Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jan 1987, p. 12

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s ;.J~ '!'~ - -. -~ 12 The Canadtian Champioun, Wed., turey 14, 1967 ZIFIP Wenîed- - JLOPWantad An opporwty i4y las*hg*tule l*dAx" 091mrola &des anpemnc* aithe kaiser ad burlisA 'Up ples bsu.ruý An escefiafpae.ta 0.sparson tl .the8de- "erra taslcc@ed and aits la con-tiuSOte it Must Se ...0ronuls lui ceomaid m Fuisai . yow rOlahl weeig ~011 QU-O hm$ M. id brakgloornd Osapestcl Mr. L. chuple 385 ste*$Anea. I wIlS.. Ont. LiT 300 Paragon * SecurIIy Otficeis If y.. are rehable, *@Il QiGrIsi& *Pardcilmae Iann *Adancemenl basadi GomarI *Pa,d -<afalOn For appoinîniCnt cal (519) 87.-Ual 1 dareer le IEaLlUiS. M WELOER'S ELPERS. PARTS PERSON orgallaed an0d dlott oStoi psrson aeWit misePosiion. Dutles incude sla ast Po atuelsysoms. .W» catuesion Io computer la future. TYPRImi @tkismiendprevlous eepeieaco la parlet depertt nenassef butlline to I.train. Wals t5dbe ed nporience. ApiWV la Pesana UktuskilsLWi. 3 Alpha MUsi Rd. MANAGER TRAVEL AGENCY Srnam 11<41 410*110agaric, in Masrsagailslocrk rIn, 45-Ilmal1-tfd cdOi h rrnio TRAICI. MANAGER M ..eeheflI n bolS Vocatroni T rOol I olGlobal knh«ocisge 0<1er? 51110salaISra eui ci. Osagel.lo niain ent ' 0Main Si. S., 0, Gorsgeiow. .Ont. 170 304' -. CONCHEM Concheta is accepinqa pplcationls fluenau. ily levai maintnsfancePenson. Meidinq en niechanldai backgrounid an Applcations my Se plaNni Up ln penson t. 551 a, Dt. ACCOUNTS RECEVALE MeOr d-,Zej O nanrfuOO*Wg con tPwl aores ci. -to espsl>it r ty o cons R errI e kInDfes rcluecash r .1 - d -aa< uc enfry on ai IBM P C r .10j -, 0h anîlofoau Oustandrg I -C r Orn1e staing eSoOxnrIce Iloca 8o. No 1432 ciao The Cantadien champion l9t Mainu St.E. MAiton. Ont.LOT 4N98 PART.TIME ACCUTN a e eorgeloro' c lpano kr 4 ,r5 In l I 1 1-1< mri?1sendanr 5.11h rasame to .IiB.0a1he lnirpendenl à. ý..M n SR, S I. orqtown. Ont 170 3G4 MONDA AUTOMOILES EBrana nec*'r-a aggeusr ohda dedersirr e .,,.1es t2 n .r îlnISaeSe eExcellent <O r<llOnemo plan .and.3banefrl tpackage Pisse, contact Mr M T. 1MarS) Moodeai ai 87&- 4747 ýJ' rTRAVELWAYS NeedM School Bus Drivers Grgetown and Mlon aea. Miut Ss 21 Vans a1 ugo or citer, have goo drlalng mci Irtilar .11 t stndard transmission. 8 licnce reqilufft ar$ el. intla ining for .ddlicenca. SpotsudriversMoisa. aiL Il 877-4448 or appryIl Ircîeson 8i 7 Mout.rnvîaaRa Nartif,. Georgtown Exporlenc e oer roqtirad lulilime C.