v 'W "a SPÔrt 4- -4 SALES LFASM IMMu.oen Bea-ver Tour amont ready to rl t both rinks For unit iai tie iits1l IS -he t our wfioBmainut MWd N 2111204111p111 Aswel, saN tut D id i ent. dowatt from Uan iwiUV. Dvde de la eoite blstry. Utons aanVsr- hockey là asbg àui a. asaytiplyr n aaswieMHAhdnt" bs Tunmntc-risar5 UttNie on'o c iswr touatent wttue bottowls travagusfo ut l tit. uwane tuksd1th tter h4 elou S5men1h. rotrisuto M is- o theu.Tonaitcee«w areebqs for' Xr ulitdeys te accent- .orh. hindI 5boMRA reandent, ultpm. Rele1u11itel notengavelasduel on dulas, n mmdl.4. iS I.VI Sa. bepululi t a gaingtetalbe a du Town over Ici tInte * lvas <oIe=snupae r indit said veluntears ae ti In~epu, obTonurmSpoarts b- igi 5 .u mon I frd hm1Isoep i nylbmag rgu'ulimu thilT riC ton.ta te' muin thetm.seepeta box. cetr bs ai iedfa aid-oue MillionMmierll= Jy. dthe i= l otn La Ymir' MMHA wu a"bared while te auaoclabon jar 7 tirouilgit the tauritmenl. Ttere la oitisf for T I i b u> i res- incple reis.. ite e nu-~ - d evrlsmnr b>'tdu rel-ave..smocltien. AMd aig ta md migt 10à5agnite.- A"neSMudountemn eau penciltlu cf~~~~ ~ fordy ias ivdscash saurpi. ai yn-rtttdThoat msy'drep te year. MUM/palddu toota" m1 u (a et iit5atualln" David. whuttat ey wW tbe avai1able te help wttl br playeli.At MnatlAu i.Cit came lu wb go c Iderabi>.'" per hboin ie feu for d ithq= smmt 1usd out. Mecflc aven e Two Oakvill baos grab Miltx anoi nd Dents Uim Acaster geIlte %in t 11:Il49 aloutm ce rounioni>' s lsed aofte final tram WAt uir O5etd M OWI5 iTto ptayed wieli asa mat te toiô d evened up for spets 0B gnsdexpite thte lIu.s adres D Medwi sare frt nuTri-C ty Vite issa pertîcularl'y troren g dOit lague wth 1würs na le aga t defenceaal goulteider te Fwir Cli> ta 0515Oi Ue ar.. f mades urne excellent sas e = 'w oesgsn akiol s ~E.C.Drury'aHiah Scitoals banda by as3.1 screre.stlers sat 8 kcapped aauccexaful firs Sundi>' Milton returned he ofkt tt s scle te uresiliug season ithlba faveur b> oesextra golatine cc i PL oernoce etaneld taurthIplace finisht ati te ighly jet -, - 4 --'Ivie k fora competitive f akeport SI Iesrqi -Catharines 1Novice Tournamneni un ihmele the weekend. Rep Hockey record'ta 16 vctories a liteies bt te r ohbol aedu agiast nly wo osss wih treeDrury acared 44 teant points. on>. more victanies int AA rep 1 hockey action off Osivîille i-1 at Mentril Art=na Ballon bas 123 goalsane d olv31 MUtit hsed rspto.:3 Sitr- againal heading into te Mlon dsyJîbn MCsi cnetedé fr s Beaver taurusment over te Silnbt r t tt gante Chitsmas holiday. Medie.g liles Danu>' Luqins Milton downed Flam ro 6-t, not- dltyed aurdai ansd S euched saS--0titutautani t Oakville ilnIerSuudnmaîntsîued tWtirasd bombed Brampton 0-2 exst ol gaiual sverago ai Ryan Smnilitpairolled lie pipes for beleis 2 0 tt thdu weeend %is.a ailltree milton wina 'lb&duo have aUlowed oui> 3 andps Jeff HaydarliedMiltsat te 6-1t lu24 garnIs for due finest averageilu sin over Flamboro H scored tisa the Tri Count)' ioop. goals sud added .suaii.Mie Botsis .festured detemmlued Malisu sud Justin Ly saris sdd- Milton bockcbecking b>' aillU ed a goal sud sunsasts(hie Dirryl tines sud aoid defenasive pay, Leader