RF/MIII.~ Marilyn Andrews ............ 870-7777 Heather Ashbee ..............878-7777 Carol M. Brooks ............ 8784067 Carole Budworth .............. gfl Ron Furik..................... 878-3337 Sheryl G .................... 875u][121 Ch'ytoà Hakenbrook........875-4771 Richard f4ennan............. 878-580 Betty Ing* .................... 827.428 Mm i oeCAR OLE D. MT a, m.mwa ocln sOIW.m NMI .nyflthig hevç SOWD 1 OÉ72 -Hwy 25 759 Banting 788 Frobisher 43,Barlo.i 617 Joyce 228 Laurier 235 Bronte #68 550 Chitds #2 155 Crawford Cr08. 681 Childs #10 659, Clover Park 310 Wilson 501 Beaver 868 Maple 527 Marcbllus 360 McNabb *GAkY THOMA Broker/Owner Sharon Kerley ............... Preda Lawrence,.............. Joe Manchisi ................. 875. Lindsay McLaren............ 85 Maurice Miljour.............. Lloyd Moore ......1.... Mike Morgan ............... ,'Paul Page................... 8M8 John (J.P.) Pears...........7. JIIItown*.R fty Coup WSwndm wonesncel1981 k 22 Ontarl tto2 >078-7777 474 Phdl Prestidge ................-i692M 48à0 SCOU B. Piior ................. 878.2365 -0163 Jean Snowvden ................ 878-3155 .1 Anné Taylor...... ...854.9833 4M7 Gien limas.....t............8607 3158 AI Volpe ..........6.......878-7777 1093 Katrina Wallon . 87.......... 8.1588 2995 6u59 OMM LISTINOSNEEDEP numnber cyf hemson the men" lh now the geo your ho"e $Ml insht order et the bout prics. Call me fora c onfidientiel, honeet discsson abou your horne valus and %whet I cen do ta get lt sod. 3 bsdroomn bsckq*l on quiet court has great lot wlth Inground pool and fuIIy fln- ishsd basement wfth extra kitchen and bathroom. $174,900. BET( INIOLE C#PEL LLE Executiy home on weiI land- suite wt a u from Iower kl!@4mi....... 1 LAUMIR AVENUE Flnlhod complotel with 4 b.d- rocma, fanIIy rmcm wlth §replace and wsucout ta docK. femll-d kitchen, roc. room wlth bar. Maltsd vendor . .......*11 *Vbewof cup=n *Phono Betty * T"k Actio 0 uM Of OMM M ammumm