SPORTS m.B,6-z» ~$Umm Bantam WdI girls on topmke of basketball tournamnent wr-esting' flic Milton Momaih BaiketWal .smité rep girls were undmqpai f I rO 3 aste oldte die ride ini the i t r Cariedge Girls lnvitational Tour- ioutrent laggt w ekenil flhe Milton msdgeUs earned a silver a r r as ong of diaic locid Monarch taea r coinlitins.Te Otro eenn o fiâe hmctans gWs won isir section col, dèei u wck by deféting Camsbridge. Si. Thoumas .~' OSA raln haiiçtihqit and5 Kisgavile bave been the site of many of Colin Milteu, downed Cambridge 35-25 Widdisa b.ggest flgistmnsg. Tis behini die play cf Kahiscyn Wen- Yeu, his fina Yeu. hey becgas the dling. Breoke Johnson and Kuisten fulfillment of bis tsggea divean. HaringaWinleas et OFSAA before lain .They coatted t0 uns easy 43-31 win yeur Widdim finally crachaid t to cvr S st. O iint he senfgii ýî 12 in 1993 but stllli dm hom f bis with Jetglue Mascarin cotoltng the txpectatsongi. Lia Wedisesday lie put boards and Jaclyn Hunt acd lUsa il ai beind biem thougs. as he be- Brown paoins the offesice. cause E.C. arr iè co' In t final agaist Kmngsville thse finigt-ever OFSAA chatqod Morgach girls opened a big 10 point %rddu: victory can in d~ leail nid held on for a 43-33 wum fashion. Facsng laines lialveson cf Aine Gleeson led an amweauîve HiUcea Seondgay Sdsool ini gloii- clefence and assisteil ons mess cf the cms Ontaio, Widdis led toto die finall teain' fia break scoires. minute before Itaïversion leok die Tile losessainent allowed thet main les&. go potu tliir mevemidi consecisive. Halverso juniped te a three point Wl: and second tournament lige. loi, psstling Wildis on bis lack The Monarch midget gi emnia with 45 seconds te go, bat Widds a silver osedal in die tsaxd AA-A re-<olled Halverson and scoedc a pin itimemacent. uli 30 seconds lefi in the m"tc. ABter defeating Brmctford CYO Gis btttasaetWii 43-39c m idorAO5-4.ttus seeded number ocm baued on bis Monarcas lot t0 Camsbridge 57-37 37- 1 record, mcd ranked mnb tn di finl. dure by theOtaio Aniateur Wta- Kelly Ivtns,. Nicole Walker andi ding Association. Bust his Soli Sabrina Mascarin led the scortcg for mse"dalus no cakewalk. Except for Milton, The Milton use cf a pressurie a 13-1 vtclory tn the sensiffigul. defence. keyed by Teresa Chsarron every match uts a barde. and Marycîlesi Gleeson, led te theîr is sougtsms was bis quauierfinal flrm two wsns. sganst Bob Letadre cf Oshawa. is The delecce creatcd turnovers tisai nmatch Widiis beotit bis note which itero conveted ini easy and narrowly field ons foc s 6-4 transsitions baskets. decision. In tie end lie wenî ", ie lîtle contesi uts mcotiser siory. icfeuicg the second. iliri and Cambridge, a AA teamr cf players fourts place finisir. froan Kitchener, Waterloo aiid Widiis etidà the sm ithit ati 542- Cambridge. simply outmuscled the 1 record. the bei in Dtsiry bisto<y, Milot squasi Cambridge used uder Mid 190 catrm victoiries. wbicb is size and strengts te ucar Milton dlird on the alI-iic uin lis down. Overahaied by Widis'accossi- l'lie Monarch juvenîle A teans was Mm aus M~PA plishusstat unle seveMa otiicr sgrong insaAA-AAA grouspns Dtuzy pesfoenuo. Rookie Grant Aftr lua u BantordandFly ng ighHeffron and wmoghcore Chris Dmc Owen Souci the Monaichs pîtyci tUioi dumito ami ltaron. Ulhp Raig fyemCao