-I.S.c. 878-2321 dofetiçbWsajae iors nu sgtrem w150 id wmaici daclurs lu acqaisi. re- aiurwb aicececas llun 0 buti m, Mlan end sumouldng . uset sShm* iraimEorbonosm foPdlvresereeaile nToot and Muth esn nam. ust Pecations end expeiemcetoI Thusi Se BnentCss God S@thwen, Ont roMa have RGOo ivn rCr STURE MANAGER Wl ranfuca aanergab l ta ulrin t aag ou store i haMtna rea A- rcn « Iouib arelarr cr11, cerrence <n ,ersonnel nier c11unrdsing. saennanshro ani have un aptiturde t0, figures Conlorernrve berfff tpackage, nagorabia salery Ouakfrai Candrdetss Sllooi 4 0,18a400g rasullir f0 S"s 1431 cfa The Canadienu champion lUI Main St. E., Millon. Ont. LOT 419 - For aiGa wreaStofcoInpalfy Crfh a%- peanme<n sairng fand naurrng Must be able ig sstie te acost 0f in1sallation of custom and rapaemeefndOS" sfa0 877-6413 .. Part TineHs" HOVEL'S JEWELLERS 876- 2736 Drlaer Job Training 4 PiscsnisnlMelp s avarlabl r Im RodrlIjeS erool oI Truck 1Dîrer Training LIC F cr caer, delarîs <ail 416) Il69 3546 Io, Iîlealue . - DENT A Hrg.en,.t parI trre topy sary <Iaail areerlre ofrice Reyly 0r G.englass 416 877 660 o ,,,rrngS1 LIGHT liOfLfffgcoinpa mars rlkrd hala goodwurkrig conian oPlb 1trai<ing âfl1<gcge $5 50 hou, For deta.iE contact, Eruoloamenit Centr e Mîtion Tel 8 78841% Relerfo Jmono 0620457 FULL TlME faim ne<p r-eGu<edlfor siuldardblei horse <ar-or0,rperra-" poelalnai Cal 336 0549 or 3366,-,47 EXPER<ENCEO 1ehableecleunl ada cr01 own Iransporlairon reourreri for 2 country hlomes ir0. by srde 4 day-s aceek Ref leauèra Cilf 878- 1714 U>PERIENCEO Health Care Aia nd Norseq -Aiaes 10110<00 anedrafaf a for Bringtf on e fl«111.1 10<10 t Io paenianmfenf 5- 11008an lti shîlis Days and eannngs Nri hfsasbi St.danrlabref raqurraias «sW, i Pea ofacf Saniy or Brandla êS634-3792 ENJOY Selpron iors'Plembîn' Enîoy rIey Pujl «ne 080 lime. Own transort-ation Selec locale 842 5fi84 I 225 8900 HAIPSTYLIST Futl or Pjr[lime0,0 Oso AsSs tanî ManIager George! cran Phone collecI 1 628 4287 Monday fa F <day. 8a <n Io0400m MATURE rescronsrbie perorra't'rd for prtt'mne fle sales10Eîir,ence -r 0<10 qurnie.n & apparat an asset PIease 1411 Bahr SaIl<leery 878 8886 SECU-RITV offl'cars fun & Part Inime no-bons ava,lat016 842 4044 SWISS CHALET 0-45hrrrng 1.1 & Part lime wan ? ocsons Appla in cerson b008500 2 ypni & 4 0 l 5 0 Market Drîni DRIVER for soal frucki delîrerres Musf 0e 25 aclIl or older & 051.1d rroag Incari 8T75413 MII SERÎVICE raqnars$Gar On. 1<0111 <1Mît un area Transerorlation proorice Cail 878 5886 PULL or partlifme heiL' for darry fan , Terrin. Road 878 596.3 Doyciîe W.. Cure EWyoare Contre 290 Commeircial St.. Mftln 878 -788à F.M nursery schlo. bp ,gram,1 Agas I8 nras Hot noif dirlar plus 2 rsaltporr a cke eIII tacrlfs Lugevrai squrtpei Plaegro.aii Open Md Mondls Fndy70amI -600pni tlcaasd & elc»ed Pses ce I. Qu ~Iler tlum oi- - RmUo».liai aibslaaw ilge lly S pil Fr boe gie7 l4 it0iaI y 5 aOs lu0 0 pm.Sifm Eeletpiis W a Cdn epafileO:m 070-iA MLI. CA