and Steptn îfort cou- Multa. tU ell siDyb>'two le4nt tributed sîngle markera Doisg Fe liedtaub tecontent t<rive led theasiat prdswth tew àl a. du lmd sad Me Fe Mark MePIhlI. Todd Bagard USait neced for lus tat etcf ho bt Bertoli aud XIye Arbcile sdded trick sndf Rys Haydar backed 'tm single assis>, wititsgaasl.KrkKsnnedysud K vin Foluua scoreIes4 tirai pernud Nssclmben uslted ou MrC Il's agaînsiOat mle. jfeucemen Iharier whiile McCailisud kyle o~Ir. Trevair Kuitu sud ScaItBeilali fired tin helped out ou Haydrs goal, uaaatedgeals lapa [MJIliu Ite Brampton regaîued tse lead ery dnra ea çîrtPluaedw5 in te tiidetdu tis n goalsan Ile Ihrd r tu.Ia eaotn bites ca ta utu oe Havdarpeicked up asinle ta go fi té ý uu outItdu battrick Haydar hits tiso asssts Rerioli, Justinforpiatamscnplc d S 'MCe' luaîst d3. s * Uc, ruil m rd elodfrtrm tirai liat Mllon had tsi Scot5lhreugdMtomn-» - sdd sn=l 555tauruameut wtidraîsals due 10 final mrter. tuoiue, n pty net Bertali asa the maîi man in the sîciness And tisa Drurv wsetlers Teani mabager Jîm tRater sîugied _*çsmpta barrge, boni in 4u lisedt icampete betause ite> misawd out Chuta Glover and Kelvin Boyle for ~a addl hr sssalu Inte tearu bus. p'v'illtat a s go a i and t l ' S ats . h ave m ade t e d te rence lu lrurv HeiYtw theru bat-tusciar- Hydsr isit tisa geais andanasssat. , teensinning aud tosing it ai tisl for Milton agauteit Oskille He Mltisii t galstdtî essit.Bishop ftyan. etflHamiltou, toitop sere is flirat muthd e gperbàd Lea u di eer .1ths oral d~ ~- place Rysu as a poweritoise team in frein~S MrnsuHidrssanlec.L hsuSa te Hamilton ares, perenîsîl Tse gaine taynd ceae. ulit esd- Ha.mîlhI i uoa t.Arbucile togTeDuvla.lstrn to-amld pliay but Deek Huner kep sud Mari McPt Blss axa sep ftdlngshoot« w I bO 9Mforttb h p:csld we itel a eamifor he to angdu 1camte upwit ta is second escit Scotti l'ave>' hris Gn'ff'su' team honaura in regional etimîna- iMrtmn. Hasydar) and McCiii put pu ualid efforts wî h gond defen . tiens Iter Inte seasn M trace Avi,.u% Ar CeilpKirk Ras hoilam '184 bis an 2"M= Scilest - IsJsIhII dIQ.I U ding in'OT Steve Curran îi liasson raD rr Osiavits spellsdSteveHira 0e tîlgsl strtwe ald meldals ai te Lakepor sitlau tae u dutlti'dpsrad sittsromrpetîllan Drury aise picked up a duuctoeksnodhepuudenitaMlit !llto's Beeline Tr Novice Il teck dem ovetimete do t sopse esl cl uber if he bad maîktwa laie tou] slo4 siiver andtwataourlb-place finishe duaadvAhockey reps s îered twa un but E C Drurys mîdget ba'.s 12 ipoint grdC&miltoCiprianoI But he uailed ?aly thse ans Grabaum Marait earued te 'sier Dsi llHtMr buugoddJeus rebeuand pressive ws laver Ancaster in baMeslal teani douued anho sd nuhrr31 lia Masse) Hoogland aise praised Ken for Drury lunte 127 lias, caqegor> eff a Martin " b I cap is lut Inci w=eeieud Pis'>. îug the.irst gaine Redungs5w 3fThurladay ai brr utry as2-2 wîththe winTo.