OPINVIÔN Box 248,19 l9l8al St. E, MWcmo J Torontasc Lrne 821-38371 ~ W Wi Fax - 878-4943 uicam.r Ctlusfieti Ativegîsisg: 875-3300 Wk OOWgu, l an Oliver Publisher be h wt Nuit Oliver A4wnistmg Dîrecoor/ Vaugan Lhawugi. . , General Mamer b'kP I0&$M SJ..., Millier Sditor AWmi -Karen Huhua Orculanon Musager the PiOftij au Tei Cast Office Mangrr " fuMbA la CMl. PrcdWim Manger d Using our mon Cioveritmen<s have gangeti up on us te use our tax rnoney as teverage to tiee us fo More taxeS. Thji*s the gisi of <Ne recently ballyheore leder.t-pros incial-local infrastructure financ- ing progiait. We hase four levels cf govetnmeni (federa, provincial. regional. local) plus the vas-tous; ZchoSl hoards. andtI <ey ail appear thdilleti at ,N prospect cf spending ibis found money. Thi, greai oppoetuntrty ameutas te offening us buck funds <bey prefiously pickcd from oue pockets Ihere are only <blrrr options available go thie Town of Milton and Halton Region for coin- ing up %vill their one-third share cf ibis in- frasîructure financing (by <Ne way, <Ne school boards haive te pony up 45 per cent). Thcy can cul exproses, ut whuch <bey hase prosen tiiiatly inepte, r.iise taxes or issue dete Ibis , puis <Ne town in u pickte Necause rnunictpal counecillors promased a freeze ut last year's tax tevel. Su <Ne munictpality es considening iaking on new &bi in <Ne forn cf a bond issue, or debenture You wîll notice gliai four-Intter word, debi. <s concealed ini the more Nenign ,oiînding <crin dehenture If Msition ticess'i cornte up with lis $75()t or vo, <'s lime to wave goodbye go <Ne $1.5 million federal-provincial promissory note. You reWuly have te gîve credit go whoever thoughi up ibis confidence gaine Tbe Insvnt s bre îold <baui f il ducs <Ne acsul hold-up. <Ne province wîll provide <Ne getawuy car and the fedls wîll launder <Ne rnoney. Put anodier way, <i's hlke tihe nId peu und shell gate. l'ie trick is pînnîng rrsponibiliiy on uttyhody. It keeps shifling arounti Cati you imagine wtiai <lie schoo hourds are 1 i oem ,ie , - . M"a w.kWmy MW -z. Ptbouihgi O& u Ud, Veao kt> icf khut.- AJI- -- Noem A*atbw b' hidupfhW Adoe Fr« F, e Psu wm Thiisf h "a. 11 __m lo,u . à SUa M.MW4 a. Oasi. 50mer Off 1bdm O.uwsiaut NIlough The, Wd W- Meid bu lNer* Soesba.u~ MWW. TodWa Senr, and Us. T'bue eepion set n t MW. in "n MM Co a e. l p 1 - t 0111 &rmwçn qoe meh by uile gw at a rionsib - , e ie opa. . gel. tIA bum. of tu whm u .1àcb . Thes pwàilhia. .Us te dtte b 0,ag *aele ey to grab more VIEW POINT goîng io do e th&lu? lie Halton public board iu <n gel lion (alinost baîf of tl local nstny). rntke <hani spare change for <Ne rmnagement mandarins. They blew on <Ne Milton Distnci Higli Sciiooros Those upgrades includeti an triur students teho can'i reat can tmmply library gazing ut cînuds insteai cf b God's own Rorschach est 1 teully find <t frsstraging itbai <Ne firsi helne cf a genuine <ax revoit c cigarettes. lit bas distracteti us broatier issue, <Ne generally ustunou oatis Canadtans enidure. lnsteuJ cf gettîng madtier, geîîîng or fighting <bis burtien <cciiia Výanadians. uppear content to pull onI (imporiedl and beintuan <Neir batl luck Lile sheep. we teutige <o the nex mrn<-sancioned sbearing. lin sure yousve ail bren consul<ec counicîl tietiberaies, over how go conte a fresh $7501.000 Vin certain your warti councilu tiiligeniky