zoftral. os-unbagomgfo ich mode succmsful OFSAA delius, foc leventis place, thougis details cf gal I hisat % d a Ilt0on lmicil hiph aood hasiha ds.,qsomut* aouksl Ilm et Sharmai placlng in theto 1016 aliii tumly dhio ganie utre no( avaîlale ai C~ The 130elo4tlg pay" i mm t*m b, Il - is Sm MNaWt Tosanamnia eoamhaoeder, morie expeslened wseathts pres tine. sa W ISM ons Paga 254 What remains will stay as disappointment fades Fsmed bmthal nuanae Lee Durecher once gan1togyjnsn csu bas 8-2 lei. and Oggm "tl dmt bai ab ad moid l su saisi, "Winnging isait everything, ith the only flfpressing Nelson bord on defetice. Blir Pd m o ui tlm the dom. lHe dent. M RR Y Bil Nimn 0@1100d menu fou cout plus- misM& bat Mm Pataâ m se hanab the He wu uroo& flie Bisbop Redémg High mrxuctT ~re cf ieir owc. botsling back te 8-7 end rebouaito bringthem bcobck to 22-2 1. Scbooi sensir beys baketbal geasti proved Tow sEN tVY~1L ien netting on ulis twc mnuites lefi in tht Neluon scored twc as lit ticked douai and dut uben tdio seamon cane amshing te un lira quoiar te go tmp 9-. Tbey nleyer relia- weato tadu rcessing romnta hdmflume ulti s end in a stuaning 62-50 upsaik lo u s quiahedà the lesil afir liait 24-21 kead « Btirlingso's Nelton Lords in tht Nation hedng poen, muffocating defence, salon l'li Lord were toaagh on defence andi tmpe- O#den ssiedaieh second haïf ulit luo rhanspionships bat Thuruiay. Él front ofa à1 ful bch. and their giity te contvoi almate tvesy cîally strong on the boud. comitu douai siti pelis. Nelmo Solt back. und Illas Tord houe ai Shesidus College. gaine thcy playnd. fley were aèlc te capture the reboutsd fur tee often. And there wtre lWu Pallier male a nMe drive te the basket for a flsey mmy have loti the gaine. butthty won the imagineuon cf mmcy of ais. ulth a of rceonde becuss thse Royal:' miectins wu coupte mr. Anotser for Nelson mai d« s tmach. mach mar. Ahl matou long they uon legitlmate mi t mithe provincial chuimon&hi cff. Way cff dicte-pointe by Culeo ZeiBnaieri - odml due respect mmd amsiration cf bukethl induh merquet sport cf seconiury ichoo. 5111. Biahop Redisg b«Ide bach gifler fail- bat net and a title dance. flan bmogl tht players coices a ud feu ml over the No dousht due players.acier CM,î Dootey's msg beblisi 20-Il in the second quartier, dimiis Royal: buat gic Io saidain one pelai. province aid evec eut cf die, country. Tbey taitelage. ull retgise wut they won persongilly msmdy to Jese Ogien. uho wu roeaiy Bail the Lords could do ne mousl. Rua wah finishai with a 37-5 record, lca anle umihin mfter diey Cet over dhe iisqspeiinmu. Il's nuse lu due Tonms Sas seodkm ai the Rayais bWtamhtng du.n ce defeace end tise league "cie h finals, and ure rushedins sotgnethicg (isey cm curry wlish tem foraà long tar sqtsm. Steser previdig mmns e mesvmm sade due top dmca provmoe-uide for mam cf due lune. Ill smàs a digme-potnle. Sm galbdt a the bonds, Nelic mod alseai 35-28. seo.You don't loe altl u id the score of Juges rebounil onai bis own met ping du bail o Ibm. they giagit wc u the du b a & IMuic 1 u isse on a copier baema - u e gm. Pmn Sahe t h tcfoe b u a mâ b t gidai precoga sèm off tie dock, uldmg vaildmi àmlit disciplsei play. agelsse BWWo Reaigslm off tht chiamidip belag fiola ce hs uay le the boulo. li1nS - ss -EU m Wf