E lr adu taM r !lui.CaIl76-4907 gMYUTr Md5,-40 u-obeffl. proie- àbv n y one àbr% a«,Pblo cul *AOYammTTi%~o.sdprehmiy mm 0 . a à 3y. ient ld & alod a.PW Wt eure OtMwgl Oue 4Fbr~ui;5db0876- 1014 MOTIiER aitubwcbdyMhu~ithone. U Wmv.or pt 1 de.le, Any qp*070- 4978 EXPERIENCE Offsylm worter n.m, i cfd in my ovn n Ot OLady of S1céSy Sohoal uu&878- 0970 8A0YSMM ssdism ay hnom Sth."5R a y. 2 « vw RoomblerosAfeece r. bmi aur hom uMandÉs lu Fn- y oeY« u .4ul SAYSIT a- my hale. Md usa 7& pa735 CHILO CAREm -i homon y fleibe, houri sncswMe"lais lots 01dl nRWWsrsces M&48dw s681068 REQUIRED .ansdelt babyatrilfOfor1. ya oii My ho,"11 pref.çved Cad 876 1494 étil514 QUALirO daeIro uveiBl fo-nt. i-Sslop rs hanla nsPactbon norffai&78 5278 DAYCARE avallablirin Ina home.ano 400 Refenences O0w ly of Yiclory ScIlocil 410 878 1979 EXPERIENCIEO csaninidy frae deyavailabie "n etUlaalon Cal 8764842 &fief 4 p CLEANfNl isdy aos.lsbIe Phone 8 78- 5309 NANO*#EAVtNO lsssb ....ou'y 19ý 1987 For If0,,lof rmIai on cal Noreen Wfhyte. 878-4552 _.&BIFiEO lracfnîs 4a.bile lutu(or Erîglisil & Ialli87887W72' Cartuer Traning SPrIR8 Modclllnq a~ second in train vil the pros 1% cMne, earn $25 I0 o eeriSce necessary $45 per hour Fashéon Cai StseRy, Suite 103. shows, photo, TV. Eaton Centre. o hait stows Wor o lty NEWCAREEU ORIUUTY Olecam. a Wsdding Consultant Cour»ss ns. avslabis Fo i, nfrmation phone 8I8- 7725 balivusa7 end 10 pot Wsd la Frl N Be in Hawaiit an yas day afl ted" j r o jr<r3 > iue;43' rr ABM.S c PSI--dSAftal 800. 387 4L)2 2, ci m- H.110', -.n caI n--1$~., Say r he b ght wce Icn or yu ha mi AeLAnO, theu rs 18ythi30 p e S 85SE 12 6 lorrI76 r 2 a82n22 cOrer1-alanVOÎ_n Pci< ns .-jo.Il cden r hac,,ionRgnSIale MIPVBRH ake IVt eaelyso T1VHCruadnk A Pnrchaos Pnsn< a -o N e-487 HNuWa #rom * $44.26 à week. Phm aMar-Aida,076-4747 mon t" ai 1-r MILTON FINE CARS INC. titrecèize la tata modal us"d carsl. 57Sies: Ave.. 8761146 01. Usted CarS from $500 COU Marc, 876- 4747 0ý f979 PLYMOUNT Horrau 5P01f bomy) PC 3 grjdonmnone oroner lp[yCarîrîrsiFor rIaanniiafon Cao 878 0064 Car orea 1 9Ï77TOYOTA Coroté isIfttbacine. Parnt cer- 14.00 $S950 876 2228_ 1 955 AZDA R5t7 001 raclt-M goeYlatfre -n1 eiro, namitaIlXL optons Ornai by 4lYady- acafina May be PurChaSed Or assume .88e 878-2324 urfirl 8 p ni or_853 2490_eo.t 1905 F"1Y GLS 40 000 -mIss greaf iIIl aue.e. InduIras au arouno AMi. mMcassaitl. factianiete. 8600 csrOited Serias 015rn5 auflo Jaf877- 67f2 1 m TOPAZ o s 2amrorts Coupe nouer stoan. fpour -pei. AM FMseace csasfle . excehlgcondition 48>000 k m Se.600W or 51otter 878-0610. 878-3178 f9U01 AMsC SPORIT.2dwôc Pll aoertaviW udwo.200 9iM CaLESA0Rnsregao s 1979 DATSLJI 310, 2 dmerhMlhbach 4-opaed mon"e. AMFU, cotfertld. 