invited to. opernn ýf Papa Nick's lounge me, ta derat, a et nB ai aho~ c L~ !g t»a rma wl end km- Sebet" fra i. h. u M h ro Opo mal. h theIa =h g"M 1h. »n a Oe puwty urnmb of Geriy Mp ami Eh.p onJ.. * icuW 1ha. ' a ~. hai bus. flmhbuha am thaÉat ies, AIh.IAO the.- à@ ais m as dW ret a Ik a pre.Ia d u sers pi1.wIh err Ocwàac fasaüy Nkàh (,h.~ mpm Eth. miahil *M am cliie di mieeho Dhi. Ch.slm Hotte n Main Mgrat iqa bige cêlair wumar i »d ien s %agit E à b.iIarnImo d i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~Cs inmi «M OMM tahhfcaft1eSmaa leOW d Eleanor Calbes to perform with St. Paul's choir Renowned soprano Çleqanor CEbm wid joi S Paul's UJnited Cbwrch Cho Satrday evenang for a bergefit cannct idasd of the eWurcIss miean rauloalsa fWgd Ntagned the SUt Musnician of the Year for àmuaaaupg. Mt Calbes f ormed the "eduW soprano in tet worid premre ofthe Pthtppmne Grand opera She La wel-knmown ~recm1a.U.NombI Amend, LocaUy shes Ignow. ias a toucher of voise M Clbe. Ma arrnaw diter tour and inonder of tige Muauaal Cnty Cestire Opea Coin m rectrved the roveted T HE A- arars base dirctor un a mimacai feher euent euft go The Kinsg and 1 for the Brampton Mutea So'ty CsntrbuhU to the ciornt witlh ba CUa" a"i tell cswb Clamer, tâoid by Jidy tHMImiU be TEcha at 9 fige ad" ai M fer annm am isibliaa ame avaAjahisat tht cbarrb het or f ri mamberna of the char Students can joi exehange Iaorurnwm Ça"i a sois salu taq mam yar's cha ge yeuWase "a 5 a ~ta trhavail ovornm arlm tae .t ie ty dmnc lmseb by Evnqa Ins. anmvmm la uslta a saais *anMaagefl~ fW oe eus. -ii a &d IC 9 1 - Aiaa qamis me la. le a. assbl du et* mie eri- iam"sa se am 1h.w wae ai a hMW vmmbmoe MW t m au Im b anà -É m ggig p airse =iouoraembL an Fn -. 1i '7h. Builder's C7ioce" for. *0 Sico péaintsa Stanley bools a Skil power toolsa *Dexter locks * Eaqerd roolanq * Lepages adhearveaa Amherst mouldinga 0 M & B mouldingsa Stelco nailsa Vermont American saw*biades 0 Golden windowa 0 Armstrong ceiling t ' li * Dow $M styrofoeim * Minwaz producta " Ontario W.hite Pin. lsjmber a Oak lumber " Hardwoo)d plywoods * Doora * Plywood " Ha rdboards 0 Sptzce -lumber 0s Preasu re t reated lumber 0 Pretinntah.d panellîng T & G Sel Cedar panelling % 1~ « only Hardwood Flooring Bruce sold oak, taveru $ grade, quuaiock colour. ane abhk Imperfectiona Hùr1.. while quanlites IË ' BI gr., Acn 0»Uof ou N'sm M 74" e il r-1pet , ;;0e Trpck)oad Supoe Salo! R4J2 (100 sq. ft.)M229 Rt-20 (55 s4. ft.) '20' VX ladugdria c< ad Contrata ÇflD~ý WCOM» Ç=Mt'83497' ýWýe« w.t youz buam..nà h e Ij