Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Aug 1988, p. 8

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ftb& teb Pila Ann Cioruch. Ater Allen. Andra.s FaeTA k5 iO ab ro n l a , b - - - . lgailsi je-mm Otretor l .îg ~ I~ out he e uM. Cama Office Mubee'a«' iMtUi .2 SBreak in'traditi*onIoIn ac c it's an intereating decasion and something whiclr"Pmuý,to __________________ !have a great deil of suppoirt. * bTh holding of MUton-s comsmer ahow, Showcase Milton, * on alternat years ta a major change f rom the I tradition" <Jestablished over the last four yeà. Ita changebackoi Soriginal, concept, thougli. until the succen of tefiet=o t- le evervone away and caueed it W o a n animal affair. Butlt s alot toask ofpeople. It'sa ot to lvolqeeon the core committee tif run it every year. lt's a lot (o aalt of J smaller businesaeewlie muet find people te work in Uleir places durhng_ qlie show.y If's a chamM initiative in the first place. receiving souile lielp from Milton Comnc ait the outset and none since. i n fact. this year if made a $19.000 profit. We wonder if ferhapé it s getting too big. The common theme nanning among many,. exhibitore was that they didn't s wanf to wear ilt oui. l'he addition of thec Hocker structure auto the arena lias made for up te 160 exhibitors. Itowever, that is for the çomimittpe and the cliamber tei decîde. People still hle it. AIUIOUIII attendance was down this* year. there were still 13,000 admissions. When eue cousiders there were several thousanlil people associated willi the show. . if's stilillaUracting a large percentage of the town's resmdýns.' 9f Certainly a meve te, a cooler part of the sprmng should help themi as well. As moving the dates from a Saturdav show te a* Frday-to-Sunday, event encouriged weeks ouV'en a moutti earbier in the season. We applaud thie committee and the cttamber for putting on F sucli a first-class shew Il is. after ail. an information showi ntended te af tract sales fromn local residents who mîglit 9thertalse spend their money in other municipalities 1 e " Mi lion 's uwinnintr igt< Weare hearing a famîiliar refrain (mi. tlie durnp site "deliberators Il gos. hle thîs - Burlingtonl Aldershot site is the t-t choîce f or Hal4on's next landfill The tu,. .. s eing played Halton's chief hydrogeo4oical ex- pert, Stan Feenstra Hel -Ile teflang thet wo-mem~ber en- vironmental lieaning board tkus week that frQim an engineer- ing and env ironimental standpomnt. Milton is second best. Consultants' reports commissioued bs' the region have aise supported that argument but heme w1e are in Menth 16 of a liearngexpected to drag oh1 untal November, Mr. Feenstra 's conclusions are ba*d on hvdrogeological evidence whieh peints te problems ith grounawater beneaUi h ê,ta m oad( lu cmlia eaMn Cntn a I7.affCares Cufý ihbani thie pg dMilton site at Trentaine and Brifannia rods. cNti iis frte- en e teoî iaen o Tud* lM Th t,%aaer tliat leachate could escape from a hydraulic eour, fliepea twtuiee fna Demi s 515Wian 'ý-ý tr:beneaUthe dump and pelute neiglibouning wels 4 SafeV.ards could be implemented but at a greaft It m wudb uch cheaper te kiale thetuligo site en- vîreumetatay sale, Ahd Jet usremember that 7milion from Pag es of 't e P s taxpa ver 's peckéts lias already been dumped inte this issue ai site location. 'Trat total lwold coeme o tocvenng the St fbilding0 On Vear«Ago 20 Vears has Milton cotincil loolung suspiciousl, over lis collictive lieuW 1npembee Z, 1.issr Fracslie tue fil shoulder -The i{aiit Seaerat Setsooi faord recel, ed Tomsi - Il hati to plan Councillors have supported in pninciple the concet f burn- ouniil btceaî o la ontet a %ith a 116-million higlt eatherman ait de sehoal in Mton,,mb ona>iglt. but board officais are 'tcm-F-ra the igt îng wuaste and using the b,product ag an energy source TheY uoabdtrîr ilfi s nt a mixed bielssin& The cowwîli clubi > must succi. * don't want te wave the EF1!i flag tee enthusmastically however' rhimbe- gas )jtumei U suppartf'. for Btai estimateto ftal aile in case theïr mufitéipality as viewed as %selcomnihg sucli a Reing (ialhoc Hicj Scbooi the fît-e pranîneial,~ edition (W Steam-Er facality iiitth open ais 1fuite searatishiol &cton construction proect in iti tendance oi about Il ru ih etecs hni otst oaiga ano The phones> heu Thafmigh netho tt cse weii f coneste lcatîg an * ton apearn ltbe iakiop a glana tep fomeard te aiai anti a local * EFW facillty ini Halton for use by flie other municipalifties in ferm deof iin as a cainsoti msailles atier t oid con game t region as well as Milton. - sers ic nlanS et Hîih a> 0 di te i îmt.i parti lelephotie cal] f rat Thte good ne"e for now appears that Milton may net have te for fitlenrt litte A tuom knoeit as Itigi Point I:- einpio,,tt aie local play lieut to the regiotvs landfiUl That hiappiy tune may not hob te it fi " àr letarc ucoewiiîna wîi Hailon Urt $10 andi M b"ll regia oUnaicil a-hici wifl am Higu Point fulance oid cge peino plaving wlien Halton decidics, as il wili inevmWbly have to. %aler. seaage andi drainage service toi Urt 40 ln- ihtt rily have beo wlire to locate lis EFW plant. dusîrl pak Ille don cout truction bt ste a-la reif ae cone-Cai- tioaever 50 years eslhe. mMa"y have ltibe a a-u palicy it Tht Cbalp. le a-ay cd m dtey th ps bu l i a"i u eWmai Mt. Iefice d bu udd bu à ies a@W Mddo bAriarees. Fe"a Thone; fbac, tarse meGInnls Zut. éterré. (oace lard amU C"re Tutted. Ago a cal-anti m~t garie %itf. it, Sfontd&%. iuI lthe 19lt editlîne iti afluil reunion as ont- il 't. oui sitaas on-record lffuuaý- tidanre at arouni 22.0WTrie iteut a nuill holdb lthe record autti ain a ri imtpeclor racket has% ttM~ ornan tiot 3SM in a 1ttsý i Lest Zek ie lati a man repraeenting hîmnseji a,w batik He saiti he aanteii !l, Ce sOr recSred et setitnashed lit que becatase the baock bas aira., S. omi cositteefenl mionte in[h A Police spokewmai said ses era *caIiW .eitl the saine, or samil.- Quill> one a-ornai t e hail ego UIf a"e am n frtt ram aet' frare ue w ihr moro.i l" bea-ae cg eiraiu fut" c yatlba t M - M@7 = .u C a aidm l, hW lotbut amU Ibid i OW bedft>a Mdà am W«dw ifthe Il hW ff m bely nua l$s Anacia bu au 111110 : "A bas e BUM a Z. LM @ui mal M~e, omet. Lau 4" 3r1 *.i iiNtgi ii. .a litt0~e.tiOdi tala fig la-la- ai lita te.. utaiflia gasa-co lot B'e4<a Clu W - Mia g 1*. anitua.. e. oaa g a s' oag on. icodo - ..c.a ma~ * 0hitS.~ ai art fat,.

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