81f,10Cati 876-1348 afferOptad 1900 TOYOTA TERSEL.. tWudmi. Viod caai- Mon.$2.00, forlai.qs. S00. M eNdes Fu Sai uuab cmend Sucks -Cd syMs. 878-8379 Or OU21022 daim lui1 MONDA CMAC lt*dÉVygada bol. CulAis 832C6 r besiar$7,0071 1978 MONAACMOa cyisudo. misu.8c. PW 190 DATSIJI 210. sMilisa, goodoci. as.w vmNe" nonm body . 1.000L.Oab li or 85sf l~sr878-2724 1978 GRAND PMXf. T-u rOal. AMIFM, buaist 193PYMOUTM Cues5st 2 do«r caols. aliu d"isi, ou ~lJrool 55,000 as mu Bumsis p",ortiols TEA RCOM;fiatUroant été 1i eOs5.027 Parla 864-2193 Tendors Tenidesare In~ airu-ealsu- reair mittit. Ontaro. *inlivy a1 theAtorey Osaral. 413-117-373 0.0.218 148:MOS.rersementullao M. Kummu .18 meef . e1 cotredisefor a pre.Uid We meaIn.N Thursday. Jaaury 2»15. 1807, at 19,0a.anly, flame ' mugassé aeurllue. 401 Slm saAveaite SeraIMt' - Otre Tender Documentts reay b b. ddaitr M<1nsfry o of srlvnenft Sqherocs OGueph Distict Office. 53 Vctora Raai Sourth OGuelphl. Onfurm oNIE SF7 Seai ctTenderaî t s 5 ec u9i<ni3 00 p1m Feblrray12fll 1987 aiet>ih MM ntly WAbe opanadin 0pubilcTendtr looaai n Gueltph Note FrOr furffler .0fnitW e psses collSci Ta,<deîn Offices MOSry of Goeînnalrt Soir orCes Guelph, Plftano Tasrtone LOî9I 522 lîhO The 10*681 o ana Tender not nacasada ac cepeQ 4 1-2 NOTIE TO CREWTONS AND OTMES N THE LITATE 0F MUON TH4OMAS WARM- INOTOPE. lote of the Townaofailton, ln the JqsaiostMuatclpalty oi maNant Protéines of *Otario. sRauirmas heiOffi 1ce. deceaed. brui perséons 118011<9 dalles aginst tfieaformna roe Estafe 0f LHUON THOMAS WARM- INGITON *hlo drai un or about fiha 21 t dey of OCtober 1986. ar rafurai f0fie proof ihersio on Z!_ oégnai cýrIde for fiha Enacutari S 8 tl~ lMareS 1987 atai dr < at1e eestalre r*drslnbuf ai hanlg Iqated aI Miton t115 2nd day 0f 35110411 1987 GORDON dALLUSON MARMINOTON ROY HAROLD MARMINOTON Peler K. AcWilIleaus.OC. 264 Main Strsei 5East Milton. Ontario, LOT 1P2 NOTIE TO CREDIOAS ANC OTiIERS N THE ESTATE 0F ýFFO«- JOSEPH GALLANT. LATES.00F TITOtsi 0F MILTON. N THE REOIONAL MUNICIPALIYreOF MAISON. OECEASD.' ALL PEQS0NS havngnu isons as criros und oî1er,Èanst M1e Esfate ylIthe saiCirfor Josp#ts9arrf Wlo diu n or about the 1801h day ofiDercember 1988 are reorg oriero1 0f of sale wtlerI f1unGerséghed oun or btora fihe 250. dey of Faruary f198r< aher cllrch data, Ire EsIale 111141 be dstrbuted having regard cwnla for t0105e clans of anrCti r <0er noirceas nbent DATEO at iltnon fiés 5111 day 0f Janaaiy 1987 Excutnx oftri1e Estais oof, Cifford Josep ff alant DEREK J PRESSE monnrsfai andOSStor 205 ManStreel East. Mion Orifarlo 197 1N7 > NOTIE TO CRIEOITORS« N THE ESTATE 0F MEINRICM .ALFRED FRIEDEK % AIL CLAIMS agdrsI the Estate cf REINRICH ALFRED FRIEDEK Wt fie 