>' Tnckeys isetk raiit Redilp deaile gîvina up a seven-pound lu Ancastr mi doubîug the riceptsyed destte beifi il wesght advaulage Dan Hiermin &Md Mdtons scossisu *ves - i naitrn lighe aiiît ua s tihai]ltdu wy.sîid let %(69-42 te a OsinIe Taala t Stoer d1 tOltt5 ia iî idsdDv isn14lt Martnahladan excelleost plsymslk-voirsras u54raagraiudh ta h '> hrdadDveWlo, 0 b in m moi h a tanis day * Drury Spartans coacht Les Drur> Tasdi>' Thot could beinnang of te yesr lbis delentes sud Chris Crie (90 Ibis swert l bon iauagn ptyed leM i aie ladth irstgsuie. . aitHll, Hoeisand ."We ere cdos-n t hv1ben amliee."oogland saul e b te Radina forte bult raysarh-lcfnstr fer due iarsai tin tés muresnMaWput esdthe corl ssti 1Si lapaed =z pintasaitens point 'aid ur ferseards are becontlng aur Ilt isx ileotem'ssecond tille 1(A ~ssri~fet lsutla-iipar- ît period or it ,convertirin Si We ues up by six aithdu hail Ciprianua aored 26 points for Istrengthi He sad Steve Kobeji.l tse year s-ile Carcan wou is tir-. = 9170rl-1.11e'duboartFCr aPlan asni a set up y Jasm Court 25-I but tethird quarter iwas Spartaus agaînat Redlng. ie Aea Pisataai Jin Laurensce 'career galut Curran pulled ott a ma noigan novedlàfronhbmsdefemsve n) ns>sd Cs,*lron Os iebaidforus.'*soid Reding coach sould bave doue more, stu on played well againat DrW'yTin e uatî eetiglre sPetita MI1 u in y for play-r sitar Wth 2 St remainlin thes peri<id, Gens Moiter Te'huai tise gu>s tseSaine for Drur>' in raguation, Mcbonald aise worked bard ieraftt ar Sandeep Sharma ,nais tapacoatd Coofn .16________________________________________________ oui a! Missssauga'% W J Turner, lies are aticpatingarmces ,Curran sas tie tiraI Drury srestler Waih duU n te illo u -4 kotfîve who havte attempted ilto te DevrIcreaet trgFa* Sbarma dey lhl - àeacefrte o r-Hiermin dsfeated teammale LCir alain eoie-êrs euissettie for third spot shetste three. Twv tougn oy 1> MII Lii iugeais for 1I09 la lu' but Mter Siagaicit te fîgbtîug ejections. ail Malen brasa bas beets briuging fresit Drur>' baste ts Atl-(oaet' Meet - kmml prte chanta bave 197 goals against wsieluleinte ira!period "Frank geIluew- baestopp erstapractucex l. ing s .Jan 8, stàotngast 1 pin lia t1 p gaineur t two lct& oue pint us bru bth n opoints., Mônarcits bases poiry 161 lu short garni'suspen.%ion jus!itfor caveriug a Jet.tl3sbef man-isîn ypea i bases ter Mlts Duel Centre Alors but ut ns>' ssiI ha breaua fouLIm..,thlisite earthsbakiug conclusion up lngliîxsaid .tîlude p fa A bockey' reps itat seeiThe other po sixe ekfur MiIltýNerchants r #u Mil tan Jose% hr liger We geladeun beu liwstersansd Wisen ta>'practîxe, ý(,aanuuzzl ( LJ ganme ausat s blovoil for Die ICen- puuor I9hockey -hein Mimice Se day îu sud il sasri t ceu a.g bnu>' g éame lu Hui i ib te>'practjse resl v issUBut u mn re *Merchauts playsj tisa teans t m ite heller iss' the last PaneridT ers asfu1i 'n againte mîybe teyre Irvîrd Millon hattled Duittas in a wich tisecau ex !t tp asrion Iech (isrr)IngliN Maiin peate 'aia idn t hi te ard I do tinkte>' re gaiîng i itti> contle gaise Wedrnday thdu mnte levai vit.Gorsot o fteprinary poits conceming lytaI u ie bc w> esermtliug Ibyve gel, ttogit L. aligh sud came t duose ort8aide Gnini sMdMarin ý M onarhaet eebend*s action<tne.Mer ei'h.'r Ttey Mim N d 0 ll if uItheptuntmgsi nte i J"o e i4aài-1 dmiuen.M"l gwasaonte theeekeitd. Mutt"lt ed à4-4 chanta ceuld hbat son againi mie un us ' 7 Ila"In",an 5h11. ifli te apor luon msp,,-n