* * * uiwwPd'viEuire <MMII, aunr Us »ut hu 4edtta. e cýhasteai parenta fur th an, ngi> ayp I He alyo«Inek playlirs i h.y efhaW eks. back thamqîe cegt and aaa.pl th.un for ia1h are He sent ton many par . a waMu thl leleaae . gui aor tout hôeé - elleint- .aime mou jea Il a .od ohubé,u en- . W. dbf .0 hou plup Gaia wou roie b .,e ans « or~~'gf.~p pur aMd Piai Hw va 0j a ge e - 'Il Lame a llo U prien - ms Fm OlM anard for mut outLadnpaa blents Un erehant !supl i t kWs l ale t W <Cl BaI Un cW l h ou ca has a t M Wa . a e h sb il it w * ohula ol Umui wi lat eàb hhl aegoa~aw lyr* ereOc @W gh m i was w a tumaj e.t o lle' a lfb s : a d bga ut v h al l y rto for iq atart Une yaar. but Uné Menta liaisr ao lagfor, lral a 4f ur 8% JW DAVID k Fii ehqs insi hackey lai mai Ciiampeoee.hp Day a a~ UNesQ' minr hch> age players aire ra ddfrtha= i l Year'a efforts aiNe a varia> of» 4 bpien encludlgprtcmpatpn a Z URglle tnsa mm = 1layer p Aien Wiil te bir asuant dlg*A ..Evorytheei assied la go Wolt" miel J.nMau.hao vice- "Artia Yitaaiely l si >lh a :i airctieclu. la leu 1 par CMe tuafout aloua anm teaanu coulâ attandl ac th.> W, ChMpuup ob la t = ne-, and ma Carela Puddla. hockey moeu and- eia aty ae ray. wu pluas- eeg adthale dyioem Tb'a àlm of c'p"e'atioo'* N 'W dPedditR ur c id mna'o luche> peuple.. hockey Mmn ami lUcha> grneas acre saine Of lihe peuple aorhig du-q eaUdy'lw aoaaa - 'Peuple rame a e oOt'! "am F#- Heie are thermdlli09 te fine.a MINO* RANTAN ha NvY's b sol lAi expected a real4 clase. o gain e said inuing cuac il le raitelaip CianIleu migla have gai mmr thneagaefor as Stellau Pa- h Sports W.dswdayMarch 30, 1988 1' hockey il Raalty seored lao --"acsu The. tlent aIao had Uns advantaie m are,>'. hlnl amsia ml on oa atu iefinal lf ll MmLi.¶ighy 0 Batty Il pau gt gai Une '7h. ida aantad ai m"' th.. Unbe Lier tuai!' «We Coatellae abo Stie i age O:r hl; Sii eN>' s ho lad 2-I aind a-I at tlip Ciii iqIulue. aut t'a bock, for Hla Part4f Nai illa Mat t h iftels luY hà cd Làe"t Un ulelhaai meIl ah.u" wbat bý mtulan uhtu ant e. au m- ma &We md ava Une aee le bu ah e. Unird purad, Bla ave ibir but but cana Gaa rGiser was -m ne fer aiond uiiimoS MAJOR MIANA iwAiaaput Nort 4 N" a m Unéas Wt àal toal IMMi effort." sald han Doci log Petifdhe goic @IeChi&sChmaers' il an outalancting gaine for Robin- lPets., hIe ta. dleb met Ie;.uie.mt Ur eleiagae sason arnd playedin Karnuax taurnamenl. sa îIWy cyere's no. stcangern toi 'an 'eddie sutu hie guys acre Up for 'gai.' endsemon with sty-le. a i r. I.. K. U.n Chu asma lits 2- .1 «M Mp Am". Th" mim am p- amens b piU a doi"Mea Mun la aller vins . lé uanIsfl Deabl doua laga -raua la the W- mIl Rues lstra. Tilatra hut Bus LAn. gauhe Scoit Parch.r oce moi'ren n te ird Bure Un. couch George Delea séed hi. châ a ll b -d Chance. but cseds tieat ('bouvet, '*Goaltendidi beai us, sacld 'D re 4d tha liamso pléyi d a "Ca&" game'* nf hoche> gond. fasl. ne chippeneu an d a lot et sport amnahep W,>couldî hrat "W= * addm a hi'ldbea an strong Enaine and i was a gond amy tia end tht year> A TOMI MOCuel, lftluecisc l ' bolus toach W111% Ceelen said i club dedail let a *onegoar, ulic't botilir tuai. amni the started taking the gaie la MUêCuaîg *Il ceas liait au éâxcellent gante eild i s unfortunale bomeone ba% ta loue. Leagwie winners llciy paa ma tallon Mima dey Châimiaai Dey basse langue liane. am1 W&.eauY i Une 1 Rond Areai Atout ailla the lqa par- a mo. player ceri. wer. ala given R .' the let of cemrr and N.vlle hbai teigne: NIP Brest! Wlkinsaon lISP Chias liarlauu. Wâi', Sarbern. MI? Mail.,Glanru. mS? Krahmn RIde (Bru"~ od>. XIP Je<ferey awmt. N4s? t'Jand ille u 4Curla's Royalaj, XSP biait Sarriette, ido? fwMemm mu 42 aia C91 r iele <Toapi NMW Granm Nef f on IlFay's Elecr trie); lit? Niai Aalheaa MS? Rym an u. Roebsal Lodgec, Navire rep. li Bean Kit- ch.n. US? Damiel NcDmeffe minor AAc, Ml? amie Senuldera, 1i~ Ardua Rai tbwnt (Bbjir *A); 141P Ja>i« Iobimon, MS? John ElIleon caa- A,; NI? KaAin Mher. NS? Jasas Pente granor Cc NI? JoUte.. Antoin.. NIS. An- dma Sharpi imajor C)Atm Denecui NP' Scôt Ncl.aighlen, MS? Paul Orqmande (Checiai villa); MIP uicliaeî Turpm, Spag'ta hI.luysau Clark, MS? Ryeo HAre a uige, MWP «Pieutas gqd amSMaifu- 4me on p 21)I Jamie Prince sCorail 11Cuig loneagasl hautaig Lion naîune ie Bell. &eoeu coemtfed -aitl _4aula trono.5hyn# Ridley and Tuai Cealiai i -te eei nilu periosI h e eoden.ir Bett Lewis guardeti the. net forý Il ciii a tîgar Ramei taal Could «,Icv ganirein' wav. said lc. sý1T'winacbDen Kecste Thepecck d'da l seen ta hi howtccng for us,' ICewley àid th. teams 'ver. evi', iy matcheti ami applaed the wor o<h oth gaulies Mona mal@ Enhaeiga The. litle hida deIaigtd 1h.7 Thomun Itoui &arna crovel aila tZarup-nd-doaai pis> mn the hall- Juif Ciiaeasacola four gals for NawIn Ste- Enchante aila teanti- muate Cary Leigh rosaudaag out Un t- Firefien gai Ivo goa" tromn Sout ClIeld and ope troin John Nadalmn, 1 n he.oer pre-novice gaénie, lCaght'a' Dr; Cleaning gt b> allat ai*.ffMitcell Steven ontier martiera. Blair Beaalm.eu replieti for Straight )büglb lad t-0 aller Une fai MAJOR NOVICE UNCeinet Rellea 3 Fpa abbt- Roiala , -e é colis ai the (mm eon pâq@21) * a