Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jan 1987, p. 7

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c~moo, Jauny 14, 1007y idge t"club #romàlw ~w w, nteà) big M/aiuih> Aet X"ii8mmdAUmaM eG o hr w N= m"d.=m U rb. w -M-N Th w""t Doft m' o hh~ M MMa ganuina nauatunn lie t s un bil bt un Um DM W==hlin<mm wmuh ttipek*t>gm li01aisgit din utaha lt1h a-taa uM"n h cm"l ohg b' * -~ '7 T.e dierga leof buchtlliCelan, and Patrickel ymholt as celbftd tr i te gamma. 19" AtMi 'oly Rosay Church. CeIIail-Overhoit 'Wedding The' Mareage ofnichelk' aiLir4e "id lPatrick >is.rhu)lt look plarg Aug 1to a' lil Hs<mRwshurri' F.ther1 oseph t)urkit'z perforedt t he double ring ceremnluun s. h music and singing prsssuded hv NIik,' F'ranisKarenii Mrra.s and i 5niJ~ 1'rtzles Tiwi.'frde ilat-daughter ng Pattk and i'sel n t'ullan il Mlton and ihe groom is'the son of Annelle and tht lat&teorge'0% erhuult ofIo sn The midIhonulur smas tuîlleýn Fritz le% 'sterni the bride andi t,ds mau1ds acre Sharoin liirkin andi Brenda Akeu, 'aster, of the bride'. Karen '%Iurra>. isl'.er oithe' groom, Laurie Shannio and. Katheen Dvit'. un rintis nfthe I r rde The flîîaer girl as St.-phantie larkuuuneet iiiofthe hNde Th'. he',t mana as RAnd, IlK erhol t 'rother nf the grooum. a n ushers aire Tufs isehusîtandi (), lerh.1lt Isathers 'tutthe grortt Kes n l latu. brother i the bride, Pauli elanes andi Stesen Wilson. fricnd.s ni the groom The ring heareraus Mastev Jason mlerhîîlt. rsuther ni the groom The coupie hi,ne.,nuuuuned at Couples n Jamaîca andi nuis.reside n Burltigtori @$ 0 v -t ,ENý REWiEý UPDATE PROM 'II-E MINISTRY 0F HOUSING inportant message to tenants anàd Inlorof ioental units first occupiedafrer 1975., 'Me Residential Rent ttegulation Act 1986, extends tbe protetion of rent review to cover ail tenants in piivate rentai units in Ontarjo. This includes buildings,- mobile homes and mobile hom~e sites flrst occupied as rentai units after 197K. Tenants ln post-'75 uWpts: obtalnlng a rent rebate. -1 Ifthe Iaitdlurd 1of a psut- 75 unit hasntîî ail an ajîplicaiîn t.î rent'.'s i-s. h larv, tK ti7. thete tnatt s întjti'd t,, a rebhute uof rents poti ahusîthe -1 per centnl(idelin' ht'twe'tn 'ilglusit1,M. t it(] 1"tmerI.946. - Il the' landllurd dots nut,4 (lutalil '% pay the' teniant the rebute' (us ing, the tenant is aivlust<l îuu flti n applicatiosn wlth tht' local N.'nl Bts c'atOffice foir an uteter requiiinic 1he' md- lord isu paý the rt'bute . If thé - tenat i., irriu)upu uf he' mitaint of the re'buste'.1he' tenanît ntav ddutou the' amount front a 'tnt eM.'que' Bequlrements for landords of post-75 unJf11 " landîs unl'.s ohavet rhWytcd te'nants nmsore thtan the' 1 per ct'nlt mid,'liutfroti .uguu.l 1. 1985. tsi 1eenthr3îl. 1181. hav,' until N¶w'eh 2. 1987 tsi aplpis 10r.'itt".to tiustify tht.., r,'ot increan,'. " Ttu appis' . a lantdlsrd must file an application forint andi suppîrting information %% ith the liezoRl is es. tffit't. shss. ing thit tge 'ren nt'ames s. et'-'justificti " landiordus abs.appk ltijust ~thew e nnt io(-i,'as nuust pia'e a top'. of their applicatiosn to ail tif thsir tenants té,ithin lIt dt%"§ ofapply- ing Ténants an,' tntiti'd tsi e'xamine ail the matejials lied and U) mtaloe nuhmimasons to thr local fient Rlie is.Office. " Landlorxins. ho do not applv 1to unI revies. son or befor' !,ars'h 2. 