v p. j. 'i i I e t- a>as I. MaimoBv. Ifou if" Mat* ~ lMat tabet S TohpIsa lt R27.Îtst 4~y.iaiiJ a i New wu aaubd5w Chlwm agut ate, Ial =ra lac ma yua On (omie £0#lole4a lIe moite la vuemaca M1 aqta, ~eamdTV pqwooet> Km Ith sa 8«" ON Mr. Papesi &m Mts Lai- NWr cudiaced the h..eWim-f.hWetol hicl reqaired ta &W maP gupw p * >time. il wua deaid la %Ume avoivd cahtI ICAt bocaime ci Mr New' s amaaatmàh Il A t Satd ym:iiiw speker vrsebia1KOpod lv a ie wite ovie Çài mow rai di for at t aih%;I do plce tmt tahi anlaiiaaodtejm smeCA Mmul Kelly New, a ras pient Pam aimae . aborgVlili Contre mie b.batt ami ommttg loAwm, A Nec <maregta<m *a h ili. o Untitafi wlinch Ie Crazy boters wiIl race for a eause ru Lao1i ,~town hem camrero the Mualtiple Scierauaa amlIed rat ae aw 1ranhtaag Society. for Settlai Ait&contoataohat areaked toc coteit BlmyAprg fatie heban 1m ta the race herace, Bo li heti ai he.Cccdt I=odeforma cobeobtaaaed by flvér int Gecete.t a tiatd Caaatcot tht Ganrgtowo Lion*ý i. DDIIIWL. ~.àL. : d~Ž~ I W WE U UOFFA-I-TR WALLCOMINIGS L' KIea . h J. j ~OuSitQO $ A 99LEI VOlA IMAGL4AIION GO, *ý#ILaC11Isýj . \'Now OVUI EST.INIEMO LATEX PAINT Reg. 1319 15 4L *~u JJoe oul Cht* oeChlaIi lt Clk e cq%é&" bbo Cliub ai amy ofi ta menitars % th* Past sax Years. lwOAm ha% been rams id trom the rate l'lie race staru. ain te-a section&a w-il sectouta eot ta-a iro Chttoahm Park =ta Pm The era2y portiao-0 thé race, citacl [Dvtovqjiosnetalie hoaland rubêaer raits. Wat abari at Terra Calq ta Parbette in Ta Calteet1230 pa m h e e-a i dl. e,s Ç~ Williams Park in GI .ilIhlI Hone .18 where the heè,t is... Why flot open yours to a* handicapped chêt?* Sharon Hatter 'ION .Kd1lyNèepavi« 'n dedîc0d'., ïô mnut senhe of humio' *