f. s.1UN" JOY ilsrv49~ers Scbolothlp â* ýI 4RV -.ttW4iwi ssans and liia In Ambc uhte- t t e«Ie belebrale 04u At it -anrîtheî umne. n Wn.4et an fr fe.Ial a= Wl 14e âw M u VEà"Wt ot e( the ultute fai board mieeting .>loa% as beAg an.'acie niem me '<ieAsI-grbve Iiraoch bas*been il 6 il wait fnûuncd flot jo'i Knnx Preshvtensan tIhwrch j merber for 6)V", ranehianiny Italien awardd o ouths.W aL.its mQmieteij Grade f i tIlthavee rm~~b1i~ d ie i~n Mangement are lurt ~ng Iheir eîtiçatmnafter cvEwÉ 1 .xnnrnîh attheLnieesi~~tt.rifr 1Applications -for these =Whis iigT. 4, ln a*ard* wasb, I awards tan hie recned f rom 4-14. 'm fi~ as maintiXiined a leade'rs.in I-aiton Rlpîon i~rs ~ jwdul thnufiout -wr The flaltpnDistritlWonen, Ln ..chonll ia1îin~et n 144 i- ltute e ulbaithrliis tsthannier ,lub. J.rnîg I-r St Arn arý,iit a .eiehre. Carùnes and hulrw~ esa dcen rae a d d., rt luncheun Satürday No .8 ai nga lfeuara I~t~, I-fl re ttIvdhurch Itenber Universlty Women. Sefect new-executvê ~ îin Cluh bi tbîi r iir-i fail meeitig t il ilion I-ubie' I ibriion smptiIl Eieanrîiu.Proiid id bhi tii.KinîTri a nilicd r weri niadc irin 4 i iii.»r'4i W îî)ren ,iluhri t .siii.ii Ihi, :ear' en.cv(uiii i rni>s i-! .'uain liai.. presýdent Lireii.î im lc prenîidetîl I n t 'uriocnd tic.. preien pc% 11fr. r1 e Au..iijing rrc.iidnî w,rît~t ha I uov î 'ýr idiing . rueem jW atajipru Érai l riii-rnhershtip ciîiiîiner J.îctit I.uhc.'oiicotiieer Itei. hihknev.s'e ir, and 114t L110À [îuOî i etni f iii iellecturl1ti rc .i h anaturîli edine ind*gi'neiîiiig> N"meignihe-%î.lr are% tîr iîlh . a ,Ilde-lapte. pelseniat alit'il tri the %Martinti iljunior nsi.uI; 11 lra r. a.t 9 45 p m *0<~<? (/ne .~/44 m 'I. *Haoween decoratiors SOMI £10 MIIand ail pityI 3~5 MAN ST.decoraf ions MILTO *r;,:: ~ i~&4tLa OFFERED * I 2000 .MIN! CONbITiOt4 *B4st Pr- i;>ý 'Monyollector Issues. 'Numetous Number One Issues 'Wp #03 veceiold Ct dàAj- WORLD OF. BOOKS 'f Primu b *SIltU PAIU -~ Tue IW7Models are ufarliînglao corne in and the.remawnj$19%& M"ewcars haviego- go. at Z59.t, reduciops. Io make. spaçq< fer John MWrîght has fo li hs.198 Pony. Excpl arsd Stellac models go fast'Malte, hiih an OfW eting ihebesGde*!yo cln fd ndWywhere. or any fidvertsemerit. ad4 e if he * Cfinee e4iç w*HP once fl'tef$86 stock-s on -so Witt your bes1 Avr eall .r-r f WEMAN 0014M Pony was S4596 - xceIwab$S 7995 wla vs S9s9 * ibie. adventage of slTONUNE IME! WHERE- EXCELLENCE IS THE STANDARD '8,11 us *ITNT AFLS N L OCT. 18-.' HYUNDI SiF AVI Lr 1071 Speers Ri4ad JuSt WeSt of 4th Li4î 845,7791 fest D'ýwe a Hïurdaý e. '40Mthars 9Sam.n -q -F,-Sai 9 am -6 Pm I ~ FOR* 7-- ~TI«e's more 10 your local public librOry b rtWfind bw eil4emrefere b books on.topéand than books A weole lotumoee MUIf loyers en o.i'd Ow IOWeoyo r la sit ta the lw ibrury. gri!oWe hNil.on r.ord ondlape Mo'viebufhl bli dilci>Wero drpa adeEd0tgOta ublit Librury Wels. gme afton of films anid vos. KO jls w.1 wabiid . Ocober 20426. W've gai somethinq luit for yuý tom#*"' g içici fi lme attlem af #l lbrory And book. 76ilSZ' w*.~J ~.SLL 14On*I. usC.io "S ~ .IL ~hOum >Ll!r %gwwlg mmilwy ci cifilomW4 wi* #UV A;ýifLL