sougbt oui your opiner Maybe ycu were oui wNen <bey cal don't worry. Ille local bureaucrais h worked out lýàywaLy Gel oui your cheq-êbnok. A bird in the hand... How to teach your childi Is ycur prrscbool-aged chilti good at delay- îng gratification? If yeu usk year cld wNedier Nie weulti rather have one coolue ncw or two cookies un 15 minutes, wbat will Nie dle? Staties ssggest <bat <Ne clilt who cain wait <he 15 mlinusea ta get <Ne buggee booty will have a huge advantage over ciher ksds. The chiki wbe can delay gratification Ituems; oui te Nie happier, mire populau anti better ndus<ed <teougtbout <Ne elenientaty scbocl years The abity <o delay gratlflcation l a seey çpecial landi of self-control le requiet a child te watt, te Nie patient, ta restut tequtation, Ic do notbaing, wben Nier favorite cochae <s sting nigh< in frnt cf lier saming b ich face. l< flies an the face of <Ne age-oid Intion dbate -a Sbird in <Ne bandits wcaith two in <Ne bhli A study by U.S. teacalrcher Waltee Miscl testei oee 100 feur year nids on <teir ab<li<y te tielay geatification. <Nen retesteti tNern wNen tbry werc aryen ati eleven yesti nid, They faitetiNt <Ne clultire wig, sliwed the morxt self-conrai li ge feue worc jttigied by teacrlict e Ne mota ceunpetet reapoci- seille, anti soc<ally akhlti nt er aiges. ie chelirene whc shawcd <Ne leat self- contiol ai feue yeurs of site teotiet in elenaty tchadl ta go Io auices untier stress, <o Ne vuctimizeti ad rejecieti by ilice chiléen, Io Ne easly of- fetadet, sulky ald whiney. _PSL(O IN JTHE D no epiri orcidgacookie in abeuil tne inilliseceuuls. )Gd bain %ýith self-control. <bey have to mmcr art severai ways we clin belli tNe <t. Orle way is <o look ai kits who, are resisfing ten'MgWion d compare <hgelln who amc ot xc gond a it, ta see wha diffeuen<ly. nIe average chilt ied five mnnte Nie doye for <Ne one coeakielnleeuia kidu wbo ýcouud up d gdi c walclied l a lot, whille "d lettr letre lat dNe 15 màmm megely looked i gil, In fact, <Ne lamer kids atiae a vemy del effort to avoid loolding nt <Ne cookie. by i08 tNear cyce %viell duir Nantds, laymn heati down on their amts, or uloal bayuatrs. Wbell a new groupe cf childirn were taid theae difren ways tre avoid "mki $4.5 nil- Not mucit education ON U 1%0»RI4EH*OF LE, kfflA 9» 0,, lbing nîuch ln w aa, Gernea- tingf& more than you oargrainea m, o hfor taking your horse for a ridme ar w i e pouy and 1 peideti ourselves on beinga culi above dm ortiinaey. Wr, along wi<h Most country's ciher rodees, knew tehicli oatis te avoid wbrn ritres onî eut ritiing. Roads witrint enough rognr for frein <Ne cars anti equines <c fi t <N te surne tirne. Remis staxaioti wbere (litre bas breit recet fire daniage T (giacatîteed to spook a herse). and ronds insvîtvet whm eeehme-chasing tiégs rn teose anti free.PE id naît, 1 would <isien witb inieresi as my inotheA D Y su shirts anti boardein at <Ne stable gave har-raitrng ac- LJ govem- Ihbere wus Carter's black tand wbite Mun, Marty an etheewiue pleasuni outing. wus a vil- whnch liket < bide in a dîîcb uentil <Ne stctîr Iaineisslockng greale dune wbc liveti with an as twn as wthi retch.He ouldthe Incter eltIderly couple <n an olti farmnhouse Nul to dis- up wîîlt wards. butktng futriously tand snapping asth<e naeietued ita dduals. bis sarrareycan crea legs cf <Ne rider aue nlv sti ak lencr- is have WNether or nt Nie actually sniggered te humn- teire, ccaii ç , with reddish eies, sSeenet iS No? self coulti nser Ne proven absolutely bu esurrly In bc a ima firoin HelI nu ie Te elti people spoke tittie English, uad led But always roltett ou his tsack in a vrntable ergy e< nltudrsal<leibesTer se tl aIt of eojoymne afier Nie hall se a <horse gullopIo.