10Toror nton n thea Regronal Muno pafirlof ut ion .010piedion the 8111 day ofMarch 1982.Ino6l On lrloijurlfl the rndeîs,yr<ec ecuoros on or befora Inn 2711< dèr, o' Fnbîrray 1987 alefr hchldate the 0stare willi 50 drsîtrfad 1140<09 regard only cr 4-e (.ams of'wh,ch trie execùoî.Sli5f tfhan m1<5.11 110cr OATED ai Milon Ontaro lns 30111 day of Dnceniber 1986 YVONNE GAWLlO and MARTIN GAWIIO. Enacrutors Sp Mosmos. MUlhian. Thonqm, onnderson à Mail alriosieund Soiitaors -qdMain Streat Lei Milton. Ontaio lce Te C'm" usAnd thm IN THE ESTATE OF ETHEL MUL.IN, Bte clés Miton District Hospitua. rr" 805, lWeaI Milon. Onario, tarmaris fa.i ARMa.4,.Actoa. Otiro, Mii... decasaed. Alkeléon».%180<119 cwerneaga<nst fihe utorenin. 100.0 6Esters 0f EthelMuihe *ho d.ei on or about 1the f ft1 day 01 Decelebd f9886 are re- 00,00 10 fie01001 f luo rol eîthe18underS.gnad soléitrons forifIhe Enacotor un Or Sabfre the 3Otfe.< day- 0f Januuy 1987. eatlu whfc? date f116- slais «dl b< blslitedtanng regard lly Io DATED uti-Haliton Ms ActorlI 81<8 18111 dey oI e.Decomrear1986 mseksasla 0*0Ctaa.. àprrtesmi nd S te moni i. Se peie cf 79 C t~< iaOnario, ai laI e rosim famle kwtm d by Peler WM oatfsr. al 8hW stDaaie 3 1. 1980, WxAula2l y wt~ts sgnlua od sea Pooete73.3 RsQUVOe rasrdartlBar aaow*N « 8 p- niet. by Oabns 2, 1987. espenaiS oee.' tarreiMUu Sa1aie u saS haishalai on ang s--on 51.0Osa M mea pueenoyin tuld on Baijsud i Oi -,Mo'o lu vts wtteflCm m.50-s » ~ior tia RETURN TO-WORK' TRAINING PROGRAM iý' ýýýl MA1u@R aasplie. no ahdi. boseile MkWmt- niM 8or hao isMg.u bsmag& Mian w. momhlst Ossapi 42?soshisg@624-4002_ PEALE non sum i»"asirotm orai d-- 1- 1 ,o- - MmumyIo taTlsady cdu Coao 1-519800.601*!W r a Rr 849- Gus. YOUNG COUPLE. notauffesn. no t. is Baita aupaay for Aprd 18t Aapl IoaL 1429.c/o'l C«Mumimoh.teiImmt se. E-Mila n Ce LOT enfle . Poeeeoff Phm *o 6p. 078- M8.TOt4-Issstrae4 blJSI0 Vier fu.aay ma. ifi. f ne 0.AvailfiMe Ifor slîqlfaiS ll P '.100 l C~a tLr4biy J Mlrtgtf Rma-MUn «Rsity Carp. 871-2380-. FU~RNM>R4E0roamnir,1 dfstom cass ui Ptusord Phane 8785- Çai.ooS- -. AAIALABLE F6Irai e.3 baisO au» fahpa' &iooaid GO 1aPelaUffItai owb P0. = 8uso 78-3559 3 SEROM stle dahud PFssshnd roc roatul f"OWO la b ui oy ced yard AValais Muailet $775 purmori 68- 20306 MOVE TOOAYI 3 beercoals 5701- 0.05 i0t Ourage. or $780 roc mr.oote.auuslco 049-09280 lolcatars f.. TMRFÎEEDROOMJo.nhausa $000peom frtdga & slave 'IIII r#d Aveo45til Mcll1, 1907 C0 Scoflet CeUhIurs 21 Goldan %P<Estll I O bEApfUL wles oUilcia. 