1017 muat rehate excea- reintacharged in tenants. between Augut 1 . 14M, .and [fItceMbfer d31,1986.1 Landiords of post-'75 unUts who have aiready ser;ied notice of a rient 1ncregse above the 1987 Guideline: t 'nder the new. legisiati..n. the lient Rt-vit-Ae Iiuld.'line foîr the st'ar 1487 la 52 per ent. Sisume landosur o<f poist *75 unit.. have airemsly '.eîd tenant.,s. 11h notice of a rent increase effective on tsr atter lanuary t.1,1987,.Mhich tius'etdsthe 752 per ent (luideline, Tluese landorus ala have tttl Mart'h 2, t19>,7. tIo appi * vtîuromtl-u'ies. for approval of' a 11187 rent incruae ahove the' 52 per' cent e Gi ud.'line. m 11 the landiord applies 1Iot'ont review, tenants siII recn'ive a ropyý.i the applicaion and be glvn'n a fui] opportunlty tus participsie ln the' rent revies. Proceasl If the landlord dot'. no( apply to lent revies. and thetiluep,-rlod for doing an expIre. the landitîrd must rebat' the' dMerepj et eten 5,I'per cent andi the bIgla-r amotsnl.'arged during 1987 SMinistry of Housing Ontario Hon. Alvin Curling, Minister Jt pass, tenaints living in units whi,'h 98. caineoimIte market aller 1975 -pilaI 711 unit..s. ire nsit priteted hy rent r.'vi,'s. 1«drthe ne'% legialatlsn. tenants. Lsving i" xq-7 unit.. are nou% protected by t'.nt -tesIes. alsstgAsith ail otter tenants. un pvat,- J'entai unitii in tOntario. . Ai.s.At'll. the prtuv-icisns. extentjig rent rM'. les. tus utici p"t-'75unit, are rrtryeafusn i t Auguat . 1118 This tteans that the four per cent (,ud,'in,' lo hch s.%aasin platc' (rom Auguslt.,1985. tu l>eer"nls'g. i144;. applieti to'75 unît.. turing thlis pevrioti . Thus. lsndilsrcis%%ho. charged tenant.sîf pt.t-7, unit.' more' thssn the four per eent Gimeline' <uring (ha. p.'dod Jmuat nos. juatif thosse rent invreases îor r<ud tos'.ts the difhernce litîseten fsur>rr cent andi the higher amntni hargeti lkmants I post i75 units: djfot make Inunedlate deductions from your rent. lSq thss'r nisslurd usntd filsthesaler Su peuli nul Sndn'r ni) -u'cumtan(-e.m kbonildtenants. make immedite deduionna front their lx'nq c'heques h.-sauae an Illegai deducttin couid lead to etittin hy tht Courts. Fer mo@Infonnatlon, cati tolI-free 1-800-387-9060, or phone your Ioal fient Revléw Office' Klnéuno Kthener London Nom't Ray omawa J(7w 737-2111 428P-8701, (613) 54"4770 (519) 73-100 (41q) 37338 <705) 474-M33 (41q)723-OM3 Ottas.'a 0% en Sote-it ftterough St Cathminea Ibunder Bay iirmhu Wlnor (613) 230-5114 (519) 370-330k (705) 74à-M51 (411>4)4-U (705>675«72 <8747511IM ( 2")1-0» (51) u> 3SaU Cilty of'Ibrnto (414) 184-4M Eami Ytork <411) M3-01161 North YSku' (414)134-7043 SNuboemtgh (41)43&%U»5 .d '~ You Could WIN One offlee 1«rificpK=,e Starts Januaryl17, 198 7 " A Delta Chesea Inn a VIA Radl Montreol Weekend for Two Gel Away For a " A Sufton Place Hote> FaritIy of FQur Weekend for Two aA lrvcTi o *A Lakte Divine Resort *2n to eraa ns o Weekend for the Whole Famnily 2( e ren WATCH THIS WEEK FOR FLJLL DETAILS!! 16 Martin St. STS-208f Tas. 82684152. ýi - kt Z . ý - - 1 - M- «P V

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