-lrwdtr rbli. hi <0g town <Ne rond. cycle wide witN fêtr tiloP'dg seene demineti Ie terrorize <Ne luirais. Worst of al, anti teuponsîbl for spoîîsng whde bawning ou bis ownees. No foal. Nie Ia bemn ridlng a honte tient day I would ..isntworth two in he buh never havelued on<dmwidinglakm bu' Pau anti I wee baving a faurly enjoyable en self-control oneadd idbnudrate ab whcl we botte coanidereti fair play. tbinking aebout the ceokies, about1 75 petcent WNett eue ambling took ut riur tNe dreadei lure able te delay gratification ant enjoy twc tiaiveway I wasn't rnaly paying attenti. My coobkies. fiet dangleti eightee ioches or an, frto <he Agrelher appeoacb is teaching duiltiren <nin- greurnd. antI 1 Nid let the reinsreti ou <Ne siturcth<erielves. In coe of Dr. Mischel's pouy< <teck as I ily adanureth le sccocry ) Y stues. ebiltien were auketi te woek ai a bor- Patus cm twitched befoe 1 eve Neuti <li ing taille:,W 15 minutes detpiie tNe distraction rumble. sotutbiog abi e <Ne sogund of a '9S~ of a tey clown box. Most preucisool cildren Mack trusck packed up upeei. By <Ne tinte 1 - couid m do et. 'logiketi aronti, a Mack mneteor wan agtproacb- Whntoesiecildreil were <aid how te i08 a< grainI level. 'S <bat liatile il - "WNen Me. Clown Box tayu to Cuusing nm# 51ttpidity anti feeling <Ne iasen't look al hen. say te youeaelf *lTm jet net adinalien pumniing lou my sim by <Ne gui- km ilt gous<g <o lool a Mc Clown Box!" - dNe large Ion, I kicked <lie penny <tac a tro. lHc ulowed rn Irn msjoeity ware able <c finish tNe task. Onua c lo dw. 1 lücked agate. He utappeti, cars fit- tauku ctsldse wona simply <nid to .y '1<'s tette. bcod At geat if 1 wait". andtie le raeof tIf-ontroi My Nierai wu in My <liot asi 1 prepmgeil go kis ait skyrocketeti. for tNe en of «<N li hea1 notioti Pst nhifl- ey <lad Petape <Ne Meu oat way <o w"~ i08 bis position ad loki08 eiver bau shouler. self-ontrel bu foe -umt ta matin il for u'et "Cornte on..' Ne seet go Ne saying. "Help before children. Nunaetelle seibles show <eNi ciel tir n ie e e" Y, ess anc higNly utfueiuasd by the cisoicel <Ney me Thae bast wu neauly tapon us, an I eegaly bat Ceok" ailier people Mua, eapecially denier pellens no chaice. Eating bis heaidg th <e tiglii. 1 BnI able to 11wc quutigon, len, s doa yon have Igy self- up Nia u Au the ullbbering ligeaid cate . COn"a? iNin rag, Pst awueued Ni a m ald kkkedi, ilierse Do yeu resut uaton Do yoa m"N fie aceuratly caver- the lisei bit of leftovee pie jiat Io rnlah à off, l< teas gtitfying <o watch e Ornillier g limier or doc ye gay, "itus to fatating"' Do younu s latk away cnweti but waubjiti aller coes- ie Ne- pulaîvely ent mg a fant liod restaun bocaua pilitig <lite or fee beaudtful bmckwari saon-e ifs lind, te wliere you're ahaçpng, or de esentils sitgo die dtN. W. diditl waer u<mlY Yog (ua<aaly) <cl lthe chiltren tdat ifst befle unilforme;but on *àa day, Ps anti 1 bWt tdie g11g or fur yeti al lem expunave en eu aet boante? <Ne woelid a aler place to ride.