Seniiors ecan join proram Tiw %tin ubruet de UVictoren W', omet Itil Trtillu. Fux,- Ordw m Nomu apaisi a aa âtt.m if Un Oifarl LuIiy Cor- siairec Day Propamin lu at mal"u allouui Unmj=c te basinà Ombytla l hO.Suifiur~ aatqlug~fl~g a ua . lispraua hfld Ow- *ir4 wo éàrvla = 1. fadi ac, prtg a âig lahai oer iwhm teô @M- Ivre Ian,. cqnlhvly aW id mc. ServKtecha fra. the ration pro. impaired bonoira. providung vidait <idi te refuiwsi th. Wia- apecialîzed ictivîti« under the lion and to1LDÉI il with coindor- aru06 aet ài a îcùaiaud st&al table caira. tables. and iodore ap. uv ùéDtI.44g ù! !h rêihre iàiùuIk'i A van t0 transport chnul cwmlmbtamni g Pla.of to tand f<n thn centre wu aise, the Hito ani 01 Uni z The e gava 14 cheuua two deys each wee. SU, ai aimal SIMé caimmi <rou the (Wa tubl =I ,«4gjoun=i aid se"a th.c ui alwU tei, a espamd il& aivl te a> =ewa.l 40 chaul ftve ihi et Vohilnean are MWt rimnn.d te worb ulih Une chienua ai Uncutre. A trannina sive b> Un VON. For~ ~ ~ ~~1 thermfeaho iiU VON Seniors Day) érogram aI 3MOO7. or Une main ofie of the. branch et 673-M77 ~Il aen) Wedn.sley Oct. 19 hold Turk.> Siîpnru ai4 45 pý m. .6 pmnior 7lSp m liduftla7. chIdren 5-12 $3,50. ader SIree Cali Doisa MeNibb M7-Tm5. Rthi Tlmmnpac M71111. or Murgpre WnggWwoeUi 67305 for ticket& MLYON MsTaICALSOeT ut! l a thehpa.U art of tam aa=hm, Anyoe in- tanmteleni yi le w u. vicu ekierty reltai rc for tLqar fanaypiin mar@#nga t altend Reed ai NdlIe Tou Hla 7 ý :pm "Evey. =cai MINTAB.I TE111111 CLU and Fr*" fei 7-16 pin i &ar- t.i Stneet (lîduki train as- id uit d olp o ahl Bq-a Beus Io advanced coa chlng 011:. 19-22 MOVSO OWRKCT Boy wuCATs mid hold Apo Deys throiihout Hilto AUl fini i go tocard Thliwy Oct. 20 MILTO MOUN lu NEIWONK. p.i et l NiaiT>Hu.N a - i lace fil u nii * <airoeow. f~ Flm .. ffe 1111Lli;Ii MNUT0RCA 30001 Umma et 7: .p. it Ham r~ PA& VhOenh Park m - Pu" PoUnlea. g Fme Yuigalai.. T«Mi, Ua au" ai~~n w Jack aiu n, lai mute : ai -e Sii u Pm am. Au ob d bulef "4 WE GOTII Nff Yo~~m cR1 iPFà RFFORsF Tu -0 nmrm TUNE-UP PECAL COOLING SYSTEM FLUSH I O 0/o off AND INSTALL NEW G.M NIFEZ OnIy $29-95,' Ail Prts àLaborIncludes: Inspection ofait beits Ail art & Lborand hases and rad4ptar BRAKES 1'00/o of f Atil Parts & Labor AIM'HEADLIGHTS with any of the above spoçiais LUBE OIL & OIL FILTER Inctudes - lnstalling new G.M. ail filIer - Up Ia 4½/ litres Quaker State - Chassis lubiciation OnIy SZ 16. 95 Most G.M. cars Jik 134ARANTEMDSERACE GUARANTEED GM PM ,-GLLÔRANTEED PRICE