o e À..sas t l~ sanemoe una>' li sli Gntmi r-am' I enemîi Gemi. Two, Jîimçe dud %Sillon in Itesdeâ tseejections, Milta. ws ols esm ai SeOmr-i $r«%asUap ig n a Du Si uneM..c tise wth ubal euld b10mot lpolîtel> dîiîied by fives ~ arpenalties un -Lit the playoffs, youve gel te n ii il the heboucaneJenuer Guz bidn Aou*r . doumi III54 dolscrtbed as questuonsiletilachimes echsathe second and tiird psrîoda bave s gualie wsbas 90 peramcentftmon bas won, pretigiti>'rnonsmexnt air'lmmd> asaaut Suriùna. G-egioula t pceitead of Saturda>' %liltaulookia2- lsad oi- a a your team Ifwe ouldpick up àsu>' more tebher tbanarnmosmrentaoc- ltan twWieYasblurinaou 1 ju u a r a tan- Inglîx&â ta tsgrent admirer of in the firt period and hall .4". ad front s major A club aile delimcteX code stsiM11-OTsco d étala.ibut Mte, saiitdunce. ftaJting lu bockey, but ha sees h n the110second lia ial hall broie isoild plj9Ilm uP -Guzasu. dth1->ear-od Or Lady recienem saUscel Ai>Y'ofc etclmlag anfer ixtit carrent ruies conc ian tha eed <e- uglis sii B>' U end otdu t1lia -sfit merSmtdl tla. fVctr suenuarcessil> o.nilsa of tuaent pie>' ami du p14S nveau bd Pu 23poe5ment of the mr useast 1t second peniod the scor was lientlisd aàcLt«ec.t. psferbl>' au vol et ntole Alite cf duheaar b>' budes et hociey se mueteawte hi to'tb'a t4. S aid MSissas'-*'1do't be leve usnpsting a bld oui ut four aud Monorcsa sismutadin eider fpver, . aî.brIcîci uke rc u mal .satd raisrne Diîto hbae mat I recorda, st ci0te galle fer fîgitu, 10 ld.foui Iassutrams jouis toehilons PeaclHodscorid wIce for Millon Field Club. ied vas mcadMi. gui Meanr ah. 14 peints "Put bînr n tdu penlty box for the tlise iluit Georgeown,(.Cha&ler and 'The >'ousg Mlton mldde-distaý la theqp D a - l i sti ub,= uan stlme sudiM humil dure and Againsi Georgetcun 'IitUgt we lu>'ge gelitdu éther Milta. la. rumier w s a n sesfrei nam4 à offet SmJoetuba uth u511tm ibni aoff' plaved tairl wil eI d ucaisaid. Grog Gauthier snd afflliiad field et oulotanding -coi toi ad 1Pa0t11111 ua . detMiliceas. Instead. Rsgis tsald Mimira 'Tise ide kllsd pai" resu>' oieliFallit lCollier enci ut ssisdAuamera.Wyite, the Calladisnu ojueis mmrior bis. la teidqs nalicqly vmnvpd bis bMer (19 usinors).iter g aius a«flot iue Bu>ge 5usd Aler cmalisi agi s smetre clanspau. belongs ta 11.~~~~ f :E mncah.mxuate phymts m 1entdu citouilsc, W. çould :have ith d naie&place. Mlta. acrsd hai hitu oUndom Msrie Ede, wb juna Méhul@ 5 ve iaa m. 51 bu us il Cgstlig l 01butlu t ai is5t ue qt%élanSitSpas Licrt old tinduecni aid Bygmmc wu d irt 11h la tdu Tokyo inatha. <sit M dule lin dS ambaii du vils a - ébile ta' bard- a chance a.ndu 0"em m) tiat lle Iazîlnaita. n iestlcni-csl>e ee a Ain bu " lmmmdioq" Mmgls Gén. iea- Buyle, Gau~to, TOFatter-. marathtoner Dave Edge'a util. mdi anom utmIF*aill oiet à MW ail e t.nuuMmr ua 't- , Slr. Gftg CatURO aidOeO' .BidaoDaW_, axth aithllChéle Il Fs.Wie iea ils Ad dbo1mai aa nerc.smaaa n a lt o e trsains1hseusilu". ln. 74dsPusa.e ,"liungvoVenantbhonnur beulee nouée la. = 09 W lqeb~ le wihg epu@bat5l a O1d IIII o e,"mdiJmo! -at*M ~s VikuidMW D~aplay a sA l lii UN*U.Omark Rpai ami MIII Le etpfM i Af î ( -, v.'- )