*s OUR READERS WRITE RlkDay'. Joke flot sofunny Dm Edher. Titi lemier ii respoome tu un item in -Council Briefs- in dia Feb. 23 dition in hbich Counécillor Rsck Dey is quoted as ahrugging off a mai murdarmg bis wife as ri a crime. lin diairaaaadl tait the achange li Mr. ODia resulted in "a big laugit' Tbuâikuly. taom eyebom massl raaed. Jokas about violence agamns aiyaoe, nol jusi wmaxo are unacceptable. especîally finesn paid officiais. Do tae âm people wbo laughed ai ibis -jolie find racisi uad desagnga oke fumsmy? We sure confisad ditm reporter Brai Resurga fowsd is itewsworlty Hopefully, il mas rng bis own insen- itiiy. reporting on mhal ha htmsalf found funmy. If bis motivaion mai tu bring wo aur allito dit decoruestsonge- lisgns founal ai counicîl meetings. mnaybe me sitold ail endeavor to at- tend somne of ihese meetings pir go te November Clection andi forti our own opinions on the beitaviour of aur electeli officiais Lorraine CampbWl Mi/hon Canada won't gain in the long run Dm rEditr: Ptm Minisqer Jean Chreien wmn1 underi.ind tha ecooncs of tobacco but flot te econgomics of job crealoit Ha bas dacided bo cul high lobacco tauas because ltri dapres tha legal sale of lobacco and susiain a flounsbtng blac.k iatire In tha case of tobaco. kc understàtss tbal if you tax somethung you gel less of tl Astousitngly, homevar. ha canie seem to make a i smila connecton baîmoro hîgitar taxes on invesirgnst and job eaion If hadiii.heckarty wouJd not ha considernng an in- creaie of tha capital gains tus Capital gains are te raards for makiflg sticressful nisky invesi- ments litesimenis create jobs The plain fact is ltai t! Chretian inKca&as dia capital gaies tait, k wuli ha bncseasîng the lau oit job cieaio Thit means fewar jobs We hope the Prime Minîstar malles dma cononction halwean ini- somni aîad jobs andi doasa'i hsîl bolth througb teasîmng dia capital gains tas biaden D$W'd Somartiu Pu./d.nt Natoioa Ctiumno' Cooliton Promises, promises Lieu Fauter: So much fori Uberai electuon Promises Dunng te lait elaction, tia 1-iteris caiipaigutd au a pligiftim of jobs. jobs, jobs Weil...a daua ilty have yet go creaia any new jobs As a amer of fact, thry bave dome just the opposie Cuicelng ie Pearson Aiport déal id the halîcopiar roseraci miitaout peesenlîng amy replacement lxapainu coin the provice 5-500 jobs, and by cloang faur mniiry bases - Iwa basle in Onnino - saglier 16,000 Jobs will ha laui. Tisais 21,000O jobs laui aiair anly foua moatils of Labaral governoaent Dunni bus recant budgat speech,. F'inigne Mutilter Paul Main forocatied dii dia uneteplcyaeste se mould renâ mn the «a o! Il par cast for mevaa mage yeurs litai wu dr sante auglment mod by formea Prime Minister Kimt Cmip. belli dring the elction cainpaign ailler mbicb sim mu atiackad by die Libarals a beimg uncuiog &Wa not offaning amy hoeta ui un- employed. At lia unie, the Uibrais auteid ilit an Il pet cent unesmploymgenl rateawau "unacceptable.' Wltal bas cbaogad in omsly fou mnos rial 00w mn au Il per cent un- euloyment rua a0<aptabla Aise during iae campeig. tia Libaerais aisackad the Rafare Prty's deticit redocnne plan. Nom MP Bannie Brown nd bier fellom Libarais assid. *'Naver would a Libar goveangtet gutamtwe la fight the dalicit on the backs of theoor the unentployed. or the elderly" Wail the recasa budget éd jusi duli Tly bave atawa thona 'tint*" nors aaring $26,000 a year. mbîcb by the way is less ltait wbat an MP receivas as a yearly las- fiee exprse ailomance. Iley bave aiso amackad tig un- emIoyed by roducing unenuploy- mes. beneSits. me Uberait, ta quota nom prtme Miniater kma Chreien afta, dia Toies éid dia samge lissg tn 1992, *'me aiîacking the people wbo avne noi workimg.- Amothez Laberal ai rhai game siated tdut the ras/mction of bemafits mai the "mmca comardly measura aver in lthe biswayof P uneiÉ Wlual do you asy wm Ms 'own t0 tioaa uenwoyed nid ta tos seniors mbo belmavad yau ad mba you plut. nusedlisem urng thecampaign> l'tnally,1 the berais bave decidad la reduSie kmai deduéicos from 80 per cent wa 50 par oent, tbareby btuing lige restarantsitndstsy amail businesses. lnsck drivers. isal asate agents, nid cossstnad salas- peuple. Tliey aay ltaiiis i bsîng dom mn order ta brin& failliras wo lie ax sys- tam. Wbalms fair about a syssent diat grabs mare tas dollars front a gr"c driver earning $35.000 a yeti, but cotinues ta adlm MNs whmb n ULMf D EDMTON CAVALEA CAN4DA' OES SELLEff CAR FOUR -ER UN. e .2 Litre L4 MR Engine e Standard Ani-Lock BraJpa a Reer Spod e Z22 Graphie Package a Remte Trunk Refease a Tinfed G3Jas a Power Doo- Locks e Floor Ço<ysoile a And Much, Much Mooira - *TLU s î#,7ÀMp. MM IILM 4A 19U CAVW M<M DM SOM TNR FST PAYNM 09 U& a Au!omaltc Twismissrx, e Air Croiltioning " AM/FM Stem Cassette a Puise Wpers a Piote Trunk Reiloase a Plus Mijdi, Much Mor.ti FF~GOOdmd, p 2091 FU okmOUW TOTA Amté_4h WMMIY oe~ a lIM h0W L Ma£ YM 'Beed on 36 moi* W»l br Cavahe VL CoLÇ.Smd1 aemad ms dubed. omu payqiord of # Si ¶0641.636 m<,eaud SeQimlty dIlp-osu ($3m.) fteugU (~è> u , wuumommdh nid ImmM ijd. ORs qi0y Io %mgfid rMW auknse ard. 00ma "w lam., av&M.Th lua wad *M 0f«r Camo lm co.tuia ftwt w"I Ç'ta 'a Os- -a taa<rtnS.>sp9n si o o~au pasifaur ont/m $2-0 ai Iu ha af - I nom understand wby Libaels ara so vchbenily opposei Io the nrgit of recaI.", Richard Maoamd Mâon &I/iors noir:.M Ma lbo<< is itme Refonii Pary r-andidatefor Oak- ville-Multon ini the lai federal elec- lion. M.re Lai/ars on Page 8