTON DISTRICT HOSPITAL DIAGNOISTIC IMAGINC (X-RAY> DEPARTMIENT DATE: THURSDAY, APRIL 21,1994 TIME: 2:00 to 4:00 & 7:00 to 9:00 OPEN Stato of the art mammography equtpmont Cmi. Studlorand Vldeoe Learn: SIIf-breaat examination technqiue How a mammogram la performed IMDdeSM 4d. H U NT..................................... lU3 ~ ~ P YM U 1 C0#RYSLEMoW dt he........................ 41,11 lm s ndw S ilato. illius ............. ......... ....... ........... ......... Do8 6- 58 c