Wuiaeaday.em Oro.uS fb 'Conimunity 'No eboo0k li Afaelellm Olivilia avd i Tr~-hi H2 8A Iare dual à ad" Adt Auction: auy moeea Bla rwa a " a Art ww ýed (bm.t = PuA moai HUa Ifa vauMy MeVWà aduarahlp ppa. sit. the YUCA' pe iff mr'au day c- nl yw -"bplymt mrvli Noon Coneut: ii. treta Nom Haut COWMr 0( tii. MIN11 UMMu vil b. ausld at Huol Poiler Mn nD meviy re..vated meetin hall amj to tav yu ai fer méis ftmue chtien adm bi Colfee is erved et 11:lia niw aai H musée hei at momn Régla are avaUlbl t laNn by calirt alM.M or Kida' Fashions: iiornby Co-op =wer kdont vii plude a preview et iàa.' ~ u fe.wlm ealle hue local M-le hchm i rnimu amd As We Grg. he oo amoual COulir.. FîÏuilow le. beW4 WMl ai Jehn Lia Owblu Subi m NcLauidl Rami. Dr-"e. em330 Pma on suitra tnov il .niao là SPar mor muor meloa nd Mg outa tickets rail lia. Wood ai 514110 Wom*n's IsSU08: Barbar Silavan. WPP liaNe Cntre b.eu m p tao. f a onm min iter apouii Deeli peleaMe. recet auu.--ew Mg Sellvan sai it tean- bea la go wij à1b mulahia of the calibre etGreg Sar- ban. Tht MP for NIalteCmmàlrelaamà ofbe the IsSaleçi Commîîta. au Nemmad mabé et thea e inl- NurnS W01lcOm: Nurmg ami wvid-be aurais ane Ivtai te e@&ere du careemprlut et (lataaae. for moe lend"aildo me an aleauhmm eornu Y) iiSe CTouutamaNagea Tou aies. a$ ailabhmi. ai S i tell~,Ha babler la leau onn »u.ieele fer. Chlb.Wme m a à~ a.~ Siseil w C Lvu enu haie sw7eNma ah. i. reeam by eUb Veteran concludes war is unnecessry 'Little children. Tbey mmer to khow wbat was going on. OId people with forJorn looking faces, as if ttley bad corne to the e*id of the world.' iy. aTmaaesha moH~Hadla em Bm. lma lhaer va nei caenca. iim bua pacadc ami pr"ea ave, a M" et tha front gf Hanth"tl eB.le" miti tu p" peit logari Hae toi heiue UMe vi vu 8u1m a. Ohd peeple viii hélIom Numa vith buro a Wi au omn. the bey-.- r ker1 vin le m le - hie in lit eu faire. ami n e a Nie, ;ag mn A former ihucl training lu- atrtadtor in the. nmi ana.hime d '.4 Tms besy ias ferua ta a"mr haY Inluda bffa @laliv temiua bei laft than ta orfm an am aiAaiiim an qâât axcepi fer Hatahe rumbn ez- He cm no lamler read the M ti l. se Il la b:eilrgesmaithey beicoinetIotien.nd gt Ploeau h. un bau bens cierua inia a rend te bu. It diart place. ci nS avu lui. flea.le euoee amieutPmaarle ani Ypres, Arma ami Audie, a At AnùM tha Caujdea uwpl. Ha Ger- ve.a. abélb imdacpela mimait allen. lia gf devamtta vm.m duaean ud uaeped teu. liea v mm gf tii. met-plud vith, 00u nsm me ouD peli gf reierumc Ln ibe biei gf illio. AU"e caruma m la -o p-avion btm« xcoi 0a tb e nommae but certain Il vu ai Passeieudal. dut the, pime ai- coe cqthle a.emy flat-lomiai.' lIay mm.tackh. ai lebuànul] bu-reW gemem maà ZTUId tGrUIIU la &!P oeelebo cry. A voire hai bÏm. Bea.4ig, it berbam. brge panrm gf tnqp. li. unile caa- blngnu lt vu mvfui .,Cm a i t l'm moie Yom a CMp g9 les,' - y flir. ii.ila a"i lesa er- A m t w i aei eenm.ed cgMb TOM Bradley $ails. Ha voie tea abaI iau l a Nr8riOùr. blemme. appartut lin Mraiideyms recolle- bale. a bm cater dut bu pailli ued b=$m cmoami=.~?~ lu lia.. Dnrai beaalvned y ta "PIý vute hmril theta. amy lleyebJme ver came4h.n faiea re1ste.. lb eider vebua mm11 Ha MWaia. di. H a vam or la m, van,"I g tmem aà" Wamdrasir wla Ymna ei"e dore. li3 *am. Hae brgo mumern, but l h Hau carai= perv- f but d1 ellie ii.atm. "He bed a mar>'. NBradey, a Protie.-& eapuie e.iibyl.e.eu mica, 1hti MR evnamt m talit. recalW ai à" bat ho lewu Cahli a epaedb apa mm a.Hate ee,îe tab" r&Wnmie N nie mh'iil Ham' mâea damna kt &Mmr bahog ua esyeiu. Cmai "svee Ha r wu g mmetlei oet la let led iai hme hl <lwbl.- ! tu" vububeedb Wbiieil- i1'aUaee le e bed baHat-H ath uerdvr 110.1 ul "M MM@Arrd le auerei.jr- piiMa diBe o........i.,.. h he urne.le eee 1"L B r. evu i 0, eleuloe ure.aaHads *9 la Ha m. wlu e "a beu beo e ýba.ba..' fmeir 's. ahl is barrai vuue en fuv ihipvegd m auemra aubsHdm ajHlvihe o ie hb!f.*le real.-epiim i ~~~~le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - mot la* Bat MMfl, dryaeldaymniepbibeUilwui iW MILT OMISMÂLL HASGOT UT ALL! amsn..Fu. lm .43 &R MP..; 0& *. p.M.4:30 p.uM.