4 bedroane. ft, ar age, reforences 1-820- 105Qý THREE-BEMROOM townhoaafrrlcua frtbgp sand alun. Avaai. e nfuieey Cd I oin AIn Morby or S1.118 Muw PRosi Crty Roafly L110 878-1156 TOWNMOUSE for ran« i Msaoçras avalai. Faob i. 1987 CielRoyai Coty eRsatf , 876 1156. BACELR #Wlrà1f foirernt Excellent downtaunlocadmI S W armion $450 PUS hydro Frm . tisIFras arlong 49-4608 1 BEDROOfI pfInaS folr ,nt Excelent 00.111 ai lb-caton S * 1-15<1,1on $550 plus lydWo Parini nIdrd O8n94600 2 EROOfri mEulent for ranit ErcoSenî douItown location S IV Hanton.J590 plus hyro Parking nclodad9 849 TWO beiroomn a f~IS plurs itkirtm 878-0884 OAKVILLE) -$345 prmivâe eatraice or one bedIxooro catis, pai isurdry fecdifran $450 othffl 849 0928 -fonilocaf ors tee 2 BEOffOOM I arevsa, uparenaeri tnesî Camnp baflaie Aabis ItSIFabruary $550 Innly 854-04 78 aftar 6 m LARGE one beirom basemnent afrarfimant n Quel0 countny hon, Separate antraice Fepace krf Chen appianreS es 114& 110<ronCided No pets S450 a Iontt, 578-3938 FIENT f tI ?lawiy cais ai rent ltasIao pu, chasfe e <Joy11-asnailia polimant 87M 1447 rW.9 BEDRIOOM ap06,.ffltanoalble Jwtuwy 15 $490 monifris nciirdes heiat No pets Retcla.ces ApreriaBoc. 1430 C.0 The Canaien, Chaminyon 19 1 iian Sf E Mlan Onfano 1L97 4Ng (je£ bedîoo-n apalnflIpr<o4fbaicoo nd00en franc. ClýosetuMion Main S500 Inonfflla A-ar am aFeb f 878_8920 0 ONE BEDROOM a.--ollnt for fnoni s1lr n counftry FîIdg. SIoeanuid 0 trftres rCld Con Howsd Frela Roulis Worid Coibeal 876 1133 M RoA nsAîifabie ROOM àBOARD aablae tléMW 1 f ,S f 100 *aaii_l(Cm878-257-Mf1u6nrn ROcOA FOR RENT nrn mal oýn, use oai otcn infi,drai haafc.nfrol 878 5750 FURNISED r1000< autable for mature persan, Fntalest Coi 818 8 730 AVAILABLE roorn, &board f0 Shara 10o<11 nale, pfeenai 878 6765 --o RO0M for iant in tosnhusSnemasrfr rai Conataler 6 p . 878-.26l11geml ee UFFURNISHEO î00111 forrt. fatne referîna Cal 816 2167 aller4401 HIlGE Srin Im rrhe i oon, <n ýfilacountry Non .norarorntplase 878- 1134 H-!Office à usinas SPace STOIE or office tf o en Man Sf Min - fimSaoabie lent suprt ltocation CalflDon Tn mloIS. 873-188f Canlryr 21 Reoity oI Dolerýn lion fini: MUATE Reai Cree, 3 bedrooen @aaacutîrahe 10.loI sIzo50 x 120 .entra bg backyand Lols of ax Ira.sSf59 900 CAl 87-5658 aftm Sp.m. BUILDING LOT About one acre ounsida of tan <Weil on 010001 IV $65 000 5 ACRE." W Outaida ot Canlpbefa iieGo-O Ironfage q00el îoad Cuti for iora InforaIion SU&e Pu" Real EstaSp LWi. 878- 7470 PR(VATE 4 bdir deaeom e.inelocir0 femify1011cr81 thw urato10palm lrge nool sun. lot, V, 89 paie. riat0 dbâtimnt arTstefullf, dacortidJuiy lofrng Pr.nai f0pnseai S164900 Co878-6901 *MiLTGWSfiUESTDEUVERY *Metta. CaaubelBvfN.A-o. Hay m iaed OrSsfeun -*cPm Deaiy- oesrs" Diraiu 180taillablep criera *Chokce of amess e s $3.M nvY-eUPM-cATALOIB CALL 878-2341 Cireulatbon Dallnt 878-2341 du . -ý2 1 il

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